Source code for aiida_kkr.calculations.kkrimp

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Input plug-in for a KKRimp calculation.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from aiida.engine import CalcJob
from aiida.orm import CalcJobNode, Dict, RemoteData, SinglefileData, Bool
from aiida.common.utils import classproperty
from aiida.common.exceptions import (InputValidationError, ValidationError, UniquenessError)
from aiida.common.datastructures import (CalcInfo, CodeInfo)
from import kkrparams
from .voro import VoronoiCalculation
from .kkr import KkrCalculation
from import modify_potential, make_scoef, write_scoef_full_imp_cls
from import get_username
from import search_string, get_ef_from_potfile
import os
import tarfile
from numpy import array, array_equal, sqrt, sum, where, loadtxt
import six
from six.moves import range

__copyright__ = (u'Copyright (c), 2018, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, '
                 'IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany. All rights reserved.')
__license__ = 'MIT license, see LICENSE.txt file'
__version__ = '0.7.0'
__contributors__ = (u'Philipp Rüßmann', u'Fabian Bertoldo')

#TODO: implement 'ilayer_center' consistency check

[docs]class KkrimpCalculation(CalcJob): """ AiiDA calculation plugin for a KKRimp calculation. """ # calculation plugin version _CALCULATION_PLUGIN_VERSION = __version__ # List of mandatory input files _CONFIG = u'config.cfg' _POTENTIAL = u'potential' _KKRFLEX_GREEN = KkrCalculation._KKRFLEX_GREEN _KKRFLEX_TMAT = KkrCalculation._KKRFLEX_TMAT _KKRFLEX_ATOMINFO = KkrCalculation._KKRFLEX_ATOMINFO _KKRFLEX_INTERCELL_REF = KkrCalculation._KKRFLEX_INTERCELL_REF _KKRFLEX_INTERCELL_CMOMS = KkrCalculation._KKRFLEX_INTERCELL_CMOMS # List of optional input files (may be mandatory for some setting in inputputcard) _SHAPEFUN = u'shapefun' _KKRFLEX_ANGLE = u'kkrflex_angle' _KKRFLEX_LLYFAC = u'kkrflex_llyfac' # full list of kkrflex files _ALL_KKRFLEX_FILES = KkrCalculation._ALL_KKRFLEX_FILES _ALL_KKRFLEX_FILES.append(_KKRFLEX_ANGLE) _ALL_KKRFLEX_FILES.append(_KKRFLEX_LLYFAC) # List of output files that should always be present (are always retrieved) _OUT_POTENTIAL = u'out_potential' _OUTPUT_000 = u'out_log.000.txt' _OUT_TIMING_000 = u'out_timing.000.txt' _OUT_ENERGYSP = u'out_energysp_eV' _OUT_ENERGYSP_PER_ATOM = u'out_energysp_per_atom_eV' _OUT_ENERGYTOT = u'out_energytotal_eV' _OUT_ENERGYTOT_PER_ATOM = u'out_energytotal_per_atom_eV' # List of output files that are retrieved if special conditions are fulfilled _OUT_JIJMAT = u'out_Jijmatrix' _OUT_JIJ_OF_E_BASE = 'out_Jijmatrix_Eres_IE%0.3i.dat' _OUT_LDOS_BASE = u'out_ldos.atom=%2i_spin%i.dat' _OUT_LDOS_INTERPOL_BASE = u'out_ldos.interpol.atom=%2i_spin%i.dat' _OUT_LMDOS_BASE = u'out_lmdos.atom=%2i_spin%i.dat' _OUT_LMDOS_INTERPOL_BASE = u'out_lmdos.interpol.atom=%2i_spin%i.dat' _OUT_MAGNETICMOMENTS = u'out_magneticmoments' _OUT_ORBITALMOMENTS = u'out_orbitalmoments' _LDAUPOT = 'ldaupot' # template.product entry point defined in setup.json _default_parser = u'kkr.kkrimpparser' # default names used within aiida (verdi calculation out(in)putcat) _OUTPUT_FILE_NAME = u'out_kkrimp' _INPUT_FILE_NAME = _CONFIG _DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE = _OUTPUT_FILE_NAME # will be shown with outputcat _DEFAULT_INPUT_FILE = _INPUT_FILE_NAME # will be shown with inputcat # name of tarfile which is created by parser after successful parsing (to reduce amount of data stored in repo) _FILENAME_TAR = 'output_all.tar.gz' _DIRNAME_GF_UPLOAD = 'kkrflex_green_upload'
[docs] @classmethod def define(cls, spec): """ Init internal parameters at class load time """ # reuse base class function super(KkrimpCalculation, cls).define(spec) # now define input files and parser spec.input( 'metadata.options.parser_name', valid_type=six.string_types, default=cls._default_parser, non_db=True ) spec.input( 'metadata.options.input_filename', valid_type=six.string_types, default=cls._DEFAULT_INPUT_FILE, non_db=True ) spec.input( 'metadata.options.output_filename', valid_type=six.string_types, default=cls._DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE, non_db=True ) # define input nodes (optional ones have required=False) spec.input( 'parameters', valid_type=Dict, required=False, help='Use a node that specifies the input parameters (calculation settings).' ) spec.input( 'host_Greenfunction_folder', valid_type=RemoteData, required=True, help= 'Use a node that specifies the host KKR calculation contaning the host Green function and tmatrix (KkrCalculation with impurity_info input).' ) spec.input( 'host_Greenfunction_folder_Efshift', valid_type=RemoteData, required=False, help= 'Use a node that specifies the host KKR calculation contaning the host Green function and tmatrix with Fermi level shift (used to set Fermi level).' ) spec.input( 'impurity_potential', valid_type=SinglefileData, required=False, help='Use a node that contains the input potential.' ) spec.input( 'parent_calc_folder', valid_type=RemoteData, required=False, help='Use a node that specifies a parent KKRimp calculation.' ) spec.input( 'impurity_info', valid_type=Dict, required=False, help='Use a parameter node that specifies properties for a immpurity calculation.' ) spec.input( 'settings_LDAU', valid_type=Dict, required=False, help=""" Settings for running a LDA+U calculation. The Dict node should be of the form settings_LDAU = Dict(dict={'iatom=0':{ 'L': 3, # l-block which gets U correction (1: p, 2: d, 3: f-electrons) 'U': 7., # U value in eV 'J': 0.75, # J value in eV 'Eref_EF': 0., # reference energy in eV relative to the Fermi energy. This is the energy where the projector wavefunctions are calculated (should be close in energy where the states that are shifted lie (e.g. for Eu use the Fermi energy)) }}) Note: you can add multiple entries like the one for iatom==0 in this example. The atom index refers to the corresponding atom in the impurity cluster. """ ) spec.input( 'initial_noco_angles', valid_type=Dict, required=False, help=""" Initial non-collinear angles for the magnetic moments of the impurities. These values will be written into the `kkrflex_angle` input file of KKRimp. The Dict node should be of the form initial_noco_angles = Dict(dict={ 'theta': [theta_at1, theta_at2, ..., theta_atN], # list theta values in degrees (0..180) 'phi': [phi_at1, phi_at2, ..., phi_atN], # list phi values in degrees (0..360) 'fix_dir': [True, False, ..., True/False], # list of booleans indicating of the direction of the magentic moment should be fixed or is allowed to be updated (True means keep the direction of the magnetic moment fixed) }) Note: The length of the theta, phi and fix_dir lists have to be equal to the number of atoms in the impurity cluster. """ ) spec.input( 'cleanup_outfiles', valid_type=Bool, required=False, default=lambda: Bool(False), help='Cleanup and compress output (works only in aiida-core<2.0 and breaks caching ability).' ) # define outputs spec.output('output_parameters', valid_type=Dict, required=True, help='results of the KKRimp calculation') spec.default_output_node = 'output_parameters' # define exit codes, also used in parser spec.exit_code(301, 'ERROR_NO_RETRIEVED_FOLDER', message='Retrieved folder of KKRimp calculation not found.') spec.exit_code(302, 'ERROR_PARSING_KKRIMPCALC', message='KKRimp parser returned an error.')
[docs] def prepare_for_submission(self, tempfolder): """ Create input files. :param tempfolder: aiida.common.folders.Folder subclass where the plugin should put all its files. :param inputdict: dictionary of the input nodes as they would be returned by get_inputs_dict """ # Check inputdict and extrace nodes tmp = self._check_and_extract_input_nodes(tempfolder) parameters, code, imp_info = tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2] kkrflex_file_paths, shapefun_path, shapes = tmp[3], tmp[4], tmp[5] host_parent_calc, params_host, impurity_potential = tmp[6], tmp[7], tmp[8] parent_calc_folder, structure = tmp[9], tmp[10] # Prepare input files for KKRimp calculation # 1. fill kkr params for KKRimp, write config file and eventually also kkrflex_llyfac file self._extract_and_write_config( parent_calc_folder, params_host, parameters, tempfolder, kkrflex_file_paths[KkrCalculation._KKRFLEX_ATOMINFO] ) # 2. write shapefun from impurity info and host shapefun and copy imp. potential self._get_pot_and_shape( imp_info, shapefun_path, shapes, impurity_potential, parent_calc_folder, tempfolder, structure ) # 3. change kkrflex_atominfo to match impurity case self._change_atominfo(imp_info, kkrflex_file_paths, tempfolder) # prepare copy and retrieve lists local_copy_list = [] # potential already in tempfolder which is copied in full for filename in list(kkrflex_file_paths.keys()): if filename != self._KKRFLEX_ATOMINFO: src_path = kkrflex_file_paths[filename] local_copy_list.append((src_path.uuid, filename, filename)) retrieve_list = [ self._OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, self._CONFIG, self._KKRFLEX_ATOMINFO, self._KKRFLEX_ANGLE, self._KKRFLEX_LLYFAC, self._OUT_POTENTIAL, self._OUTPUT_000, self._OUT_TIMING_000, self._OUT_ENERGYSP_PER_ATOM, self._OUT_ENERGYTOT_PER_ATOM ] # extract run and test options (these change retrieve list in some cases) allopts = self.get_run_test_opts(parameters) # retrieve l(m)dos files retrieve_list = self.add_lmdos_files_to_retrieve(tempfolder, allopts, retrieve_list, kkrflex_file_paths) # change retrieve list for Chebychev solver retrieve_list = self.adapt_retrieve_tmatnew(tempfolder, allopts, retrieve_list) # write ldaupot file and change retrieved list for LDA+U calculation # this is triggered with having the settings_LDAU dict node in input. retrieve_list = self.init_ldau(tempfolder, retrieve_list, parent_calc_folder) # add Jij files to retrieve list if calculation if in Jij mode retrieve_list = self.add_jij_files(tempfolder, retrieve_list) # change local and remote copy list if GF is found on remote machine remote_symlink_list, local_copy_list = self.get_remote_symlink(local_copy_list) # Prepare CalcInfo to be returned to aiida (e.g. retreive_list etc.) calcinfo = CalcInfo() calcinfo.uuid = self.uuid calcinfo.local_copy_list = local_copy_list calcinfo.remote_copy_list = [] calcinfo.remote_symlink_list = remote_symlink_list calcinfo.retrieve_list = retrieve_list codeinfo = CodeInfo() codeinfo.cmdline_params = [] codeinfo.stdout_name = self._OUTPUT_FILE_NAME codeinfo.code_uuid = code.uuid calcinfo.codes_info = [codeinfo] return calcinfo
##################################################### # helper functions
[docs] def _get_and_verify_hostfiles(self, tempfolder): """ Check inputdict for host_Greenfunction_folder and extract impurity_info, paths to kkrflex-files and path of shapefun file :param inputdict: input dictionary containing all input nodes to KkrimpCalculation :returns: * imp_info: Dict node containing impurity information like position, Z_imp, cluster size, etc. * kkrflex_file_paths: dict of absolute file paths for the kkrflex files * shapefun_path: absolute path of the shapefunction file in the host calculation (needed to construct shapefun_imp) * shapes: mapping array of atoms to shapes (<SHAPE> input) :note: shapefun_path is None if host_Greenfunction calculation was not full-potential :raises: * InputValidationError, if inputdict does not contain 'host_Greenfunction' * InputValidationError, if host_Greenfunction_folder not of right type * UniquenessError, if host_Greenfunction_folder does not have exactly one parent * InputValidationError, if host_Greenfunction does not have an input node impurity_info * InputValidationError, if host_Greenfunction was not a KKRFLEX calculation """ # get mandatory input nodes (extract host_Greenfunction_folder) host_parent = self.inputs.host_Greenfunction_folder # extract parent calculation parent_calcs = host_parent.get_incoming(node_class=CalcJob) n_parents = len(parent_calcs.all_link_labels()) if n_parents != 1: raise UniquenessError( 'Input RemoteData is child of {} ' 'calculation{}, while it should have a single parent' ''.format(n_parents, '' if n_parents == 0 else 's') ) else: parent_calc = parent_calcs.first().node # extract impurity_info if 'impurity_info' in self.inputs: imp_info_inputnode = self.inputs.impurity_info if not isinstance(imp_info_inputnode, Dict): raise InputValidationError('impurity_info not of type Dict') if 'impurity_info' in parent_calc.get_incoming().all_link_labels(): imp_info = parent_calc.get_incoming().get_node_by_label('impurity_info') else: imp_info = None if imp_info is None: raise InputValidationError('host_Greenfunction calculation does not have an input node impurity_info') found_impurity_inputnode = True found_host_parent = True else: if 'impurity_info' in parent_calc.get_incoming().all_link_labels(): imp_info = parent_calc.get_incoming().get_node_by_label('impurity_info') else: imp_info = None if imp_info is None: raise InputValidationError('host_Greenfunction calculation does not have an input node impurity_info') found_impurity_inputnode = False # if impurity input is seperate input, check if it is the same as # the one from the parent calc (except for 'Zimp'). If that's not the # case, raise an error if found_impurity_inputnode and found_host_parent: check_consistency_imp_info = False #TODO: implement also 'ilayer_center' check if 'imp_cls' in imp_info_inputnode.get_dict().keys(): input_imp_cls_arr = array(imp_info_inputnode.get_dict()['imp_cls']) parent_imp_cls_arr = array(imp_info.get_dict()['imp_cls']) is_identical = array_equal(input_imp_cls_arr[:, 0:4], parent_imp_cls_arr[:, 0:4]) if is_identical: check_consistency_imp_info = True else:'impurity_info node from input and from previous GF calculation are NOT compatible!.') elif imp_info_inputnode.get_dict().get('Rcut') == imp_info.get_dict().get('Rcut'): check_consistency_imp_info = True try: if ( imp_info_inputnode.get_dict().get('hcut') == imp_info.get_dict().get('hcut') and imp_info_inputnode.get_dict().get('cylinder_orient') == imp_info.get_dict().get('cylinder_orient') and imp_info_inputnode.get_dict().get('Rimp_rel') == imp_info.get_dict().get('Rimp_rel') ):'impurity_info node from input and from previous GF calculation are compatible') check_consistency_imp_info = True else: 'impurity_info node from input and from previous GF calculation are NOT compatible!. ' 'Please check your impurity_info nodes for consistency.' ) check_consistency_imp_info = False except AttributeError: 'Non default values of the impurity_info node from input and from previous ' "GF calculation are compatible. Default values haven't been checked" ) check_consistency_imp_info = True else: 'impurity_info node from input and from previous GF calculation are NOT compatible!. ' 'Please check your impurity_info nodes for consistency.' ) check_consistency_imp_info = False if check_consistency_imp_info: imp_info = imp_info_inputnode else: raise InputValidationError('impurity_info nodes (input and GF calc) are not compatible') # check if host parent was KKRFLEX calculation hostfolder = parent_calc.outputs.retrieved with as fhandle: # use read_keywords_from_inputcard of kkrparams class params_host_calc = kkrparams(params_type='kkr') params_host_calc.read_keywords_from_inputcard(inputcard=fhandle) if 'RUNOPT' not in list(params_host_calc.get_dict().keys()): host_ok = False elif 'KKRFLEX' not in params_host_calc.get_dict().get('RUNOPT', []): host_ok = False else: host_ok = True if not host_ok: raise InputValidationError('host_Greenfunction calculation was not a KKRFLEX run') # extract information from Efshift host GF input node (not mandatory) if 'host_Greenfunction_folder_Efshift' in self.inputs: host_parent_Efshift = self.inputs.host_Greenfunction_folder_Efshift parent_calcs_Efshift = host_parent_Efshift.get_incoming(node_class=CalcJob) parent_calc_Efshift = parent_calcs_Efshift.first().node hostfolder_Efshift = parent_calc_Efshift.outputs.retrieved else: hostfolder_Efshift = None kkrflex_file_paths = {} for filename in self._ALL_KKRFLEX_FILES: if filename in hostfolder.list_object_names(): kkrflex_file_paths[filename] = hostfolder # take tmat and green file from Fermi level overwrite directory (second GF_writeout calculation) if hostfolder_Efshift is not None and filename in [self._KKRFLEX_TMAT, self._KKRFLEX_GREEN]: if filename in hostfolder_Efshift.list_object_names(): kkrflex_file_paths[filename] = hostfolder_Efshift # extract shapes array from parameters read from inputcard shapes = params_host_calc.get_dict().get('<SHAPE>', None) if shapes is None: # fallback if SHAPES is not explicityl set (assume each atom has it's own shapefun shapes = range(1, params_host_calc.get_dict().get('NAEZ') + 1) elif type(shapes) == int: shapes = [shapes] # extract input structure and voro_parent to get shapefun in next step try: structure, voro_parent = VoronoiCalculation.find_parent_structure(parent_calc) except: raise InputValidationError('No structure node found from host GF parent') # extract shapefun path for read-in shapefun_path = {} if VoronoiCalculation._SHAPEFUN in voro_parent.outputs.retrieved.list_object_names(): shapefun_path = voro_parent.outputs.retrieved else: shapefun_path = None return imp_info, kkrflex_file_paths, shapefun_path, shapes, parent_calc, params_host_calc, structure
[docs] def _check_and_extract_input_nodes(self, tempfolder): """ Extract input nodes from inputdict and check consitency of input nodes :param inputdict: dict of inputnodes :returns: * parameters (, optional: parameters of KKRimp that end up in config.cfg * code (KKRimpCodeNode): code of KKRimp on some machine * imp_info (DictNode): parameter node of the impurity information, extracted from host_parent_calc * kkrflex_file_paths (dict): dictionary of {filenames: absolute_path_to_file} for the kkrflex-files * shapfun_path (str): absolute path of the shapefunction of the host parent calculation * host_parent_calc (KkrCalculation): node of the parent host calculation where the kkrflex-files were created * impurity_potential (SinglefileData): single file data node containing the starting potential for the impurity calculation * parent_calc_folder (RemoteData): remote directory of a parent KKRimp calculation """ # get mandatory input nodes (extract code) code = self.inputs.code # now check for optional nodes if 'parameters' in self.inputs: parameters = self.inputs.parameters else: parameters = None if parameters is not None: # convert to kkrparams instance parameters = kkrparams(params_type='kkrimp', **parameters.get_dict()) # get hostfiles imp_info, kkrflex_file_paths, shapfun_path, shapes, host_parent_calc, params_host, structure = self._get_and_verify_hostfiles( tempfolder ) # check impurity potential or parent calculation input # impurity_potential if 'impurity_potential' in self.inputs: impurity_potential = self.inputs.impurity_potential found_imp_pot = True else: impurity_potential = None found_imp_pot = False # parent calculation folder if 'parent_calc_folder' in self.inputs: parent_calc_folder = self.inputs.parent_calc_folder found_parent_calc = True else: parent_calc_folder = None found_parent_calc = False # consistency checks if not found_parent_calc and not found_imp_pot: raise InputValidationError( 'Neither impurity_potential nor parent_calc_folder specified for this calculation.\n' 'Please provide either impurity_potential or parent_calc_folder.' ) elif found_parent_calc and found_imp_pot: raise InputValidationError( 'Both impurity_potential and parent_calc_folder specified for this calculation.\n' 'Please provide one one, i.e. either impurity_potential or parent_calc_folder.' ) # Done checking inputs, returning... return parameters, code, imp_info, kkrflex_file_paths, shapfun_path, shapes, host_parent_calc, params_host, impurity_potential, parent_calc_folder, structure
[docs] def _extract_and_write_config(self, parent_calc_folder, params_host, parameters, tempfolder, GFhost_folder): """ fill kkr params for KKRimp and write config file also writes kkrflex_llyfac file if Lloyd is used in the host system """ # initialize kkrimp parameter set with default values params_kkrimp = kkrparams( params_type='kkrimp', NPAN_LOGPANELFAC=2, RADIUS_MIN=-1, NCOLL=0, SPINORBIT=0, SCFSTEPS=1, IMIX=0, MIXFAC=0.05, ITDBRY=20, BRYMIX=0.05, QBOUND=10**-7, RUNFLAG=[], TESTFLAG=[], HFIELD=[0.0, 0], CALCFORCE=0, CALCJIJMAT=0, CALCORBITALMOMENT=0, ICST=2 ) # keys that are being overwritten from host calculation settings keys_overwrite = [ 'NSPIN', 'KVREL', 'XC', 'INS', 'ICST', 'RADIUS_LOGPANELS', 'NPAN_EQ', 'NPAN_LOG', 'NCHEB', 'QBOUND' ] for key in keys_overwrite: if key == 'XC': key0 = 'KEXCOR' elif key == 'RADIUS_LOGPANELS': key0 = 'R_LOG' elif key == 'MIXFAC': key0 = 'STRMIX' else: key0 = key val = params_host.get_value(key0) if val is not None: params_kkrimp.set_value(key, val) # settings for SOC solver runopts = params_host.get_value('RUNOPT') if 'NEWSOSOL' in runopts: params_kkrimp.set_multiple_values(NCOLL=1, SPINORBIT=1, CALCORBITALMOMENT=1, TESTFLAG=['tmatnew']) else: params_kkrimp.set_multiple_values(NCOLL=0, SPINORBIT=0, CALCORBITALMOMENT=0, TESTFLAG=[]) # extract input RUNFLAGS runflag = None if parameters is not None: for (key, val) in parameters.get_set_values(): if key == 'RUNFLAG': runflag = list(val) if runflag is None: runflag = [] # special settings runopts = params_host.get_value('RUNOPT') if 'SIMULASA' in runopts or (params_kkrimp.get_value('NCOLL') > 0 and params_kkrimp.get_value('INS') == 0): runflag.append('SIMULASA') # take care of LLYsimple (i.e. Lloyd in host system) if 'LLOYD' in runopts: # add runflag for imp code runflag.append('LLYsimple') # also extract renormalization factor and create kkrflex_llyfac file (contains one value only) with'output.000.txt') as f: txt = f.readlines() iline = search_string('RENORM_LLY: Renormalization factor of total charge', txt) if iline >= 0: llyfac = txt[iline].split()[-1] # now write kkrflex_llyfac to tempfolder where later on config file is also written with, 'w') as f2: f2.writelines([llyfac]) # now set runflags params_kkrimp.set_value('RUNFLAG', runflag) # overwrite keys if found in parent_calc (previous KKRimp calculation) # here `parent_calc_folder` is the `remote` output node of the previous KKRimp calculation if parent_calc_folder is not None: parent_calc = parent_calc_folder.get_incoming().get_node_by_label('remote_folder') params_parent = parent_calc.get_incoming().get_node_by_label('parameters') else: params_parent = None if params_parent is not None: params_parent = kkrparams(params_type='kkrimp', **params_parent.get_dict()) for (key, val) in params_parent.get_set_values(): self._check_key_setting_consistency(params_kkrimp, key, val) params_kkrimp.set_value(key, val) # finally overwrite from input parameters if parameters is not None: for (key, val) in parameters.get_set_values(): self._check_key_setting_consistency(params_kkrimp, key, val) params_kkrimp.set_value(key, val) # special run mode: calculation of Jijs if parameters.get_value('CALCJIJMAT') is not None and parameters.get_value('CALCJIJMAT') == 1:'Found CALCJIJMAT=1: trigger JIJ mode which overwrites IMIX, MIXFAC, SCFSTEPS and RUNFLAGs') # settings in config file runflag.append('force_angles') # take care of LDA+U if 'settings_LDAU' in self.inputs: # this prevents mixing LDAU potential in between iterations runflag.append('freezeldau') # now add runflags params_kkrimp.set_multiple_values(IMIX=0, MIXFAC=0., SCFSTEPS=3, RUNFLAG=runflag) # for DOS mode add flag to writeout Jij info energy resolved (this will be retrieved if ) testflag = params_kkrimp.get_value('TESTFLAG') testflag.append('Jij(E)') params_kkrimp.set_value('TESTFLAG', testflag) # extract NATOM from atominfo file with as file: atominfo = file.readlines() itmp = search_string('NATOM', atominfo) if itmp >= 0: natom = int(atominfo[itmp + 1].split()[0]) else: raise ValueError('Could not extract NATOM value from kkrflex_atominfo') # now write kkrflex_angle file with, 'w') as kkrflex_angle_file: for istep in range(3): for iatom in range(natom): if istep == 0: kkrflex_angle_file.write(f' 0.0 0.0 1\n') elif istep == 1: kkrflex_angle_file.write(f' 90.0 0.0 1\n') else: kkrflex_angle_file.write(f' 90.0 90.0 1\n') # write kkrflex_angle file # DOES NOT WORK TOGETHER WITH JIJ mode!!! if 'initial_noco_angles' in self.inputs:'Found `initial_noco_angles` input node, writing kkrflex_angle file') # check if calculation is no Jij run if parameters.get_value('CALCJIJMAT') is not None and parameters.get_value('CALCJIJMAT') == 1: raise InputValidationError('ERROR: ') # extract NATOM from atominfo file with as file: atominfo = file.readlines() itmp = search_string('NATOM', atominfo) if itmp >= 0: natom = int(atominfo[itmp + 1].split()[0]) else: raise ValueError('Could not extract NATOM value from kkrflex_atominfo') # extract values from input node thetas = self.inputs.initial_noco_angles['theta'] if len(thetas) != natom: raise InputValidationError( 'Error: `theta` list in `initial_noco_angles` input node needs to have the same length as number of atoms in the impurity cluster!' ) phis = self.inputs.initial_noco_angles['phi'] if len(phis) != natom: raise InputValidationError( 'Error: `phi` list in `initial_noco_angles` input node needs to have the same length as number of atoms in the impurity cluster!' ) fix_dirs = self.inputs.initial_noco_angles['fix_dir'] if len(fix_dirs) != natom: raise InputValidationError( 'Error: `fix_dir` list in `initial_noco_angles` input node needs to have the same length as number of atoms in the impurity cluster!' ) # now write kkrflex_angle file with, 'w') as kkrflex_angle_file: for iatom in range(natom): theta, phi, fix_dir = thetas[iatom], phis[iatom], fix_dirs[iatom] # check consistency if theta < 0 or theta > 180: raise InputValidationError( f'Error: theta value out of range (0..180): iatom={iatom}, theta={theta}' ) if phi < 0 or phi > 360: raise InputValidationError(f'Error: phi value out of range (0..360): iatom={iatom}, phi={phi}') # write line kkrflex_angle_file.write(f' {theta} {phi} {fix_dir}\n') # write config.cfg with, u'w') as config_file: params_kkrimp.fill_keywords_to_inputfile(output=config_file)
[docs] def _change_atominfo(self, imp_info, kkrflex_file_paths, tempfolder): """ change kkrflex_atominfo to match impurity case """ # read in atominfo file as it is written out with kkrflex_file_paths[KkrCalculation._KKRFLEX_ATOMINFO].open(KkrCalculation._KKRFLEX_ATOMINFO) as file: atominfo = file.readlines() #TODO implement logic to extract this info from imp_info replace_zatom_imp = [] # read scoef for comparison with Rimp_rel scoef = [] with, u'r') as scoeffile: scoef = loadtxt(scoeffile, skiprows=1)[:, :3] # find replaceZimp list from Zimp and Rimp_rel imp_info_dict = imp_info.get_dict() Zimp_list = imp_info_dict.get(u'Zimp') if type(Zimp_list) != list: Zimp_list = [Zimp_list] # fast fix for cases when Zimp is not a list but a single value Rimp_rel_list = imp_info_dict.get(u'Rimp_rel', [[0, 0, 0]])'DEBUG: Rimp_rel_list: {Rimp_rel_list}.') for iatom in range(len(Zimp_list)): rtmp = array(Rimp_rel_list[iatom])[:3]'INFO: Rimp_rel {iatom}, {rtmp}') diff = sqrt(sum((rtmp - scoef)**2, axis=1)) Zimp = Zimp_list[iatom] ipos_replace = where(diff == diff.min())[0][0] replace_zatom_imp.append([ipos_replace, Zimp]) for (iatom, zimp) in replace_zatom_imp: tmp = atominfo[iatom + 4].split() x, y, z = float(tmp[0]), float(tmp[1]), float(tmp[2]) zatom = float(tmp[3]) virt, remove, lmax = int(tmp[4]), int(tmp[5]), int(tmp[6]) zatom = zimp tmp = u' %24.16f %24.16f %24.16f %5.2f %4i %4i %4i\n' % (x, y, z, zatom, virt, remove, lmax) atominfo[iatom + 4] = tmp # write atominfo file with, u'w') as atominfofile: atominfofile.writelines(atominfo)
[docs] def _get_pot_and_shape( self, imp_info, shapefun, shapes, impurity_potential, parent_calc_folder, tempfolder, structure ): """ write shapefun from impurity info and host shapefun and copy imp. potential returns: file handle to potential file """ imp_info_dict = imp_info.get_dict() # create scoef file if 'imp_cls' not in imp_info_dict: # this means cluster is found from parameters in imp_info # extract cluster settings Rcut = imp_info_dict.get('Rcut', None) hcut = imp_info_dict.get('hcut', -1.) cylinder_orient = imp_info_dict.get('cylinder_orient', [0., 0., 1.]) ilayer_center = imp_info_dict.get('ilayer_center', 0) # now write scoef file'Input parameters for make_scoef read in correctly!') with, 'w') as scoef_file: make_scoef(structure, Rcut, scoef_file, hcut, cylinder_orient, ilayer_center) else: # this means the full imp cluster is given in the input"Write scoef from imp_cls input! {len(imp_info_dict.get('imp_cls'))}") with, 'w') as scoef_file: write_scoef_full_imp_cls(imp_info, scoef_file) # now create impurity shapefun (reads scoef file) with, u'r') as scoef_file: with, u'w') as shapefun_new: with, u'r') as shapefun_file: shapelen = len(shapefun_file.readlines()) if shapelen > 1: modify_potential().shapefun_from_scoef(scoef_file, shapefun_file, shapes, shapefun_new) # get path of tempfolder with'.dummy', 'w') as tmpfile: tempfolder_path = os.path.dirname( # find path to input potential if impurity_potential is not None: potfile_name, potfile_folder = impurity_potential.filename, impurity_potential elif parent_calc_folder is not None: f'parent_calc_folder {parent_calc_folder} {parent_calc_folder.get_incoming().all_link_labels()}' ) retrieved = parent_calc_folder.get_incoming(node_class=CalcJobNode ).first().node.get_outgoing().get_node_by_label('retrieved')'potfile {retrieved} {self._OUT_POTENTIAL}') # extract file from host's tarball (extract to tempfolder and use from there, this way the unnessesary files are deleted once submission is done) tar_filenames = [] if self._FILENAME_TAR in retrieved.list_object_names(): # get path of tarfile with as tf: tfpath = # extract file from tarfile of retrieved to tempfolder with as tf: tar_filenames = [ for ifile in tf.getmembers()]'extract potfile from tarball {tar_filenames}') filename = self._OUT_POTENTIAL if filename in tar_filenames: tf.extract(filename, tempfolder_path) # extract to tempfolder else: # otherwise copy from retrieved to tempfolder (rest of calculation needs files to be in tempfolder) filename = self._OUT_POTENTIAL if filename in retrieved.list_object_names(): with, u'w') as newfile: with, u'r') as oldfile: newfile.writelines(oldfile.readlines())'copied potfile from retrieved to tempfolder') # now out_potential is in tempfolder (either copied or extracted) and can be copied from there potfile_name, potfile_folder = self._OUT_POTENTIAL, tempfolder else: raise InputValidationError( 'ERROR in _get_pot_and_shape: neither impurity potential nor parent_calc_folder given!' ) # copy potential to correct input name ('potential') with, u'r') as oldfile: with, u'w') as newfile: newfile.writelines(oldfile.readlines()) # remove old potential file if still present (saves unnecessary copying) if self._OUT_POTENTIAL in os.listdir(tempfolder_path): os.remove(os.path.join(tempfolder_path, self._OUT_POTENTIAL)) if '.dummy' in os.listdir(tempfolder_path): os.remove(os.path.join(tempfolder_path, '.dummy'))
[docs] def _check_key_setting_consistency(self, params_kkrimp, key, val): """ Check if key/value pair that is supposed to be set is not in conflict with previous settings of parameters in params_kkrimp """ param_ok = True #TODO implement checks if not param_ok: raise ValueError(f'Trying to set key "{key}" with value "{val}" which is in conflict to previous settings!')
[docs] def get_run_test_opts(self, parameters): """Extract run and test options from input parameters""" runopts = parameters.get_dict().get('RUNFLAG') if runopts is None: runopts = [] testopts = parameters.get_dict().get('TESTFLAG') if testopts is None: testopts = [] allopts = runopts + testopts return allopts
[docs] def add_lmdos_files_to_retrieve(self, tempfolder, allopts, retrieve_list, kkrflex_file_paths): """Add DOS files to retrieve list""" if 'lmdos' in allopts or 'ldos' in allopts: # extract NSPIN with as file: config = file.readlines() itmp = search_string('NSPIN', config) if itmp >= 0: nspin = int(config[itmp].split()[-1]) else: raise ValueError('Could not extract NSPIN value from config.cfg') # check if mode is Jij itmp = search_string('CALCJIJMAT', config) if itmp >= 0: calcjijmat = int(config[itmp].split()[-1]) else: raise ValueError('Could not extract CALCJIJMAT value from config.cfg') # extract NATOM from atominfo file with as file: atominfo = file.readlines() itmp = search_string('NATOM', atominfo) if itmp >= 0: natom = int(atominfo[itmp + 1].split()[0]) else: raise ValueError('Could not extract NATOM value from kkrflex_atominfo') # loop over atoms and spins to add DOS output files accordingly for iatom in range(1, natom + 1): for ispin in range(1, nspin + 1): retrieve_list.append((self._OUT_LDOS_BASE % (iatom, ispin)).replace(' ', '0')) retrieve_list.append((self._OUT_LDOS_INTERPOL_BASE % (iatom, ispin)).replace(' ', '0')) retrieve_list.append((self._OUT_LMDOS_BASE % (iatom, ispin)).replace(' ', '0')) retrieve_list.append((self._OUT_LMDOS_INTERPOL_BASE % (iatom, ispin)).replace(' ', '0')) # add Jij of E file if Jij mode if calcjijmat > 0: with kkrflex_file_paths[self._KKRFLEX_TMAT].open(self._KKRFLEX_TMAT, 'r') as f: txt = [] for iline in range(3): txt.append(f.readline()) nepts = int(txt[1].split()[3]) for ie in range(1, nepts + 1): retrieve_list.append(self._OUT_JIJ_OF_E_BASE % ie) # energy resolved values retrieve_list.append((self._OUT_JIJ_OF_E_BASE.replace('IE', 'IE_int')) % ie) # integrated values return retrieve_list
[docs] def adapt_retrieve_tmatnew(self, tempfolder, allopts, retrieve_list): """Add out_magneticmoments and orbitalmoments files to retrieve list""" # extract NSPIN value with as file: config = file.readlines() itmp = search_string('NSPIN', config) if itmp >= 0: nspin = int(config[itmp].split()[-1]) else: raise ValueError('Could not extract NSPIN value from config.cfg') # change retrieve list if 'tmatnew' in allopts and nspin > 1: retrieve_list.append(self._OUT_MAGNETICMOMENTS) with as file: outorb = file.readlines() itmp = search_string('CALCORBITALMOMENT', outorb) if itmp >= 0: calcorb = int(outorb[itmp].split()[-1]) else: calcorb = 0 if calcorb == 1: retrieve_list.append(self._OUT_ORBITALMOMENTS) return retrieve_list
[docs] def init_ldau(self, tempfolder, retrieve_list, parent_calc_folder): """ Check if settings_LDAU is in input and set up LDA+U calculation. Reuse old ldaupot of parent_folder contains a file ldaupot. """ # first check if settings_LDAU is in inputs if 'settings_LDAU' not in self.inputs: # do nothing return retrieve_list else: # this means we need to set up LDA+U #TODO: check consistency of settings_LDAU # add ldaupot to retrieve and local copy lists retrieve_list.append(self._LDAUPOT) # add runopt LDA+U with as file: config = file.readlines() itmp = search_string('RUNFLAG', config) if itmp >= 0: config[itmp] = config[itmp].replace('\n', ' LDA+U \n') # overwrite config.cfg with, 'w') as file: file.writelines(config) else: raise ValueError('Could not find RUNFLAG in config.cfg to add LDA+U option') # now create ldaupot file self.create_or_update_ldaupot(parent_calc_folder, tempfolder) return retrieve_list
[docs] def create_or_update_ldaupot(self, parent_calc_folder, tempfolder): """ Writes ldaupot to tempfolder. If parent_calc_folder is found and it contains an onld ldaupot, we reuse the values for wldau, uldau and phi from there. """ # extract Fermi energy from potential file with as potfile: ef_Ry = get_ef_from_potfile(potfile) # extract NATOM from atominfo file with as file: atominfo = file.readlines() itmp = search_string('NATOM', atominfo) if itmp >= 0: natom = int(atominfo[itmp + 1].split()[0]) else: raise ValueError('Could not extract NATOM value from kkrflex_atominfo') # get old ldaupot file reuse_old_ldaupot = self.get_old_ldaupot(parent_calc_folder, tempfolder) # settings dict (defines U, J etc.) ldau_settings = self.inputs.settings_LDAU.get_dict() if reuse_old_ldaupot: # reuse wldau, ildau and phi from old ldaupot file # Attention the first number needs to be non-zero txt = get_ldaupot_text(ldau_settings, ef_Ry, natom, initialize=False) # now we read the old file with + '_old', 'r') as ldaupot_file: txt0 = ldaupot_file.readlines() # find start of wldau etc. ii = 0 for line in txt0: if 'wldau' in line: break ii += 1 txt0 = txt0[ii:] #remove last line (is replace from txt0) txt.pop(-1) # put new header and old bottom together newtxt = txt + ['\n'] + txt0 else: # initialize ldaupot file # Attention: here the first number needs to be 0 which triggers generating initial values in KKRimp newtxt = get_ldaupot_text(ldau_settings, ef_Ry, natom, initialize=True) # now write to file with, 'w') as out_filehandle: out_filehandle.writelines(newtxt)
[docs] def get_old_ldaupot(self, parent_calc_folder, tempfolder): """ Copy old ldaupot from retrieved of parent or extract from tarball. If no parent_calc_folder is present this step is skipped. """ has_ldaupot = False if parent_calc_folder is not None: retrieved = parent_calc_folder.get_incoming(node_class=CalcJobNode ).first().node.get_outgoing().get_node_by_label('retrieved') # extract file from host's tarball (extract to tempfolder and use from there, this way the unnessesary files are deleted once submission is done) has_ldaupot = self.get_ldaupot_from_retrieved(retrieved, tempfolder) return has_ldaupot
[docs] @classmethod def get_ldaupot_from_retrieved(self, retrieved, tempfolder): """ Extract ldaupot from output of KKRimp retreived to tempfolder. The extracted file in tempfolder will be named ldaupot_old. returns True of ldaupot was found, otherwise returns False """ tar_filenames = [] if self._FILENAME_TAR in retrieved.list_object_names(): # get path of tempfolder with'.dummy', 'w') as tmpfile: tempfolder_path = os.path.dirname( # get path of tarfile with as tf: tfpath = # extract file from tarfile of retrieved to tempfolder with as tf: tar_filenames = [ for ifile in tf.getmembers()] if self._LDAUPOT in tar_filenames: has_ldaupot = True tf.extract(self._LDAUPOT, tempfolder_path) # extract to tempfolder # copy to new filename if has_ldaupot: with + '_old', u'w') as newfile: with, u'r') as oldfile: newfile.writelines(oldfile.readlines()) # remove dummy file if '.dummy' in os.listdir(tempfolder_path): os.remove(os.path.join(tempfolder_path, '.dummy')) else: # otherwise copy from retrieved to tempfolder (rest of calculation needs files to be in tempfolder) if self._LDAUPOT in retrieved.list_object_names(): has_ldaupot = True with + '_old', u'w') as newfile: with, u'r') as oldfile: newfile.writelines(oldfile.readlines()) return has_ldaupot
[docs] def add_jij_files(self, tempfolder, retrieve_list): """ check if KkrimpCalculation is in Jij mode and add OUT_JIJMAT to retrieve list if needed """ # check if Jij mode is set in config file and add OUT_JIJMAT to retrieved list if needed with as file: config = file.readlines() itmp = search_string('CALCJIJMAT', config) if itmp >= 0: calcjijmat = int(config[itmp].split()[-1]) if calcjijmat > 0: retrieve_list.append(self._OUT_JIJMAT) else: raise ValueError('Could not extract CALCJIJMAT value from config.cfg') return retrieve_list
[docs]def get_ldaupot_text(ldau_settings, ef_Ry, natom, initialize=True): """ create the text for the ldaupot file """ from import get_Ry2eV eV2Ry = 1. / get_Ry2eV() # these lists are extracted from ldau_settings node and then written to the ldaupot file iatoms_ldau = [] lopt = [] ueff = [] jeff = [] eref = [] # extract values from ldau_settings for key, val in ldau_settings.items(): if 'iatom' in key: iatoms_ldau.append(int(key.split('=')[1])) lopt.append(val['L']) # add values in Ry units jeff.append(val['J'] * eV2Ry) ueff.append(val['U'] * eV2Ry) eref.append(val['Eref_EF'] * eV2Ry + ef_Ry) if initialize: # this means we initialize this file ldaurun = 0 else: # this means wldau etc are reused (need to be added to the file) ldaurun = 1 # collect text which is written to ldaupot txt = [f'{ldaurun} '] txt_lopt, txt_jeff, txt_ueff, txt_eref = [], [], [], [] ii = 0 for iatom in range(natom): if iatom not in iatoms_ldau: txt_lopt += [f'{-1} '] txt_jeff += [f'{0.0} '] txt_ueff += [f'{0.0} '] txt_eref += [f'{0.0} '] else: txt_lopt += [f'{lopt[ii]} '] txt_jeff += [f'{jeff[ii]} '] txt_ueff += [f'{ueff[ii]} '] txt_eref += [f'{eref[ii]} '] ii += 1 txt += ['\n'] + txt_lopt + ['\n'] + txt_ueff + ['\n'] + txt_jeff + ['\n'] + txt_eref txt += ['\nwldau\nuldau\nphi\n'] # add initial matrices if initialize and 'initial_matrices' in ldau_settings.keys(): # save for consistency check nldauatoms = ii # change first number from 0 to 1 to signal reading-in instead of calculating initial matrices txt[0] = '1 ' # remove last dummy line, will be replaced with starting values now txt[-1] = '\n' txt_wldau = ['wldau\n'] txt_uldau = ['uldau\n'] txt_phi = ['phi\n'] ii = 0 for iatom in range(natom): if iatom in iatoms_ldau: txt_wldau += [f'atom {iatom+1}\n'] + ldau_settings['initial_matrices'][f'iatom={iatom}']['wldau'] txt_uldau += [f'atom {iatom+1}\n'] + ldau_settings['initial_matrices'][f'iatom={iatom}']['uldau'] txt_phi += [f'atom {iatom+1}\n'] + ldau_settings['initial_matrices'][f'iatom={iatom}']['phi'] ii += 1 # count number of atoms # consistency check if nldauatoms != ii: raise ValueError('initial_matrices input inconsistent') # add additional lines to txt txt = txt + txt_wldau + txt_uldau + txt_phi return txt