Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
contains plot_kkr class for node visualization

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from builtins import object, str
from import get_natyp
from import search_string
import numpy as np

__copyright__ = (u'Copyright (c), 2018, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, '
                 'IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany. All rights reserved.')
__license__ = 'MIT license, see LICENSE.txt file'
__version__ = '0.7.2'
__contributors__ = ('Philipp Rüßmann')

[docs] def get_datetime_from_str(calc, verbose=False): """ Return a datetime object from the last time a calculation was checked by the scheduler. Every calculation should have the 'scheduler_lastchecktime' attribute which has the following format: '2023-11-08T22:44:13.543215+00:00'. This is converted to a datetime object that can be sorted. """ from datetime import datetime # get last time stamp of scheduler from calculation attribute try: last_time_on_computer = calc.attributes['scheduler_lastchecktime'] except: raise ValueError('Failed to get "scheduler_lastchecktime" from calculation.') # parse date and time from string date = last_time_on_computer.split('T')[0] time = last_time_on_computer.split('T')[1].split('.')[0] # change format datetime_str = date[2:].replace('-', '/') + ' ' + time # convert to datetime object datetime_object = datetime.strptime(datetime_str, '%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S') if verbose: print(datetime_object) # printed in default format #return datetime object of the last time the calculation was checked return datetime_object
[docs] def get_sorting_indices(calcs): """ Get the sorting index for a list of calculations. For each calculation the datetime object of the last time the scheduler checked the calculation is extracted. This is then sorted and the sorting index array is returned. """ datetimes = [get_datetime_from_str(calc) for calc in calcs] isort = np.array(datetimes).argsort() return isort
def remove_empty_atoms(show_empty_atoms, structure, silent=False): # check if empty sphere need to be removed for plotting (ase structgure cannot be constructed for alloys or vacancies) #print('in remove empty atoms:', structure.has_vacancies, ('X' in [i.kind_name for i in structure.sites]) ) if structure.has_vacancies or ('X' in [i.kind_name for i in structure.sites]): #print("structure has vacancies, need to remove empty sites for plotting") from aiida.orm import StructureData stmp = StructureData(cell=structure.cell) for site in structure.sites: k = structure.get_kind(site.kind_name) pos = site.position if not (k.has_vacancies or 'X' in site.kind_name): stmp.append_atom(position=pos, symbols=k.symbol) elif show_empty_atoms: stmp.append_atom(position=pos, symbols='X') elif not silent: print('removing atom', site) stmp.set_pbc(structure.pbc) structure = stmp return structure
[docs] def _in_notebook(): """ Helper function to check if code is executed from within a jupyter notebook this is used to change to a different default visualization """ try: from IPython import get_ipython if get_ipython() is None: return False if 'IPKernelApp' not in get_ipython().config: # pragma: no cover return False except ImportError: return False return True
[docs] def _has_ase_notebook(): """ Helper function to check if ase_notebook is installed """ try: import ase_notebook except ImportError: return False return True
[docs] def _check_tk_gui(static): """ check if tk gui can be openen, otherwise reset static to False this is only needed if we are not inside a notebook """ if not _in_notebook() and not static: try: import tkinter as tk window = tk.Tk() window.quit() except: print('cannot open tk gui, fall back to static image') static = True return static
[docs] def save_fig_to_file(kwargs, filename0='plot_kkr_out.png'): """ save the figure as a png file look for filename and static in kwargs save only if static is True after _check_tk_gui check to make it work in the command line script """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if not _in_notebook(): # check if static needs to be enforced static = kwargs.get('static', False) static = _check_tk_gui(static) if static: filename = kwargs.get('filename', filename0) print('saved static plot to ', filename) plt.savefig(filename)
[docs] def strucplot_ase_notebook(struc, **kwargs): """ plotting function for aiida structure using ase_notebook visulaization """ from ase_notebook import ViewConfig, AseView # pylint: disable=import-error # extract some setting if given as kwargs repeat_uc = kwargs.get('repeat_uc', (1, 1, 1)) canvas_size = kwargs.get('canvas_size', (300, 300)) zoom = kwargs.get('zoom', 1.0) atom_opacity = kwargs.get('atom_opacity', 0.95) static = kwargs.get('static', False) rotations = kwargs.get('rotations', '-80x,-20y,-5z') if 'show_empty_atoms' in kwargs: show_empty_atoms = kwargs.pop('show_empty_atoms') else: show_empty_atoms = False struc = remove_empty_atoms(show_empty_atoms, struc, kwargs.get('silent', False)) # check if static needs to be enforced static = _check_tk_gui(static) # set up structure viewer from ase_notebook config_dict = { 'atom_show_label': True, 'rotations': rotations, 'show_uc_repeats': True, 'show_bonds': False, 'show_unit_cell': True, 'canvas_size': canvas_size, 'zoom': zoom, 'show_axes': True, 'canvas_background_opacity': 1.00, 'canvas_color_background': 'white', 'axes_length': 30, 'atom_opacity': atom_opacity } config = ViewConfig(**config_dict) ase_view = AseView(config) # create ase atoms object from structure ase_atoms = struc.get_ase() # now create plot strucview = None if not static and _in_notebook(): # render view in notebook strucview = ase_view.make_render( ase_atoms, center_in_uc=True, create_gui=True, repeat_uc=repeat_uc, use_atom_arrays=True, ) elif _in_notebook(): # static plot in notebook (svg) strucview = ase_view.make_svg( ase_atoms, center_in_uc=True, repeat_uc=repeat_uc, ) elif static: strucview = ase_view.make_svg( ase_atoms, center_in_uc=True, repeat_uc=repeat_uc, ) filename = kwargs.get('filename', 'plot_kkr_out_struc.svg') print('saved static plot in svg format to ', filename) strucview.saveas(filename) else: # open gui window ase_view.make_gui( ase_atoms, center_in_uc=True, repeat_uc=repeat_uc, ) return strucview
[docs] def plot_imp_cluster(kkrimp_calc_node, **kwargs): """ Plot impurity cluster from KkrimpCalculation node These kwargs can be used to control the behavior of the plotting tool: kwargs = { static = False, # make gui or static (svg) images canvas_size = (300, 300), # size of the canvas zoom = 1.0, # zoom, set to >1 (<1) to zoom in (out) atom_opacity = 0.95, # set opacity level of the atoms, useful for overlapping atoms rotations = "-80x,-20y,-5z", # rotation in degrees around x,y,z axes show_unit_cell = True, # show the unit cell of the host filename = 'plot_kkr_out_impstruc.svg' # filename used for the export of a static svg image } """ from aiida.orm import StructureData from aiida.common.constants import elements from ase_notebook import ViewConfig, AseView # pylint: disable=import-error from aiida_kkr.calculations import VoronoiCalculation from import create_scoef_array from import get_alat_from_bravais imp_info = kkrimp_calc_node.inputs.impurity_info.get_dict() structure0, _ = VoronoiCalculation.find_parent_structure(kkrimp_calc_node.inputs.host_Greenfunction_folder) # needed to transform from internal to Angstroem units alat = get_alat_from_bravais(np.array(structure0.cell), structure0.pbc[2]) # extract infos from impurity info node rimp_rel = np.array(imp_info.get('Rimp_rel', [[0, 0, 0]])) zimp = imp_info.get('Zimp') if not (isinstance(zimp, list) or isinstance(zimp, np.ndarray)): zimp = [zimp] if 'Rimp_rel' in imp_info and 'imp_cls' in imp_info: imp_cls = np.array(imp_info['imp_cls']) else: ilayer = imp_info.get('ilayer_center', 0) radius = imp_info['Rcut'] h = imp_info.get('hcut', -1.) vector = imp_info.get('cylinder_orient', [0., 0., 1.]) i = imp_info.get('ilayer_center', 0) imp_cls = np.array(create_scoef_array(structure0, radius, h, vector, i)) # adapt imp_cls from zimp+rimp_rel and find ghost atoms ghost_map = [] for isite, site in enumerate(imp_cls): pos = site[:3] dmin = 1e9 i0 = -1 for iimp, z in enumerate(zimp): dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((rimp_rel[iimp] - pos)**2)) if dist < dmin: dmin = dist i0 = iimp if dmin < 1e-5: ghost_map.append(False) imp_cls[isite, 4] = zimp[i0] else: ghost_map.append(True) # position to convert to Ang. units imp_cls[isite, :3] *= alat ghost_map = np.array(ghost_map) # create auxiliary structure struc_aux = StructureData(cell=structure0.cell) for site in imp_cls: struc_aux.append_atom(position=site[:3], symbols=elements[int(site[4])]['symbol']) # extract settings from kwargs canvas_size = kwargs.get('canvas_size', (300, 300)) zoom = kwargs.get('zoom', 1.0) atom_opacity = kwargs.get('atom_opacity', 0.95) static = kwargs.get('static', False) rotations = kwargs.get('rotations', '-80x,-20y,-5z') show_unit_cell = kwargs.get('show_unit_cell', True) # check if static needs to be enforced static = _check_tk_gui(static) # set up structure viewer from ase_notebook config_dict = { 'atom_show_label': True, 'rotations': rotations, 'show_uc_repeats': True, 'show_bonds': False, 'show_unit_cell': show_unit_cell, 'canvas_size': canvas_size, 'zoom': zoom, 'show_axes': True, 'canvas_background_opacity': 0.00, 'canvas_color_background': 'white', 'axes_length': 30, 'atom_opacity': atom_opacity } config = ViewConfig(**config_dict) ase_view_imp = AseView(config) # create ase atoms object from auxiliary structure with ghost atoms mapping ase_atoms_impcls = struc_aux.get_ase() ase_atoms_impcls.set_array('ghost', ghost_map) # create plot strucview_imp = None if not static and _in_notebook(): strucview_imp = ase_view_imp.make_render( ase_atoms_impcls, center_in_uc=True, create_gui=True, use_atom_arrays=True, ) elif _in_notebook(): strucview_imp = ase_view_imp.make_svg( ase_atoms_impcls, center_in_uc=True, ) elif static: strucview_imp = ase_view_imp.make_svg( ase_atoms_impcls, center_in_uc=True, ) filename = kwargs.get('filename', 'plot_kkr_out_impstruc.svg') print('saved static plot in svg format to ', filename) strucview_imp.saveas(filename) else: ase_view_imp.make_gui( # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg ase_atoms_impcls, center_in_uc=True, ) return strucview_imp
[docs] class plot_kkr(object): """ Class grouping all functionality to plot typical nodes (calculations, workflows, ...) of the aiida-kkr plugin. :param nodes: node identifier which is to be visualized optional arguments: :param silent: print information about input node including inputs and outputs (default: False) :type silent: bool :param strucplot: plot structure using ase’s view function (default: False) :type strucplot: bool :param interpol: use interpolated data for DOS plots (default: True) :type interpol: bool :param all_atoms: plot all atoms in DOS plots (default: False, i.e. plot total DOS only) :type all_atoms: bool :param l_channels: plot l-channels in addition to total DOS (default: True, i.e. plot all l-channels) :type l_channels: bool :param sum_spins: sum up both spin channels or plot both? (default: False, i.e. plot both spin channels) :type sum_spins: bool :param logscale: plot rms and charge neutrality curves on a log-scale (default: True) :type locscale: bool :param switch_xy: (default: False) :type switch_xy: bool :param iatom: list of atom indices which are supposed to be plotted (default: [], i.e. show all atoms) :type iatom: list :param debug: activate debug output :type debug: bool additional keyword arguments are passed onto the plotting function which allows, for example, to change the markers used in a DOS plot to crosses via `marker='x'` :usage: plot_kkr(nodes, **kwargs) where nodes is a node identifier (the node itself, it's pk or uuid) or a list of node identifiers. :note: If nodes is a list of nodes then the plots are grouped together if possible. """
[docs] def __init__(self, nodes=None, **kwargs): # load database if not done already from aiida import load_profile load_profile() # used to keep track of structure plotting self.sview = None # debug mode self.debug = False if 'debug' in kwargs: self.debug = kwargs.pop('debug') print('start plot_kkr') print('kwargs:', kwargs) # grouping of node if a list of nodes is the input instead of a single node groupmode = False if type(nodes) == list: if len(nodes) > 1: groupmode = True else: nodes = nodes[0] if groupmode: from matplotlib.pyplot import show node_groups = self.group_nodes(nodes) for groupname in list(node_groups.keys()): print('\n==================================================================') print(f'Group of nodes: {groupname}\n') # some settings for groups if 'noshow' in list(kwargs.keys()): _ = kwargs.pop('noshow') # this is now removed from kwargs if 'only' in list(kwargs.keys()): _ = kwargs.pop('only') # this is now removed from kwargs if 'nofig' in list(kwargs.keys()): _ = kwargs.pop('nofig') # To revoke the 'nofig' kwarg from the list # now plot groups one after the other self.plot_group(groupname, node_groups, noshow=True, nofig=True, **kwargs) # finally show all plots show() elif nodes is not None: self.plot_kkr_single_node(nodes, **kwargs) display = kwargs.get('display', True) if display and self.sview is not None: #self.classify_and_plot_node(nodes, return_name_only=True)=='struc': from IPython.display import display display(self.sview)
### main wrapper functions ###
[docs] def group_nodes(self, nodes): """Go through list of nodes and group them together.""" groups_dict = {} for node in nodes: node = get_node(node) nodeclass = self.classify_and_plot_node(node, return_name_only=True) if nodeclass not in list(groups_dict.keys()): groups_dict[nodeclass] = [] groups_dict[nodeclass].append(node) return groups_dict
[docs] def plot_group(self, groupname, nodesgroups, **kwargs): """Visualize all nodes of one group.""" from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, subplot, title, xlabel, legend, title nodeslist = nodesgroups[groupname] # take out label from kwargs since it is overwritten if 'label' in list(kwargs.keys()): label = kwargs.pop('label') nolegend = False if 'nolegend' in list(kwargs.keys()): nolegend = kwargs.pop('nolegend') # open a single new figure for each plot here if groupname in ['kkr', 'scf']: figure() for node in nodeslist: node = get_node(node) print(groupname) # open new figure for each plot in these groups if groupname in ['eos', 'dos', 'startpot']: figure() if groupname in ['kkr', 'scf']: subplot(2, 1, 1) self.plot_kkr_single_node(node, only='rms', label=f'pk= {}', **kwargs) xlabel('') # remove overlapping x label in upper plot if not nolegend: legend(fontsize='x-small') title('') subplot(2, 1, 2) self.plot_kkr_single_node(node, only='neutr', label=f'pk= {}', **kwargs) title('') # remove duplicated plot title of lower plot if not nolegend: legend(fontsize='x-small') else: self.plot_kkr_single_node(node, **kwargs) print('\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n')
[docs] def plot_kkr_single_node(self, node, **kwargs): """ TODO docstring""" # determine if some output is printed to stdout silent = False if 'silent' in list(kwargs.keys()): silent = kwargs.pop('silent') # this is now removed from kwargs noshow = False if 'noshow' in list(kwargs.keys()): noshow = kwargs.pop('noshow') # this is now removed from kwargs node = get_node(node) # print input and output nodes if not silent: self.print_clean_inouts(node) # classify node and call plotting function self.classify_and_plot_node(node, silent=silent, **kwargs) if not noshow: from matplotlib.pyplot import show show()
[docs] def classify_and_plot_node(self, node, return_name_only=False, **kwargs): """Find class of the node and call plotting function.""" # import things from pprint import pprint from aiida.plugins import DataFactory from aiida.orm import CalculationNode node = get_node(node) # basic aiida nodes if isinstance(node, DataFactory('structure')): if return_name_only: return 'struc' self.plot_struc(node, **kwargs) elif isinstance(node, DataFactory('dict')): if return_name_only: return 'para' print('node dict:') pprint(node.get_dict()) elif isinstance(node, DataFactory('remote')): if return_name_only: return 'remote' print('computer name:', node.get_computer_name()) print('remote path:', node.get_remote_path()) elif isinstance(node, DataFactory('folder')): if return_name_only: return 'folder' print('abs path:') pprint(node.get_abs_path()) print('folder content:') pprint(node.get_folder_list()) # workflows elif node.process_label == u'kkr_dos_wc': if return_name_only: return 'dos' self.plot_kkr_dos(node, **kwargs) elif node.process_label == u'kkr_bs_wc': if return_name_only: return 'bs' self.plot_kkr_bs(node, **kwargs) elif node.process_label == u'kkr_startpot_wc': if return_name_only: return 'startpot' self.plot_kkr_startpot(node, **kwargs) elif node.process_label == u'kkr_scf_wc': if return_name_only: return 'scf' self.plot_kkr_scf(node, **kwargs) elif node.process_label == u'kkr_eos_wc': if return_name_only: return 'eos' self.plot_kkr_eos(node, **kwargs) elif node.process_label == u'kkr_imp_dos_wc': if return_name_only: return 'impdos' self.plot_kkrimp_dos_wc(node, **kwargs) elif node.process_label == u'kkr_imp_wc': if return_name_only: return 'imp' self.plot_kkrimp_wc(node, **kwargs) elif node.process_label == u'kkr_imp_sub_wc': if return_name_only: return 'impsub' self.plot_kkrimp_sub_wc(node, **kwargs) # calculations elif node.process_type == u'aiida.calculations:kkr.kkr': if return_name_only: return 'kkr' self.plot_kkr_calc(node, **kwargs) elif node.process_type == u'aiida.calculations:kkr.voro': if return_name_only: return 'voro' self.plot_voro_calc(node, **kwargs) elif node.process_type == u'aiida.calculations:kkr.kkrimp': if return_name_only: return 'kkrimp' self.plot_kkrimp_calc(node, **kwargs) elif node.process_type == 'aiida_kkr.workflows._combine_imps.combine_imps_wc': if return_name_only: return 'combine_imps' # extract kkr_imp_sub and plot it self.plot_kkrimp_wc(node, **kwargs) elif node.process_label == 'KKRnanoCalculation': raise TypeError(f'KKRnano input not implemented, yet: {type(node)} {node}') else: raise TypeError( f'input node neither a `Calculation` nor a `WorkChainNode` (i.e. workflow): {type(node)} {node}' )
### helper functions (structure plot, rms plot, dos plot, data extraction ...) ###
[docs] def print_clean_inouts(self, node): """print inputs and outputs of nodes without showing 'CALL' and 'CREATE' links in workflows.""" from pprint import pprint # extract inputs and outputs inputs = node.get_incoming().all_nodes() outputs = node.get_outgoing() """ all_out_labels = outputs.all_link_labels() for label in list(all_out_labels): try: int(label.split('_')[-1]) has_id = True except: has_id = False # remove 'CALL' and 'CREATE' links if 'CALL' in label or 'CREATE' in label or has_id: outputs.pop(label) """ outputs = outputs.all_nodes() # now print information about node print(f'pk, uuid: {} {node.uuid}') print('type:', type(node)) print('label:', node.label) print('description:', node.description) try: print('process type:', node.process_type) print('state:', node.process_state) except: print('nodes does not have the `process_state` attribute') print('\ninputs:') pprint(inputs) print('\noutputs:') pprint(outputs) try: print(f'\nexit status: {node.exit_status} ({node.exit_message})') except: pass print() # empty line at the end
[docs] def plot_struc(self, node, **kwargs): """visualize structure using ase's `view` function""" from ase.visualize import view from aiida_kkr.calculations.voro import VoronoiCalculation from aiida.orm import StructureData if not isinstance(node, StructureData): structure, voro_parent = VoronoiCalculation.find_parent_structure(node) else: structure = node if 'show_empty_atoms' in kwargs: show_empty_atoms = kwargs.pop('show_empty_atoms') else: show_empty_atoms = False structure = remove_empty_atoms(show_empty_atoms, structure, kwargs.get('silent', False)) if _has_ase_notebook() and 'viewer' not in kwargs: # by default use ase_notebook if it is available self.sview = strucplot_ase_notebook(structure, show_empty_atoms=show_empty_atoms, **kwargs) else: # use ase's view function instead # now construct ase object and use ase's viewer ase_atoms = structure.get_ase() if 'silent' in kwargs: silent = kwargs.pop('silent') # remove things that are not understood bt ase's view for key in [ 'nofig', 'interpol', 'all_atoms', 'l_channels', 'sum_spins', 'logscale', 'switch_xy', 'iatom', 'label' ]: if key in kwargs: _ = kwargs.pop(key) print(f"plotting structure using ase's `view` with kwargs={kwargs}") self.sview = view(ase_atoms, **kwargs)
[docs] def dosplot(self, d, natoms, nofig, all_atoms, l_channels, sum_spins, switch_xy, switch_sign_spin2, **kwargs): """plot dos from xydata node""" from numpy import array, sum, arange from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, xlabel, ylabel, gca, figure, legend, fill_between import matplotlib as mpl from cycler import cycler # remove things that will not work for plotting if 'silent' in list(kwargs.keys()): silent = kwargs.pop('silent') if 'filled' in list(kwargs.keys()): filled = kwargs.pop('filled') else: filled = False # plot only some atoms if 'iatom' is found in input show_atoms = [] if 'iatom' in kwargs: show_atoms = kwargs.pop('iatom') if type(show_atoms) != list: show_atoms = [show_atoms] all_atoms = True # need to set all_atoms to true # open new figure if not nofig: figure() x_all = d.get_x() y_all = d.get_y() # scale factor for x and/or y if 'xscale' in kwargs: xscale = kwargs.pop('xscale') else: xscale = 1. if 'yscale' in kwargs: yscale = kwargs.pop('yscale') else: yscale = 1. if 'xshift' in kwargs: xshift = kwargs.pop('xshift') else: xshift = 0. nspin = len(y_all[0][1]) // natoms nspin2 = len(y_all[0][1]) // natoms # copy of nspin becaus nspin is reset to 1 if sum_spins is set to True if sum_spins: nspin = 1 xlbl = x_all[0] + ' (' + x_all[2] + ')' #tot only: if not l_channels: lmax = 1 else: lmax = len(y_all) pcycle_default = mpl.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] # change color cycler to match spin up/down colors if nspin == 2 and (not all_atoms or show_atoms != []): pcycle_values = pcycle_default.by_key()['color'] if switch_sign_spin2: # needed for impurity DOS n0 = len(show_atoms) if n0 == 0: n0 = natoms #pcycle_values = array([j for i in range(n0) for j in pcycle_values]).reshape(-1) #pcycle_values = list(pcycle_values[:n0]) + list(pcycle_values[:n0]) pcycle_values = array([[i, i] for i in pcycle_values]).reshape(-1) else: pcycle_values = array([[i, i] for i in pcycle_values]).reshape(-1) pcycle_default = cycler('color', pcycle_values) gca().set_prop_cycle(pcycle_default) if 'label' in kwargs: labels_all = kwargs.pop('label') if type(labels_all) != list: labels_all = [labels_all for i in range(natoms)] else: labels_all = None for il in range(lmax): y2 = y_all[il] # extract label ylbl = 'DOS (' + y2[2] + ')' # take data y2 = y2[1].copy() y2 = y2.reshape(natoms, nspin2, -1) x = x_all[1].copy() + xshift for ispin in range(nspin): if not all_atoms: y = [sum(y2[:, ispin, :], axis=0)] # artificial list so that y[iatom] works later on if sum_spins and nspin2 == 2: if switch_sign_spin2: y[0] = -y[0] - sum(y2[:, 1, :], axis=0) else: y[0] = -y[0] + sum(y2[:, 1, :], axis=0) natoms2 = 1 yladd = '' else: natoms2 = natoms y = y2[:, ispin, :] if sum_spins and nspin2 == 2: if switch_sign_spin2: y = y + y2[:, 1, :] else: y = -y + y2[:, 1, :] for iatom in range(natoms2): if iatom in show_atoms or show_atoms == []: yladd = y_all[il][0].replace('dos ', '') if all_atoms: yladd += ', atom=' + str(iatom + 1) if ispin > 0: yladd = '' if labels_all is not None and ispin == 0: yladd = labels_all[iatom] xplt = x[iatom * nspin + ispin] * xscale yplt = y[iatom] * yscale if ispin > 0 and switch_sign_spin2: yplt = -yplt yplt = yplt * yscale if not switch_xy: if not filled: plot(xplt, yplt, label=yladd, **kwargs) else: fill_between(xplt, yplt, label=yladd, **kwargs) xlabel(xlbl) ylabel(ylbl) else: if not filled: plot(yplt, xplt, label=yladd, **kwargs) else: fill_between(yplt, xplt, label=yladd, **kwargs) xlabel(ylbl) ylabel(xlbl) legend(fontsize='x-small')
[docs] def rmsplot(self, rms, neutr, nofig, ptitle, logscale, only=None, rename_second=None, **kwargs): """plot rms and charge neutrality""" from numpy import array from matplotlib.pylab import figure, plot, twinx, xlabel, ylabel, legend, subplots_adjust, title, gca if not nofig: figure() # allow to overwrite name for second quantity, plotted on second y axis name_second_y = 'charge neutrality' if rename_second is not None: name_second_y = rename_second if only is None: if 'label' not in list(kwargs.keys()): label = 'rms' else: label = kwargs.pop('label') plot(rms, '-xb', label=label) ax1 = gca() ylabel('rms', color='b') xlabel('iteration') twinx() if logscale: neutr = abs(array(neutr)) if 'label' not in list(kwargs.keys()): label = name_second_y else: label = kwargs.pop('label') plot(neutr, '-or', label=label) ax2 = gca() ylabel(name_second_y, color='r') if logscale: ax1.set_yscale('log') ax2.set_yscale('log') else: # individual plots of rms or neutrality (needed for eos plot) if only == 'rms': plot(rms, **kwargs) ylabel('rms') xlabel('iteration') ax1 = gca() if logscale: ax1.set_yscale('log') elif only == 'neutr': if logscale: neutr = abs(array(neutr)) plot(neutr, **kwargs) ylabel(name_second_y) xlabel('iteration') ax1 = gca() if logscale: ax1.set_yscale('log') else: raise ValueError(f'`only` can only be `rms or `neutr` but got {only}') title(ptitle)
[docs] def get_rms_kkrcalc(self, node, title=None): """extract rms etc from kkr Calculation. Works for both finished and still running Calculations.""" from aiida.engine import ProcessState rms, neutr, etot, efermi = [], [], [], [] ptitle = '' if node.process_state == ProcessState.FINISHED: if node.is_finished_ok: o = node.outputs.output_parameters.get_dict() neutr = o['convergence_group'][u'charge_neutrality_all_iterations'] efermi = o['convergence_group'][u'fermi_energy_all_iterations'] etot = o['convergence_group'][u'total_energy_Ry_all_iterations'] rms = o['convergence_group'][u'rms_all_iterations'] ptitle = 'Time per iteration: ' + str(o['timings_group'].get('Time in Iteration')) + ' s' elif node.process_state in [ProcessState.WAITING, ProcessState.FINISHED, ProcessState.RUNNING]: rms, neutr, etot, efermi = get_rms_kkrcalc_from_remote(node) else: print('no rms extracted', node.process_state) return rms, neutr, etot, efermi, ptitle
### Calculations ###
[docs] def plot_kkr_calc(self, node, **kwargs): """plot things for a kkr Calculation node""" # extract options from kwargs nofig = False if 'nofig' in list(kwargs.keys()): nofig = kwargs.pop('nofig') strucplot = False if 'strucplot' in list(kwargs.keys()): strucplot = kwargs.pop('strucplot') logscale = True if 'logscale' in list(kwargs.keys()): logscale = kwargs.pop('logscale') only = None if 'only' in list(kwargs.keys()): only = kwargs.pop('only') silent = False if 'silent' in list(kwargs.keys()): silent = kwargs.pop('silent') #print output if not silent: from pprint import pprint print('results dict (entries with `...` have been removed for this writeout for the sake of shortness):') if 'output_parameters' in node.get_outgoing().all_link_labels(): results_dict = node.get_outgoing().get_node_by_label('output_parameters').get_dict() # remove symmetry descriptions from resuts dict before writting output if 'symmetries_group' in list(results_dict.keys()): results_dict['symmetries_group']['symmetry_description'] = '...' if 'convergence_group' in list(results_dict.keys()): results_dict['convergence_group']['charge_neutrality_all_iterations'] = '...' results_dict['convergence_group']['dos_at_fermi_energy_all_iterations'] = '...' results_dict['convergence_group']['fermi_energy_all_iterations'] = '...' results_dict['convergence_group']['rms_all_iterations'] = '...' results_dict['convergence_group']['total_energy_Ry_all_iterations'] = '...' results_dict['convergence_group']['spin_moment_per_atom_all_iterations'] = '...' results_dict['convergence_group']['orbital_moment_per_atom_all_iterations'] = '...' results_dict['convergence_group']['total_spin_moment_all_iterations'] = '...' pprint(results_dict) # plot structure if strucplot: self.plot_struc(node, **kwargs) if 'label' in list(kwargs.keys()): label = kwargs.pop('label') else: label = None try: rms, neutr, etot, efermi, ptitle = self.get_rms_kkrcalc(node) except KeyError: # this happens in case of qdos run rms = [] if len(rms) > 1: self.rmsplot(rms, neutr, nofig, ptitle, logscale, only, label=label) # maybe save as file save_fig_to_file(kwargs, 'plot_kkr_out_rms.png') # try to plot dos and qdos data if Calculation was bandstructure or DOS run from subprocess import check_output from os import listdir from numpy import loadtxt, array, where from import open_general from masci_tools.vis.kkr_plot_bandstruc_qdos import dispersionplot from masci_tools.vis.kkr_plot_FS_qdos import FSqdos2D from masci_tools.vis.kkr_plot_dos import dosplot from matplotlib.pyplot import show, figure, title, xticks, xlabel, axvline from aiida import __version__ as aiida_core_version if node.is_finished_ok: retlist = node.outputs.retrieved.list_object_names() has_dos = 'dos.atom1' in retlist has_qvec = 'qvec.dat' in retlist has_qdos = False # remove already automatically set things from kwargs if 'ptitle' in list(kwargs.keys()): ptitle = kwargs.pop('ptitle') else: ptitle = f'pk= {}' if 'newfig' in list(kwargs.keys()): kwargs.pop('newfig') # qdos if has_qvec: has_qdos = 'qdos.01.1.dat' in retlist or 'qdos.001.1.dat' in retlist if has_qdos: qdos_filenames, ne = get_qdos_filenames(node) if ne > 1 or 'as_e_dimension' in list(kwargs.keys()): a0 = get_a0_from_node(node) ef = get_ef_from_parent(node) data = get_qdos_data_from_node(node, qdos_filenames) data_all = (a0, data, None, None, ef) dispersionplot( data_all=data_all, newfig=(not nofig), ptitle=ptitle, logscale=logscale, **kwargs ) # add plot labels try: labels = node.inputs.kpoints.labels ilbl = array([int(i[0]) for i in labels]) slbl = array([i[1] for i in labels]) m_overlap = where(abs(ilbl[1:] - ilbl[:-1]) == 1) if len(m_overlap[0]) > 0: for i in m_overlap[0]: slbl[i + 1] = '\n' + slbl[i + 1] xticks(ilbl, slbl) xlabel('') [axvline(i, color='grey', ls=':') for i in ilbl] except: xlabel('id_kpt') # maybe save as file save_fig_to_file(kwargs, 'plot_kkr_out_bs.png') else: if int(aiida_core_version.split('.')[0]) < 2: ef = get_ef_from_parent(node) with'qvec.dat') as f: FSqdos2D('qvec.dat', ''), logscale=logscale, ef=ef, **kwargs) # maybe save as file save_fig_to_file(kwargs, 'plot_kkr_out_FS.png') else: raise ValueError('FS plot does not work with aiida-core>=2.0') # dos only if qdos was not plotted already if has_dos and not has_qdos: with'dos.atom1', mode='r') as f: if not nofig: figure() dosplot(f, **kwargs) title(ptitle) # maybe save as file save_fig_to_file(kwargs, 'plot_kkr_out_dos.png')
[docs] def plot_voro_calc(self, node, **kwargs): """plot things for a voro Calculation node""" strucplot = False if 'strucplot' in list(kwargs.keys()): strucplot = kwargs.pop('strucplot') # plot structure if strucplot: self.plot_struc(node, **kwargs)
# TODO maybe plot some output of voronoi #outdict = node.outputs.output_parameters.get_dict()
[docs] def plot_kkrimp_calc(self, node, return_rms=False, return_stot=False, plot_rms=True, **kwargs): """plot things from a kkrimp Calculation node""" if self.debug: print('in plot_kkrimp_calc') print('kwargs:', kwargs) # plot impurity cluster if kwargs.get('strucplot', False): if _has_ase_notebook(): self.sview = plot_imp_cluster(node, **kwargs) else: print('Cannot plot impurity structure because ase_notebook is not installed') # remove plotting-exclusive keys from kwargs for k in ['static', 'canvas_size', 'zoom', 'atom_opacity', 'rotations', 'show_unit_cell', 'strucplot']: if k in kwargs: kwargs.pop(k) # read data from output node rms_goal, rms = None, [] if node.is_finished_ok: out_para = node.outputs.output_parameters out_para_dict = out_para.get_dict() out_para_dict['convergence_group']['rms_all_iterations'] rms = out_para_dict['convergence_group']['rms_all_iterations'] rms_goal = out_para_dict['convergence_group']['qbound'] # extract total magnetic moment nspin = out_para_dict['nspin'] if nspin > 1: try: nat = out_para_dict['number_of_atoms_in_unit_cell'] s = np.array(out_para_dict['convergence_group']['total_spin_moment_all_iterations'][1], dtype=float) ss = np.sqrt(np.sum(s**2, axis=1)).reshape(-1, nat) stot = np.sum(ss, axis=1) except: stot = None else: stot = None else: stot = None # make rms plot if plot_rms: if 'ptitle' in list(kwargs.keys()): ptitle = kwargs.pop('ptitle') else: ptitle = f'pk= {}' self.make_kkrimp_rmsplot([rms], [stot], [node], rms_goal, ptitle, **kwargs) # now return values return_any, return_list = False, [] if return_rms: return_list += [rms, rms_goal] return_any = True if return_stot: return_list += [stot] return_any = True if return_any: return return_list
[docs] def plot_kkrimp_wc(self, node, **kwargs): """plot things from a kkrimp_wc workflow""" # call imp_sub plotting from here from aiida_kkr.workflows import kkr_imp_sub_wc sub_wf = [i.node for i in node.get_outgoing(node_class=kkr_imp_sub_wc).all()] if len(sub_wf) > 0: self.plot_kkrimp_sub_wc(sub_wf[0], **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_kkrimp_sub_wc(self, node, **kwargs): """plot things from a kkrimp_sub_wc workflow""" from aiida_kkr.calculations import KkrimpCalculation if self.debug: print('in plot_kkrimp_sub_wc') print('kwargs:', kwargs) impcalcs = [i.node for i in node.get_outgoing(node_class=KkrimpCalculation).all()] # plot impurity cluster if len(impcalcs) > 0 and kwargs.get('strucplot', False): if _has_ase_notebook(): self.sview = plot_imp_cluster(impcalcs[0], **kwargs) else: print('Cannot plot impurity structure because ase_notebook is not installed') # remove plotting-exclusive keys from kwargs for k in ['static', 'canvas_size', 'zoom', 'atom_opacity', 'rotations', 'show_unit_cell', 'strucplot']: if k in kwargs: kwargs.pop(k) # extract rms from calculations rms_all, stot_all = [], [] rms_goal = None for impcalc in impcalcs: rms_tmp, rms_goal_tmp, stot_tmp = self.plot_kkrimp_calc( impcalc, return_rms=True, return_stot=True, plot_rms=False ) rms_all.append(rms_tmp) if rms_goal_tmp is not None: if rms_goal is not None: rms_goal = min(rms_goal, rms_goal_tmp) else: rms_goal = rms_goal_tmp stot_all.append(stot_tmp) if 'ptitle' in list(kwargs.keys()): ptitle = kwargs.pop('ptitle') else: ptitle = f'pk= {}' self.make_kkrimp_rmsplot(rms_all, stot_all, impcalcs, rms_goal, ptitle, **kwargs)
[docs] def make_kkrimp_rmsplot(self, rms_all, stot_all, list_of_impcalcs, rms_goal, ptitle, **kwargs): """ plot rms and total spin moment of kkrimp calculation or series of kkrimp calculations """ from numpy import array from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, subplot, axhline, axvline, gca, ylim # extract options from kwargs nofig = False if 'nofig' in list(kwargs.keys()): nofig = kwargs.pop('nofig') logscale = True if 'logscale' in list(kwargs.keys()): logscale = kwargs.pop('logscale') if 'subplot' in list(kwargs.keys()): subplots = kwargs.pop('subplot') else: subplots = None if 'label' in list(kwargs.keys()): label = kwargs.pop('label') else: label = None if 'only' in list(kwargs.keys()): only = kwargs.pop('only') else: only = None # plotting of convergence properties (rms etc.) if len(rms_all) > 0: # sort rms values and flatten array reorder_rms = get_sorting_indices(list_of_impcalcs) rms, niter_calcs, stot = [], [0], [] rms_all_sorted = [rms_all[i] for i in reorder_rms] for i in rms_all_sorted: rms += list(i) niter_calcs.append(len(i) - 0.5) stot_sorted = [stot_all[i] for i in reorder_rms] for i in stot_sorted: if i is not None: stot += list(i) # now plot if len(rms) > 0: if not nofig: figure() if subplots is not None: subplot(subplots[0], subplots[1], subplots[2]) if rms_goal is not None: axhline(rms_goal, color='grey', ls='--') self.rmsplot( rms, stot, nofig=True, ptitle=ptitle, logscale=logscale, only=only, rename_second='sum(spinmom)', label=label ) # adapt y-limits to take care of showing spin-moment on sensible scale if only is None: yl = gca().get_ylim() ylim(yl[0], max(yl[1], 0.1)) # add lines that indicate different calculations tmpsum = 1 if not nofig and len(niter_calcs) > 1: for i in niter_calcs: tmpsum += i axvline(tmpsum - 1, color='k', ls=':') # maybe save as file save_fig_to_file(kwargs, 'plot_kkr_out_rms.png')
[docs] def plot_kkrimp_dos_wc(self, node, **kwargs): """plot things from a kkrimp_dos workflow node""" # try to plot dos and qdos data if Calculation was bandstructure or DOS run from os import listdir from numpy import loadtxt, array, where from masci_tools.vis.kkr_plot_FS_qdos import FSqdos2D from masci_tools.vis.kkr_plot_dos import dosplot from matplotlib.pyplot import show, figure, title, xticks, xlabel, axvline if self.debug: print('in plot_kkrimp_dos_wc') print('kwargs:', kwargs) interpol, all_atoms, l_channels, sum_spins, switch_xy = True, False, True, False, False ptitle = None if 'ptitle' in list(kwargs.keys()): ptitle = kwargs.pop('ptitle') if 'interpol' in list(kwargs.keys()): interpol = kwargs.pop('interpol') if 'all_atoms' in list(kwargs.keys()): all_atoms = kwargs.pop('all_atoms') if 'l_channels' in list(kwargs.keys()): l_channels = kwargs.pop('l_channels') if 'sum_spins' in list(kwargs.keys()): sum_spins = kwargs.pop('sum_spins') if 'switch_xy' in list(kwargs.keys()): switch_xy = kwargs.pop('switch_xy') nofig = False if 'nofig' in list(kwargs.keys()): nofig = kwargs.pop('nofig') if 'silent' in list(kwargs.keys()): silent = kwargs.pop('silent') if 'switch_sign_spin2' in list(kwargs.keys()): switch_sign_spin2 = kwargs.pop('switch_sign_spin2') else: switch_sign_spin2 = True if 'yscale' in list(kwargs.keys()): yscale = kwargs.pop('yscale') else: yscale = -1 has_dos = False if interpol and 'dos_data_interpol' in node.outputs: d = node.outputs.dos_data_interpol has_dos = True elif 'dos_data' in node.outputs: d = node.outputs.dos_data has_dos = True if has_dos: calcnode = [i for i in node.called_descendants if i.process_label == 'KkrimpCalculation'][0] # plot impurity cluster if kwargs.get('strucplot', True): self.sview = plot_imp_cluster(calcnode, **kwargs) # remove plotting-exclusive keys from kwargs for k in ['static', 'canvas_size', 'zoom', 'atom_opacity', 'rotations', 'show_unit_cell', 'strucplot']: if k in kwargs: kwargs.pop(k) if calcnode.is_finished_ok: natoms = len(calcnode.outputs.output_parameters.get_dict().get('charge_core_states_per_atom')) from import find_parent_structure natoms = get_natyp(find_parent_structure(calcnode)) self.dosplot( d, natoms, nofig, all_atoms, l_channels, sum_spins, switch_xy, switch_sign_spin2, yscale=yscale, **kwargs ) if ptitle is None: title(f'pk= {}') else: title(ptitle) # maybe save as file save_fig_to_file(kwargs, 'plot_kkr_out_dos.png')
### workflows ###
[docs] def plot_kkr_dos(self, node, **kwargs): """plot outputs of a kkr_dos_wc workflow""" from aiida_kkr.calculations.voro import VoronoiCalculation from matplotlib.pylab import title # extract all options that should not be passed on to plot function interpol, all_atoms, l_channels, sum_spins, switch_xy = True, False, True, False, False if 'interpol' in list(kwargs.keys()): interpol = kwargs.pop('interpol') if 'all_atoms' in list(kwargs.keys()): all_atoms = kwargs.pop('all_atoms') if 'l_channels' in list(kwargs.keys()): l_channels = kwargs.pop('l_channels') if 'sum_spins' in list(kwargs.keys()): sum_spins = kwargs.pop('sum_spins') if 'switch_xy' in list(kwargs.keys()): switch_xy = kwargs.pop('switch_xy') nofig = False if 'nofig' in list(kwargs.keys()): nofig = kwargs.pop('nofig') if 'strucplot' in list(kwargs.keys()): strucplot = kwargs.pop('strucplot') if 'silent' in list(kwargs.keys()): silent = kwargs.pop('silent') if node.is_finished_ok: if interpol: d = node.outputs.dos_data_interpol else: d = node.outputs.dos_data # extract structure (neede in dosplot to extract number of atoms and number of spins) struc, voro_parent = VoronoiCalculation.find_parent_structure(node.inputs.remote_data) # do dos plot after data was extracted if 'ptitle' in list(kwargs.keys()): ptitle = kwargs.pop('ptitle') else: ptitle = f'pk= {}' self.dosplot(d, get_natyp(struc), nofig, all_atoms, l_channels, sum_spins, switch_xy, False, **kwargs) title(ptitle) # maybe save as file save_fig_to_file(kwargs, 'plot_kkr_out_dos.png')
def plot_kkr_bs(self, node, **kwargs): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if node.is_finished_ok: BSF = node.outputs.BS_Data.get_array('BlochSpectralFunction') eng = node.outputs.BS_Data.get_array('energy_points') Kpts = node.outputs.BS_Data.get_array('Kpts') k_label = node.outputs.BS_Data.extras['k-labels'] ixlbl = [int(i) for i in k_label.keys()] sxlbl = [i for i in k_label.values()] j = 0 for i in ixlbl[:-1]: if (ixlbl[j + 1] - i) < 2: sxlbl[j + 1] = str(sxlbl[j]) + '|' + str(sxlbl[j + 1]) sxlbl[j] = '' j += 1 y, x = np.mgrid[slice(0, len(eng) + 1, 1), slice(0, len(Kpts[:, 0]) + 1, 1)] eng_extend = np.ones(len(eng[:]) + 1) eng = eng[::-1] eng_extend[:-1] = np.sort(eng) eng_extend[-1] = eng_extend[-2] y = np.array(y, float) for i in range(len(x[0, :])): y[:, i] = eng_extend nofig = kwargs.get('nofig', False) if not nofig: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) # maybe change the colormap cmap = kwargs.get('cmap', # pylint: disable=no-member # maybe scale and shift the x values xscale = kwargs.get('xscale', 1.0) xshift = kwargs.get('xshift', 0.0) x = (x + xshift) * xscale # maybe scale and shift the y values yscale = kwargs.get('yscale', 1.0) yshift = kwargs.get('yshift', 0.0) y = (y + yshift) * yscale # now create the plot plt.pcolormesh(x, y, np.log(abs(BSF.T)), cmap=cmap, edgecolor='face', rasterized=True) plt.ylabel('E-E_F (eV)') plt.xlabel('') # contol limits of the color scale clim = kwargs.get('clim', None) if clim is not None: plt.clim(clim[0], clim[1]) else: # fix lower bound plt.clim(-6) show_cbar = kwargs.get('show_cbar', True) if show_cbar: plt.colorbar() plt.title(f'band structure from kkr_bs_wc (pk= {})') plt.xticks(ixlbl, sxlbl) plt.axhline(0, color='red', ls=':', lw=2) # maybe save as file save_fig_to_file(kwargs, 'plot_kkr_out_bs.png')
[docs] def plot_kkr_startpot(self, node, **kwargs): """plot output of kkr_startpot_wc workflow""" from aiida_kkr.calculations.voro import VoronoiCalculation from aiida.common import exceptions from matplotlib.pyplot import axvline, legend, title from import get_Ry2eV strucplot = False if 'strucplot' in list(kwargs.keys()): strucplot = kwargs.pop('strucplot') silent = False if 'silent' in list(kwargs.keys()): silent = kwargs.pop('silent') # plot structure if strucplot: self.plot_struc(node, **kwargs) # extract structure (neede in dosplot to extract number of atoms and number of spins) struc, voro_parent = VoronoiCalculation.find_parent_structure(node) if not silent: # print results print('results:') try: res_node = node.outputs.results_vorostart_wc except exceptions.NotExistent: res_node = None if res_node is not None: self.plot_kkr_single_node(res_node, noshow=True, silent=True) # plot starting DOS # follow links until DOS data has been found d = None d_int = None for link_triple in node.get_outgoing().all(): if link_triple.link_label == 'last_doscal_dosdata': d = link_triple.node elif link_triple.link_label == 'last_doscal_dosdata_interpol': d_int = link_triple.node elif 'CALL_WORK' in link_triple.link_label: if link_triple.link_label == 'kkr_dos_wc': for link_triple2 in node.get_outgoing().all(): if link_triple2.link_label == 'dos_data': d = link_triple2.node elif link_triple2.link_label == 'dos_data_interpol': d_int = link_triple2.node # extract all options that should not be passed on to plot function interpol, all_atoms, l_channels, sum_spins, switch_xy = True, False, True, False, False if 'interpol' in list(kwargs.keys()): interpol = kwargs.pop('interpol') if 'all_atoms' in list(kwargs.keys()): all_atoms = kwargs.pop('all_atoms') if 'l_channels' in list(kwargs.keys()): l_channels = kwargs.pop('l_channels') if 'sum_spins' in list(kwargs.keys()): sum_spins = kwargs.pop('sum_spins') if 'switch_xy' in list(kwargs.keys()): switch_xy = kwargs.pop('switch_xy') nofig = False if 'nofig' in list(kwargs.keys()): nofig = kwargs.pop('nofig') if interpol: d = d_int if d is not None: # do dos plot after data was extracted self.dosplot(d, len(struc.sites), nofig, all_atoms, l_channels, sum_spins, switch_xy, False, **kwargs) # now add lines for emin, core states, EF # extract data for dos and energy contour plotting if 'last_voronoi_results' in node.get_outgoing().all_link_labels(): params_dict = node.outputs.last_voronoi_results.get_dict() else: params_dict = {} emin = params_dict.get('emin_minus_efermi', None) emin_Ry = params_dict.get('emin', None) if emin is not None and params_dict != {}: ef_Ry = emin_Ry - params_dict.get('emin_minus_efermi_Ry') else: ef_Ry = None if params_dict != {}: ecore_max = params_dict.get('core_states_group').get('energy_highest_lying_core_state_per_atom', []) if d is not None: axvline(0, color='k', ls='--', label='EF') tit_add = '' if emin is not None: axvline(emin, color='r', ls='--', label='emin') if ef_Ry is not None and len(ecore_max) > 0: if abs((ecore_max[0] - ef_Ry) * get_Ry2eV() - emin) < 20: axvline((ecore_max[0] - ef_Ry) * get_Ry2eV(), color='b', ls='--', label='ecore_max') else: tit_add = f'; E_core<={(ecore_max[0] - ef_Ry) * get_Ry2eV():.2f}eV' if len(ecore_max) > 1: [ axvline((i - ef_Ry) * get_Ry2eV(), color='b', ls='--') for i in ecore_max[1:] if abs((i - ef_Ry) * get_Ry2eV() - emin) < 20 ] if emin is not None: legend(loc=3, fontsize='x-small') title(struc.get_formula() + ', starting potential' + tit_add)
[docs] def plot_kkr_scf(self, node, **kwargs): """plot outputs of a kkr_scf_wc workflow""" from aiida.orm import CalcJobNode, load_node from aiida_kkr.calculations.kkr import KkrCalculation from numpy import sort from matplotlib.pyplot import axvline, axhline, subplot, figure, title # structure plot only if structure is in inputs if 'structure' in node.inputs: struc = node.inputs.structure else: from import find_parent_structure struc = find_parent_structure(node.inputs.remote_data) try: ptitle = struc.get_formula() except: ptitle = '' strucplot = False if 'strucplot' in list(kwargs.keys()): strucplot = kwargs.pop('strucplot') # plot structure if strucplot: self.plot_struc(struc, **kwargs) # next extract information from outputs niter_calcs = [0] try: out_dict = node.outputs.output_kkr_scf_wc_ParameterResults.get_dict() neutr = out_dict['charge_neutrality_all_steps'] rms = out_dict['convergence_values_all_steps'] rms_goal = node.inputs.wf_parameters.get_dict().get('convergence_criterion') except: rms_goal = None # deal with unfinished workflow rms, neutr, etot, efermi = [], [], [], [] outdict = node.get_outgoing(node_class=CalcJobNode) pks_calcs = sort([ for i in outdict.all()]) for pk in pks_calcs: node = load_node(pk) if node.process_label == u'KkrCalculation': kkrcalc = node rms_tmp, neutr_tmp, etot_tmp, efermi_tmp, ptitle_tmp = self.get_rms_kkrcalc(kkrcalc) if len(rms_tmp) > 0: niter_calcs.append(len(rms_tmp)) rms += rms_tmp neutr += neutr_tmp # extract options from kwargs nofig = False if 'nofig' in list(kwargs.keys()): nofig = kwargs.pop('nofig') logscale = True if 'logscale' in list(kwargs.keys()): logscale = kwargs.pop('logscale') only = None if 'only' in list(kwargs.keys()): only = kwargs.pop('only') if 'subplot' in list(kwargs.keys()): subplots = kwargs.pop('subplot') else: subplots = None if 'label' in list(kwargs.keys()): label = kwargs.pop('label') else: label = None if 'dos_only' in list(kwargs.keys()): dos_only = kwargs.pop('dos_only') else: dos_only = False # extract rms from calculations and plot if len(rms) > 0 and not dos_only: if not nofig: figure() if subplots is not None: subplot(subplots[0], subplots[1], subplots[2]) self.rmsplot(rms, neutr, True, ptitle, logscale, only, label=label) if only == 'rms' and rms_goal is not None: axhline(rms_goal, color='grey', ls='--') tmpsum = 1 if not nofig and len(niter_calcs) > 1: for i in niter_calcs: tmpsum += i axvline(tmpsum - 1, color='k', ls=':') # maybe save as file save_fig_to_file(kwargs, 'plot_kkr_out_rms.png') did_plot = True else: did_plot = False # plot DOS # follow links until DOS data has been found d = None d_int = None from aiida_kkr.workflows import kkr_dos_wc links_dos = node.get_outgoing(node_class=kkr_dos_wc).all() if len(links_dos) > 0: dosnode = links_dos[0].node if 'dos_data' in dosnode.outputs: d = dosnode.outputs.dos_data if 'dos_data_interpol' in dosnode.outputs: d_int = dosnode.outputs.dos_data_interpol # extract all options that should not be passed on to plot function interpol, all_atoms, l_channels, sum_spins, switch_xy = True, False, True, False, False if 'interpol' in list(kwargs.keys()): interpol = kwargs.pop('interpol') if 'all_atoms' in list(kwargs.keys()): all_atoms = kwargs.pop('all_atoms') if 'l_channels' in list(kwargs.keys()): l_channels = kwargs.pop('l_channels') if 'sum_spins' in list(kwargs.keys()): sum_spins = kwargs.pop('sum_spins') if 'switch_xy' in list(kwargs.keys()): switch_xy = kwargs.pop('switch_xy') nofig = False if 'nofig' in list(kwargs.keys()): nofig = kwargs.pop('nofig') if interpol: d = d_int if d is not None: # do dos plot after data was extracted if 'ptitle' in list(kwargs.keys()): ptitle = kwargs.pop('ptitle') else: ptitle = f'pk= {}' self.dosplot(d, len(struc.sites), nofig, all_atoms, l_channels, sum_spins, switch_xy, False, **kwargs) plt.title(ptitle) # maybe save as file save_fig_to_file(kwargs, 'plot_kkr_out_dos.png') return did_plot
[docs] def plot_kkr_eos(self, node, **kwargs): """plot outputs of a kkr_eos workflow""" from numpy import sort, array, where from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, title, xlabel, legend, axvline, plot, annotate from aiida.orm import load_node from aiida_kkr.workflows.voro_start import kkr_startpot_wc from ase.eos import EquationOfState strucplot = False if 'strucplot' in list(kwargs.keys()): strucplot = kwargs.pop('strucplot') # plot structure if strucplot: self.plot_struc(node, **kwargs) # remove unused things from kwargs if 'label' in list(kwargs.keys()): label = kwargs.pop('label') if 'noshow' in list(kwargs.keys()): kwargs.pop('noshow') if 'only' in list(kwargs.keys()): kwargs.pop('only') if 'nofig' in list(kwargs.keys()): kwargs.pop('nofig') if 'strucplot' in list(kwargs.keys()): kwargs.pop('strucplot') silent = False if 'silent' in list(kwargs.keys()): silent = kwargs.pop('silent') nolegend = False if 'nolegend' in list(kwargs.keys()): nolegend = kwargs.pop('nolegend') # plot convergence behavior try: results = node.outputs.eos_results except: silent = True if not silent: print('results:') self.plot_kkr_single_node(results) fig_open = False plotted_kkr_scf = False plotted_kkr_start = False outdict = node.get_outgoing() for key in outdict.all(): if key.link_label != 'CALL_CALC': tmpnode = key.node try: tmplabel = tmpnode.process_label except: tmplabel = None if tmplabel == u'kkr_startpot_wc': self.plot_kkr_startpot(tmpnode, strucplot=False, silent=True, **kwargs) plotted_kkr_start = True elif tmplabel == u'kkr_scf_wc': # plot rms did_plot = self.plot_kkr_scf( tmpnode, silent=True, strucplot=False, nofig=fig_open, only='rms', noshow=True, label=f'pk={}', subplot=(2, 1, 1), **kwargs ) # scf workflow, rms only if did_plot and not fig_open: fig_open = True if did_plot: xlabel('') # remove overlapping x label in upper plot if did_plot and not nolegend: legend(loc=3, fontsize='x-small', ncol=2) # plot charge neutrality self.plot_kkr_scf( tmpnode, silent=True, strucplot=False, nofig=True, only='neutr', noshow=True, label=f'pk={}', subplot=(2, 1, 2), **kwargs ) # scf workflow, rms only if did_plot: title('') # remove overlapping title if did_plot and not nolegend: legend(loc=3, fontsize='x-small', ncol=2) plotted_kkr_scf = True if not (plotted_kkr_scf or plotted_kkr_start): print('found no startpot or kkrstart data to plot') # plot eos results try: # exctract data e = array(node.outputs.eos_results.get_dict().get('energies', [])) v = array(node.outputs.eos_results.get_dict().get('volumes', [])) fitfunc_gs = node.outputs.eos_results.get_dict().get('gs_fitfunction') # now fit and plot figure() try: eos = EquationOfState(v, e, eos=fitfunc_gs) v0, e0, B = eos.plot() axvline(v0, color='k', ls='--') except: plot(v, e, 'o') # add calculation pks to data points scalings_all = array(node.outputs.eos_results.get_dict().get('scale_factors_all')) scalings = node.outputs.eos_results.get_dict().get('scalings') names = sort([ name for name in list(node.outputs.eos_results.get_dict().get('sub_workflow_uuids').keys()) if 'kkr_scf' in name ]) pks = array([ load_node(node.outputs.eos_results.get_dict().get('sub_workflow_uuids')[name]).pk for name in names ]) mask = [] for i in range(len(pks)): s = scalings[i] m = where(scalings_all == s) pk = pks[m][0] ie = e[m][0] iv = v[m][0] if not nolegend: annotate(text=f'pk={pk}', xy=(iv, ie)) # investigate fit quality by fitting without first/last datapoint if len(e) > 4: eos = EquationOfState(v[1:-1], e[1:-1], eos=fitfunc_gs) v01, e01, B1 = # take out smallest data point eos = EquationOfState(v[1:], e[1:], eos=fitfunc_gs) v01, e01, B1 = print('# relative differences to full fit: V0, E0, B (without smallest volume)') print(f'{abs(1 - v01 / v0)} {abs(1 - e01 / e0)} {abs(1 - B1 / B)}') if len(e) > 5: # also take out largest volume eos = EquationOfState(v[1:-1], e[1:-1], eos=fitfunc_gs) v02, e02, B2 = print('\n# V0, E0, B (without smallest and largest volume)') print(f'{abs(1 - v02 / v0)} {abs(1 - e02 / e0)} {abs(1 - B2 / B)}') except: pass # do nothing if no eos data there
[docs] def get_node(node): """Get node from pk or uuid""" from aiida.orm import load_node, Node # load node if pk or uuid is given if type(node) == int: node = load_node(node) elif type(node) == type(''): node = load_node(node) elif isinstance(node, Node): pass else: raise TypeError( "input node should either be the nodes pk (int), it's uuid (str) or the node itself (aiida.orm.Node). Got type(node)={}" .format(type(node)) ) return node
[docs] def get_rms_kkrcalc_from_remote(node, **kwargs): """ connect to remote folder and extract the rms etc from the out_kkr file if kwargs are given, a dict is retuned for each of the search keys """ from aiida.common.folders import SandboxFolder from import search_string # extract info needed to open transport #c = node.inputs.code #comp = #authinfo = comp.get_authinfo(c.user) #transport = authinfo.get_transport() transport = node.get_transport() out_kkr = '' rms, neutr, etot, efermi = [], [], [], [] return_dict = {} # now get contents of out_kkr using remote call of 'cat' with SandboxFolder() as tempfolder: with'tempfile', 'w') as f: try: node.outputs.remote_folder.getfile('out_kkr', has_outfile = True except: has_outfile = False if has_outfile: with'tempfile', 'r') as f: out_kkr = f.readlines() # now extract rms, charge neutrality, total energy and value of Fermi energy if has_outfile: itmp = 0 while itmp >= 0: itmp = search_string('rms', out_kkr) if itmp >= 0: tmpline = out_kkr.pop(itmp) tmpval = float(tmpline.split('=')[1].split()[0].replace('D', 'e')) rms.append(tmpval) itmp = 0 while itmp >= 0: itmp = search_string('charge neutrality', out_kkr) if itmp >= 0: tmpline = out_kkr.pop(itmp) tmpval = float(tmpline.split('=')[1].split()[0].replace('D', 'e')) neutr.append(tmpval) itmp = 0 while itmp >= 0: itmp = search_string('TOTAL ENERGY in ryd', out_kkr) if itmp >= 0: tmpline = out_kkr.pop(itmp) tmpval = float(tmpline.split(':')[1].split()[0].replace('D', 'e')) etot.append(tmpval) itmp = 0 while itmp >= 0: itmp = search_string('E FERMI', out_kkr) if itmp >= 0: tmpline = out_kkr.pop(itmp) tmpval = float(tmpline.split('FERMI')[1].split()[0].replace('D', 'e')) efermi.append(tmpval) # search for all additinoal keys for key in kwargs: return_dict[key] = [] itmp = 0 while itmp >= 0: itmp = search_string(key, out_kkr) if itmp >= 0: tmpline = out_kkr.pop(itmp) tmpval = float(tmpline.split(key)[1]) return_dict[key].append(tmpval) if return_dict == {}: return rms, neutr, etot, efermi else: return rms, neutr, etot, efermi, return_dict
[docs] def get_ef_from_parent(node): """Extract Fermi level from parent calculation""" try: parent_calc = node.inputs.parent_folder.get_incoming().first().node try: # parent is KkrCalc ef = parent_calc.outputs.output_parameters.get_dict()['fermi_energy'] except: # parent is scf workflow ef = parent_calc.outputs.last_calc_out['fermi_energy'] except: with'output.0.txt', mode='r') as file_handle: txt = file_handle.readlines() iline = search_string('Fermi energy =', txt) if iline >= 0: ef = txt[iline].split('=')[1] ef = float(ef.split()[0]) else: ef = None if ef is None: raise ValueError('error loading Fermi energy from outfile, retry extracting from parent') return ef
[docs] def get_a0_from_node(node): """Extract factor 2pi/alat from inputcard""" with'inputcard') as _f: txt = _f.readlines() txt = [line for line in txt if 'ALATBASIS' in line] if len(txt) == 0: raise ValueError('ALATBASIS not found in inputcard') alat = float(txt[0].split('=')[1].split()[0]) a0 = 2 * np.pi / alat / 0.52918 return a0
[docs] def get_qdos_filenames(node): """get the sorted list of qdos filenames and find number of energy points""" # get qdos filenames retrieved = node.outputs.retrieved qdos_filenames = np.sort([i for i in retrieved.list_object_names() if 'qdos.' in i]) # read number of energy points with[0]) as _f: ne = len(set(np.loadtxt(_f)[:, 0])) return qdos_filenames, ne
[docs] def get_qdos_data_from_node(node, qdos_filenames): """Extract the qdos data (summed over all atoms)""" from aiida import orm if 'saved_dispersion_data_uuid' in node.extras: # only return the existing numpy array if it exists data = orm.load_node(node.extras['saved_dispersion_data_uuid']).get_array('data') else: # read qdos data and store as extra for i, fname in enumerate(qdos_filenames): # read data from qdos file with as _f: tmp = np.loadtxt(_f) # sum up all contributions if i == 0: data = tmp else: if len(fname.split('.')[1]) == 2: # old data format that also kept the imaginary part # of the energy point data[:, 5:] += tmp[:, 5:] else: # new data format data[:, 4:] += tmp[:, 4:] # now store as extra # TODO: make this nicer and connect to provenance graph with calcfunction data_node = orm.ArrayData() data_node.set_array('data', data) node.set_extra('saved_dispersion_data_uuid', data_node.uuid) return data