Source code for aiida_kkr.parsers.kkrnano

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Dec 13 14:38:59 2021

@author: markus

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from aiida.parsers.parser import Parser
from aiida.orm import Dict, CalcJobNode
from aiida_kkr.calculations.kkrnano import KKRnanoCalculation
from import (search_string, open_general)
import numpy as np
from io import StringIO
from pprint import pprint as pp
import os

__copyright__ = (u'Copyright (c), 2021, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, '
                 'IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany. All rights reserved.')
__license__ = 'MIT license, see LICENSE.txt file'
__version__ = '0.0.2'
__contributors__ = ('Markus Struckmann', 'Philipp Rüßmann')

[docs] class KKRnanoParser(Parser): """ Parser class for parsing output of the KKRnano code """
[docs] def __init__(self, calc): """ Initialize """ # these files should be present after successful run of KKRnano # self._default_files = { # #'stdout': KKRnanoCalculation._DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE # #'stdout_prep': KKRnanoCalculation._DEFAULT_OUTPUT_PREP_FILE # } self._ParserVersion = __version__ # reuse init of base class super(KKRnanoParser, self).__init__(calc)
# pylint: disable=protected-access
[docs] def _get_lines(self, retrieved_folder, output_file_name): """returns list of string lines""" with, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() return lines
[docs] def _findSimpleEntries(self, string2find, retrieved_folder, output_file_name, lineindices=[-1], simpleEntry=True): """ read out entries that are simply given at the end of a line preceeded by the string2find. returns a list of said entries """ lines = self._get_lines(retrieved_folder, output_file_name) returnlist, indexlist = [], [] #checking if line indices were passed. If so, only the specified lines are searched if lineindices[0] == -1: lineindices = range(len(lines)) #looping over indicated or all (default) lines for j in lineindices: line = lines[j] stringposition = line.find(string2find) #matching sought string if stringposition >= 0: indexlist.append(j) keyvalue = line[stringposition + len(string2find) + 1:-1] #.replace(" ", "") keyvalue = keyvalue.replace('=', '') keyvalue = keyvalue.split(sep='(')[0] if simpleEntry: array = np.genfromtxt(StringIO(keyvalue.replace('D', 'e')), delimiter=' ', dtype=None) #[0] try: returnlist.append(array.item()[0]) except TypeError: returnlist.append(array.item()) return returnlist, indexlist
[docs] def _get_index_list(self, string2find, retrieved_folder, output_file_name='', lines=[]): """ returns list of indicies of lines containting the passed string. opens file, if a file name and no string is passed. """ if lines == [] and output_file_name == '': print('ERROR in get_index_list: Neither file name nor lines of strings were passed') if lines == []: lines = self._get_lines(retrieved_folder, output_file_name) returnlist, indexlist = [], [] for j in range(len(lines)): line = lines[j] stringposition = line.find(string2find) if stringposition >= 0: indexlist.append(j) return indexlist
[docs] def _read_table_block(self, lines, retrieved_folder, output0_file_name, index_multiple_tables=-1): """ reads a table in the output of the --prepare step which is indicated by a borderlines of "---", returns a string array of said table. """ indexlist = self._get_index_list('---------', retrieved_folder, output0_file_name, lines=lines) if index_multiple_tables == -1: table = lines[indexlist[-2] + 1:indexlist[-1]] else: table = lines[indexlist[index_multiple_tables * 2] + 1:indexlist[index_multiple_tables * 2 + 1]] array = [line.replace('\n', '').split(' ') for line in table] for j in range(len(array)): for k in range(array[j].count('')): array[j].remove('') #array=[np.delete(a,np.where(a=="")) for a in array] return np.array(array)
[docs] def _find_block(self, lines, string, retrieved_folder, output0_file_name): """ finds a block which contains the indicated string in passed lines. Can be used for the output of the --prepare step which is indicated by a borderlines of "===", returns a list of the lineindices in the passed lines. """ pos__output = search_string(string, lines) indexlist = self._get_index_list('=======', retrieved_folder, output0_file_name, lines=lines) for i in range(len(indexlist) - 1): if indexlist[i] < pos__output and indexlist[i + 1] > pos__output: return lines[indexlist[i]:indexlist[i + 1]] print(f"Warning: Block '{string}' not found!") return []
def _get_total_EnergyeV(self, key, retrieved_folder, output_file_name, stringsInOutputFile): return_dict = {} _, indexlist = self._findSimpleEntries(stringsInOutputFile[key], retrieved_folder, output_file_name) #print(findSimpleEntries("eV :",output_file_name,retrieved_folder) np.array(indexlist)+1)) return_dict['total_energy_in_eV'], _ = self._findSimpleEntries( 'eV :', retrieved_folder, output_file_name, np.array(indexlist) + 1 ) return return_dict def _get_charge_in_WScell(self, key, retrieved_folder, output_file_name, n_atoms): number_of_atoms = 5 charges, indexlist = self._findSimpleEntries(key, retrieved_folder, output_file_name) charge_dict = {} charge_dict['atom'] = {} num_atoms = n_atoms for k in range(num_atoms): charge_dict['atom'][k + 1] = [charges[i] for i in np.arange(0 + k, len(charges) + k, num_atoms)] return charge_dict
[docs] def _stringFromList(self, stringlist): """ turn a list of strings into a single string """ finalstring = '' for string in stringlist: finalstring += string return finalstring
[docs] def _dict_from_table(self, captions_columns, captions_lines, array): """ returns a dictionary from a table using specified captions for columns and lines """ return_dict = {} for caption_index in range(len(captions_columns)): return_dict[captions_columns[caption_index]] = dict(zip(captions_lines, array[:, caption_index])) return return_dict
[docs] def _extract_l_valence_charges(self, lines, captions): """ extract the l-decomposed valence charges charges from the output file of a KKRnano run: reads the used captions and turns the used tables into a dict """ orbitals = [ 's', 'p', 'd', 'f', 'dummy' ] #KKRnano does not write out "orbitals" beyond this, dummy to simplify accounting for varying lengths return_dict = {} length_top = search_string( '----', lines ) #this delimiter marks where only total values follow in the output file, varies w.r.t. used LMAX length_bottom = len(lines) - length_top #after col 21, only floats follow, that are sought to be read in in the following blockstring = self._stringFromList([line[21:] for line in lines[:-length_bottom]]) used_orbitals = orbitals[:length_top] used_orbitals[-1] = 'non-spherical' #last entry is always the non-spherical part array = np.genfromtxt(StringIO(blockstring), dtype=float) if array.ndim == 1: array = np.transpose( np.atleast_2d(array) ) #make sure that a 2D array is processed in the following, as this would raise an error otherwise # Single String for line where the total values are indicated totalstring = self._stringFromList(lines[-length_bottom + 1]) return_dict = self._dict_from_table(captions, used_orbitals, array) totalvalues = np.genfromtxt(StringIO(totalstring[21:]), dtype=float) #again after col 21, only floats follow if np.shape(totalvalues) == (): #accounting for 0D array return_dict['total'] = dict(zip(captions, [totalvalues.item()])) else: return_dict['total'] = dict(zip(captions, np.genfromtxt(StringIO(totalstring[21:]), dtype=float))) return return_dict
[docs] def _convert_all_values_2_python_natives(self, sub_dictionary): """ convert all dtypes of numpy to python native data types in a given (potentially nested) dictionary. """ for key, value in sub_dictionary.items(): if type(value) is dict: self._convert_all_values_2_python_natives(value) else: try: sub_dictionary[key] = value.item() except: pass return sub_dictionary
[docs] def _identifyBlocks(self, lines): """identify the DOS blocks in the respective output files""" blockstartlist = [-1] index = 0 for line in lines: block_pos = line.find('&') #find blocks in DOS file if block_pos >= 0: blockstartlist.append(index) index += 1 blockstartlist.append(len(lines)) #add EOF line index #print(blockstartlist) return blockstartlist
def _get_commentlessLineIndices(self, lines): nonemptylines = [] #index list index = 0 for line in lines: com_pos = line.find('#') #comment sign position if com_pos < 0: nonemptylines.append(index) index += 1 return nonemptylines
[docs] def _process_DOS_file(self, retrieved_folder, filename): """reading in DOS file output from KKRnano""" data = np.array(self._get_lines(retrieved_folder, filename)) element = data[0][1:3] blocklist = self._identifyBlocks(data) dict_dos = {} multipleSpins = False if len(blocklist) > 1: multipleSpins = True dict_dos['spin_directions'] = 2 first_spin = data[0].split(sep='SPIN')[1].split(sep=' ')[1] if first_spin == 'DOWN': spin_list = ['spin_down', 'spin_up'] elif first_spin == 'UP': spin_list = ['spin_up', 'spin_down'] else: dict_dos['spin_directions'] = 1 #DOS_blocks=[] DOS_captions = ['energy_in_ryd', 's', 'p', 'd', 'f', 'non-spherical', 'total_DOS'] for i in range(len(blocklist) - 1): datablockindices=np.array(self._get_commentlessLineIndices( \ data[blocklist[i]+1:blocklist[i+1]-1]))+blocklist[i]+1 datablockcontent = self._stringFromList(data[datablockindices]) #print(datablockcontent) DOS_block = np.genfromtxt(StringIO(datablockcontent)) block_dict = {} final_DOS_captions = DOS_captions[:np.shape(DOS_block)[1] - 2] final_DOS_captions.append(DOS_captions[-2]) final_DOS_captions.append(DOS_captions[-1]) for p in range(np.shape(DOS_block)[1]): block_dict[final_DOS_captions[p]] = DOS_block[:, p] if multipleSpins: dict_dos[spin_list[i]] = block_dict # pylint: disable=used-before-assignment else: dict_dos = block_dict #DOS_blocks.append(DOS_block) return element, dict_dos #DOS_blocks
[docs] def parse(self, debug=False, **kwargs): """ Parse output data folder, store results in database. :param retrieved: a dictionary of retrieved nodes, where the key is the link name :returns: nothing if everything is fine or an exit code defined in the voronoi calculation class """ success = True node_list = () # Get retrieved folders try: retrieved_folder = self.retrieved print(retrieved_folder) except: print('OUT FOLDER NOT FOUND') return self.exit_codes.ERROR_NO_RETRIEVED_FOLDER # check what is inside the folder list_of_files = retrieved_folder.list_object_names() calc_node = retrieved_folder.get_incoming(node_class=CalcJobNode).first().node #Check if a StrucWithPotData object was used as input and take then corresponding structure or #if a parent_structure has to be found # if hasattr(calc_node.inputs, 'strucwithpot') and not hasattr(calc_node.inputs, 'parent_folder'): # struc = calc_node.inputs.strucwithpot.structure # else: # struc = find_parent_structure(calc_node) #Also for the convert step, these are the files that are supposed to be parsed output0_file_name = KKRnanoCalculation._DEFAULT_OUTPUT_PREP_FILE output_file_name = KKRnanoCalculation._DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE # initialize out_dict and parse output files out_dict_final = {'parser_version': self._ParserVersion} #from --prepare output file out0_dict = {} #""" lines0 = self._get_lines(retrieved_folder, output0_file_name) # number of atoms try: out0_dict['num_atoms'] = int(lines0[search_string('atoms in', lines0)].split(sep=' ')[1]) except: print('Number of atoms was not read!') # lattice constant try: alat_string = lines0[search_string('Lattice constants : ALAT', lines0)].split(sep=' = ')[1].split(sep=' ')[0].replace(' ', '') out0_dict['alat_internal'] = float(alat_string) pass except: print('ALAT was not read!') out0_dict['alat_internal_unit'] = 'a_Bohr' # Reading k-mesh details kmesh_dict = {} #kmesh_dict['number_different_kmeshes']=int(lines0[search_string("number of different k-meshes",lines0)].split(sep=" : ")[1]) try: kmesh_dict['number_different_kmeshes'] = int( lines0[search_string('number of different k-meshes', lines0)].split(sep=' : ')[1] ) except: print('Number of diff. k-meshes was not read!') kmesh_caption_KKRnano = 'k-mesh NofKs N kx N ky N kz vol BZ' kmesh_caption_aiida_KKRhost = ['number_of_kpts', 'n_kx', 'n_ky', 'n_kz'] table = self._read_table_block( self._find_block(lines0, kmesh_caption_KKRnano, retrieved_folder, output0_file_name), retrieved_folder, output0_file_name ) kmesh_dict['number_kpoints_per_kmesh'] = {} #filling dictionary with retrieved data try: for keyindex in range(len(kmesh_caption_aiida_KKRhost)): key = kmesh_caption_aiida_KKRhost[keyindex] kmesh_dict['number_kpoints_per_kmesh'][key] = np.array(table[:, 1 + keyindex], dtype=int) out0_dict['kmesh_group'] = kmesh_dict except: print('Number of different k-meshes was not read due to unusal format.') # reciprocal Bravais matrix bravais_caption = 'Reciprocal lattice cell vectors' table = self._read_table_block( self._find_block([line[:45] for line in lines0], bravais_caption, retrieved_folder, output0_file_name), retrieved_folder, output0_file_name ) table = np.array(table[:, 1:], dtype=float) out0_dict['reciprocal_bravais_matrix'] = table[:, :3] out0_dict['reciprocal_bravais_matrix_unit'] = '2*pi / alat' # Bravais matrix bravais_caption = 'Direct lattice cell vectors' table = self._read_table_block( self._find_block([line[:45] for line in lines0], bravais_caption, retrieved_folder, output0_file_name), retrieved_folder, output0_file_name, index_multiple_tables=0 ) table = np.array(table[:, 1:], dtype=float) out0_dict['direct_bravais_matrix'] = table[:, :3] out0_dict['direct_bravais_matrix_unit'] = 'alat' #""" # read entries from the main output stringsInOutputFile = { 'total_energy_in_ryd': 'TOTAL ENERGY in ryd. :', 'rms_all_iterations': 'v+ + v-', 'rms_minus_all_iterations': 'v+ - v-', 'fermi_energy_in_ryd': 'Fermi energy =', 'charge_neutrality_in_e': 'charge neutrality in unit cell =', 'total_magn_moment_in_unit_cell': 'TOTAL mag. moment in unit cell =' } out_dict = {} for key in stringsInOutputFile: out_dict[key], _ = self._findSimpleEntries(stringsInOutputFile[key], retrieved_folder, output_file_name) out_dict = { **out_dict, **self._get_total_EnergyeV('total_energy_in_ryd', retrieved_folder, output_file_name, stringsInOutputFile) } # Get charges in WS cell dict_WScell_keys = { 'charge_in_e': 'charge in Wigner Seitz cell =', 'spin_moment': 'spin moment in Wigner Seitz cell =', 'nuclear_charge_in_e': 'nuclear charge', 'core_charge_in_e': 'core charge' } WScell_dict = {} for key in dict_WScell_keys: WScell_dict[key] = self._get_charge_in_WScell( dict_WScell_keys[key], retrieved_folder, output_file_name, out0_dict['num_atoms'] ) # Extract the l-decomposed valence charges information for all "orbitals" # and all iterations and add them to the dict lines = self._get_lines(retrieved_folder, output_file_name) #find block where the valence charges are indicated string2find = 'l-decomposed valence charges' indexlist = np.array(self._get_index_list(string2find, retrieved_folder, output_file_name, lines)) + 1 #using a subdictionary to store the information dict_orbitals = {} for m in range(len(indexlist)): #find iteration block to process index = indexlist[m] nextindex = indexlist[(m + 1) % len(indexlist)] if nextindex <= index: nextindex = -1 #use EOF as nextindex, if necessary #read in the captions of the table and convert them to a format that is easier to process captions_table = np.genfromtxt(StringIO(lines[index + 2]), dtype=str, delimiter=' ') captions_table = np.delete(captions_table, np.where(captions_table == '')) captions_table = [item.replace(' ', '_') for item in captions_table][1:] # removing leading "_" (occurs for some spins) for s in range(len(captions_table)): if captions_table[s].find('_') == 0: captions_table[s] = captions_table[s][1:] #find string list with the lines to process blockend = index + 2 + search_string('#########', lines[index + 2:nextindex]) blocklines = lines[index + 3:blockend] # print("blocklines",blocklines) # print("indexlist", indexlist) # print("index", index) # print("lines", lines[:5]) # print("blockend", blockend) # print("nextindex",nextindex) atomblocks = np.array( self._get_index_list('===', retrieved_folder, lines=blocklines) ) + index + 3 #retrieved folder is actually not needed, but is passed for keeping it simple if len(atomblocks) > 1: atomblocklength = atomblocks[1] - atomblocks[0] else: atomblocklength = blockend - atomblocks[0] #loop over the atomblocks to read in the information for each atom dict_atoms = {} dict_atoms['atom'] = {} for j in range(len(atomblocks)): dict_atoms['atom'][j + 1] = self._extract_l_valence_charges( lines[atomblocks[0] + j * atomblocklength + 1:atomblocks[0] + (j + 1) * atomblocklength + 1], captions_table ) #all blocks should have the same length #add the atom dic-tionary to the one for the iterations dict_orbitals[m + 1] = dict_atoms # identify DOS-files list_of_DOS_files = [] for file in list_of_files: if file.find('DOS') > -1: list_of_DOS_files.append(file) #process DOS files if necessary out_dict_dos = {} if len(list_of_DOS_files) > 0: for file_index in range(len(list_of_DOS_files)): file = list_of_DOS_files[file_index] element, DOSblocks = self._process_DOS_file(retrieved_folder, file) atomname = f'atom {file_index + 1}' out_dict_dos[atomname] = DOSblocks out_dict_dos[atomname]['element'] = element out_dict_final['DOS'] = out_dict_dos dict_orbitals = {'iterations': dict_orbitals} out_dict_final['prepare'] = out0_dict out_dict_final['WS_charges'] = WScell_dict out_dict_final['l_decomposed_charges'] = dict_orbitals out_dict_final = {**out_dict, **out_dict_final} # create output node and link self.out('output_parameters', Dict(dict=out_dict_final)) if not success: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_PARSING_FAILED