Source code for aiida_kkr.calculations.kkrimporter

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Plug-in to import a KKR calculation. This is based on the PwImmigrantCalculation of the aiida-quantumespresso plugin.

from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
from aiida.orm import RemoteData, Dict, StructureData
#from aiida.engine.calculation.job import _input_subfolder
#from aiida.common.utils import classproperty
#from aiida.common.folders import SandboxFolder
#from aiida.common.exceptions import InputValidationError, InvalidOperation
#from aiida.common.datastructures import calc_states
#from aiida.common.links import LinkType
from .kkr import KkrCalculation
#from import kkrparams
#from import structure_from_params
#from six.moves import range

__copyright__ = (u'Copyright (c), 2017, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, '
                 'IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany. All rights reserved.')
__license__ = 'MIT license, see LICENSE.txt file'
__version__ = '0.2'
__contributors__ = ('Philipp Rüßmann')

[docs]class KkrImporterCalculation(KkrCalculation): """ Importer dummy calculation for a previous KKR run :param remote_workdir: Absolute path to the directory where the job was run. The transport of the computer you link ask input to the calculation is the transport that will be used to retrieve the calculation's files. Therefore, ``remote_workdir`` should be the absolute path to the job's directory on that computer. :type remote_workdir: str :param input_file_names: The file names of the job's input file. :type input_file_name: dict with str entries :param output_file_name: The file names of the job's output file (i.e. the file containing the stdout of kkr.x). :type output_file_name: dict with str entries """
[docs] def _init_internal_params(self): """ Init internal parameters at class load time """ # reuse base class function super(KkrImporterCalculation, self)._init_internal_params() # calculation plugin version self._CALCULATION_PLUGIN_VERSION = __version__ # parser self._default_parser = 'kkr.kkrimporterparser'
# not working at the moment ''' @classproperty def _use_methods(cls): """ Add use_structure method for KKRimporter calculations. """ use_dict = KkrCalculation._use_methods use_dict.update({ "structure": { 'valid_types': StructureData, 'additional_parameter': None, 'linkname': 'structure', 'docstring': ("Use a node that specifies the input crystal structure ") } }) return use_dict def create_input_nodes(self, open_transport, input_file_names=None, output_file_names=None, remote_workdir=None): """ Create calculation input nodes based on the job's files. :param open_transport: An open instance of the transport class of the calculation's computer. See the tutorial for more information. :type open_transport: aiida.transport.plugins.local.LocalTransport or aiida.transport.plugins.ssh.SshTransport This method parses the files in the job's remote working directory to create the input nodes that would exist if the calculation were submitted using AiiDa. These nodes are: * a ``'parameters'`` Dict node, based on the namelists and their variable-value pairs; * ...; and can be retrieved as a dictionary using the ``get_inputs_dict()`` method. *These input links are cached-links; nothing is stored by this method (including the calculation node itself).* **Keyword arguments** .. note:: These keyword arguments can also be set when instantiating the class or using the ``set_`` methods (e.g. ``set_remote_workdir``). Offering to set them here simply offers the user an additional place to set their values. *Only the values that have not yet been set need to be specified.* :param input_file_names: The file name of the job's input files (inputcard, shapefun). :type input_file_names: dict of str values :param output_file_names: The file name of the job's output files (i.e. the files containing the stdout of KKR, the output.000.txt, output.0.txt, output.2.txt, out_timing.txt, output potential, output nonco_angle file). :type output_file_names: dict of str values :param remote_workdir: Absolute path to the directory where the job was run. The transport of the computer you link ask input to the calculation is the transport that will be used to retrieve the calculation's files. Therefore, ``remote_workdir`` should be the absolute path to the job's directory on that computer. :type remote_workdir: str :raises aiida.common.exceptions.InputValidationError: if ``open_transport`` is a different type of transport than the computer's. :raises aiida.common.exceptions.InvalidOperation: if ``open_transport`` is not open. :raises aiida.common.exceptions.InputValidationError: if ``remote_workdir``, ``input_file_names``, and/or ``output_file_names`` are not set prior to or during the call of this method. :raises aiida.common.exceptions.FeatureNotAvailable: if the input file uses anything which is not currently implimented in aiida-kkr. :raises aiida.common.exceptions.ParsingError: if there are issues parsing the input file. :raises IOError: if there are issues reading the input file. """ # Make sure the remote workdir and input + output file names were # provided either before or during the call to this method. If they # were just provided during this method call, store the values. if remote_workdir is not None: self.set_remote_workdir(remote_workdir) elif self.get_attr('remote_workdir', None) is None: raise InputValidationError( 'The remote working directory has not been specified.\n' 'Please specify it using one of the following...\n ' '(a) pass as a keyword argument to create_input_nodes\n' ' [create_input_nodes(remote_workdir=your_remote_workdir)]\n' '(b) pass as a keyword argument when instantiating\n ' ' [calc = KkrImporterCalculation(remote_workdir=your_remote_workdir)]\n' '(c) use the set_remote_workdir method\n' ' [calc.set_remote_workdir(your_remote_workdir)]' ) # check if necessary input file names are given and set filenames from dict self.set_input_file_names(input_file_names) # set output file names instead of using defaults self.set_output_file_names(output_file_names) # Check that open_transport is the correct transport type. if type(open_transport) is not self.get_computer().get_transport_class(): raise InputValidationError( "The transport passed as the `open_transport` parameter is " "not the same transport type linked to the computer. Please " "obtain the correct transport class using the " "`get_transport_class` method of the calculation's computer. " "See the tutorial for more information." ) # Check that open_transport is actually open. if not open_transport._is_open: raise InvalidOperation( "The transport passed as the `open_transport` parameter is " "not open. Please execute the open the transport using it's " "`open` method, or execute the call to this method within a " "`with` statement context guard. See the tutorial for more " "information." ) # Copy the input file and psuedo files to a temp folder for parsing. with SandboxFolder() as folder: # Copy the input file to the temp folder. remote_path = os.path.join(self._get_remote_workdir(), self._INPUT_FILE_NAME) open_transport.get(remote_path, folder.abspath) # Parse the input file. local_path = os.path.join(folder.abspath, self._INPUT_FILE_NAME) parameters = kkrparams(params_type='kkr') parameters.read_keywords_from_inputcard(inputcard=local_path) # Create Dict node based on the namelist and link as input. aiida_parameters = Dict(dict=parameters.get_dict()) self.use_parameters(aiida_parameters) # Create a StructureData node from inputs success, structuredata = structure_from_params(parameters) if not success: raise InputValidationError('Something went wrong when creating the an aiida structure from your input file. Check you input') self.use_structure(structuredata) self._set_attr('input_nodes_created', True) def _prepare_for_retrieval(self, open_transport): """ Prepare the calculation for retrieval by daemon. :param open_transport: An open instance of the transport class of the calculation's computer. :type open_transport: aiida.transport.plugins.local.LocalTransport or aiida.transport.plugins.ssh.SshTransport Here, we * manually set the files to retrieve * store the calculation and all it's input nodes * copy the input file to the calculation's raw_input_folder in the * store the remote_workdir as a RemoteData output node """ # Manually set the files that will be copied to the repository and that # the parser will extract the results from. This would normally be # performed in self._prepare_for_submission prior to submission. natom = 1000 # maximal number of atom-resolved files that are retrieved # TODO take actual natom value (maybe extract from number of files that are there) self._set_attr('retrieve_list', [self._INPUT_FILE_NAME, # inputcard needed for parsing self._DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE, # out_kkr, std shell output self._NONCO_ANGLES_OUT, # nonco angles files self._OUTPUT_0_INIT, self._OUTPUT_000, self._OUTPUT_2, # output files in new(er) style 'output.0','output.1a','output.1b','output.1c','output.2', # try to import old style output self._OUT_TIMING_000, # timing file self._OUT_POTENTIAL, self._SHAPEFUN # make sure to retrieve potential and shapefun as well # add Jij files etc for other run options ] + [self._SHELLS_DAT] + [self._Jij_ATOM%iatom for iatom in range(1,natom+1)] ) self._set_attr('retrieve_singlefile_list', []) # Make sure the calculation and input links are stored. self.store_all() # Store the original input file in the calculation's repository folder. remote_path = os.path.join(self._get_remote_workdir(), self._INPUT_FILE_NAME) raw_input_folder = self.folder.get_subfolder(_input_subfolder, create=True) open_transport.get(remote_path, raw_input_folder.abspath) # Manually add the remote working directory as a RemoteData output # node. self._set_state(calc_states.SUBMITTING) remotedata = RemoteData(computer=self.get_computer(), remote_path=self._get_remote_workdir()) remotedata.add_link_from(self, label='remote_folder', link_type=LinkType.CREATE) def prepare_for_retrieval_and_parsing(self, open_transport): """ Tell the daemon that the calculation is computed and ready to be parsed. :param open_transport: An open instance of the transport class of the calculation's computer. See the tutorial for more information. :type open_transport: aiida.transport.plugins.local.LocalTransport or aiida.transport.plugins.ssh.SshTransport The next time the daemon updates the status of calculations, it will see this job is in the 'COMPUTED' state and will retrieve its output files and parse the results. If the daemon is not currently running, nothing will happen until it is started again. This method also stores the calculation and all input nodes. It also copies the original input file to the calculation's repository folder. :raises aiida.common.exceptions.InputValidationError: if ``open_transport`` is a different type of transport than the computer's. :raises aiida.common.exceptions.InvalidOperation: if ``open_transport`` is not open. """ # Check that the create_input_nodes method has run successfully. if not self.get_attr('input_nodes_created', False): raise InvalidOperation( "You must run the create_input_nodes method before calling " "prepare_for_retrieval_and_parsing!" ) # Check that open_transport is the correct transport type. if type(open_transport) is not self.get_computer().get_transport_class(): raise InputValidationError( "The transport passed as the `open_transport` parameter is " "not the same transport type linked to the computer. Please " "obtain the correct transport class using the " "`get_transport_class` method of the calculation's computer. " "See the tutorial for more information." ) # Check that open_transport is actually open. if not open_transport._is_open: raise InvalidOperation( "The transport passed as the `open_transport` parameter is " "not open. Please execute the open the transport using it's " "`open` method, or execute the call to this method within a " "`with` statement context guard. See the tutorial for more " "information." ) # Prepare the calculation for retrieval self._prepare_for_retrieval(open_transport) # Manually set the state of the calculation to "COMPUTED", so that it # will be retrieved and parsed the next time the daemon updates the # status of calculations. self._set_state(calc_states.COMPUTED) def set_remote_workdir(self, remote_workdir): """ Set the job's remote working directory. :param remote_workdir: Absolute path of the job's remote working directory. :type remote_workdir: str """ # This is the functionality as self._set_remote_workir, but it bypasses # the need to have the calculation state set as SUBMITTING. self._set_attr('remote_workdir', remote_workdir) def set_input_file_names(self, input_file_names): """ Set the file names of the job's input file (e.g. ``'inputcard'`` etc.). :param input_file_names: The file names of the job's input files (inputcard, potential, etc.). :type input_file_names: dict Keys of input_file_names dict should be one or more of: * ``'input_file'`` * ``'potential_file'`` * ``'shapefun_file'`` :note: The keys 'input_file' and 'potential_file' are mandatory! """ if self._INPUT_FILE_NAMES is None:'setting input_file_names: {}'.format(input_file_names)) self._set_attr('input_file_names', input_file_names) self._set_filenames_in(input_file_names) def set_output_file_names(self, output_file_names): """ Set the file names of the job's output files (e.g. ``'output.000.txt'`` etc.). :param output_file_names: The dictionary of file names of file containing the job's outputs. :type output_file_names: dict Keys of output_file_names dict should be one or more of: * ``'out_file'`` * ``'out_potential_file'`` * ``'out_nonco_angles_file'`` * ``'output_0_file'`` * ``'output_000_file'`` * ``'output_2_file'`` * ``'timing_file'`` :note: In a filename is not given, the default value of aiida_kkr.calculations.kkr are used """ if self._OUTPUT_FILE_NAMES is None: if output_file_names is None: #set default values if nothing is chosen self._OUT_POTENTIAL = self._POTENTIAL self._DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE = KkrCalculation()._DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE self._NONCO_ANGLES_OUT = KkrCalculation()._NONCO_ANGLES_OUT self._OUTPUT_0_INIT = KkrCalculation()._OUTPUT_0_INIT self._OUTPUT_000 = KkrCalculation()._OUTPUT_000 self._OUTPUT_2 = KkrCalculation()._OUTPUT_2 self._OUT_TIMING_000 = KkrCalculation()._OUT_TIMING_000 output_file_names = {'out_potential_file': self._OUT_POTENTIAL, 'out_file': self._DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE, 'out_nonco_angles_file': self._NONCO_ANGLES_OUT, 'output_0_file': self._OUTPUT_0_INIT, 'output_000_file': self._OUT_TIMING_000, 'output_2_file': self._OUTPUT_2, 'timing_file': self._OUT_TIMING_000} else:'setting output_file_names: {}'.format(output_file_names)) self._set_filenames_out(output_file_names) # finally set ourput_file_names as class attribute self._set_attr('output_file_names', output_file_names) def _set_filenames_in(self, input_file_names): """ helper function to set filenames from input_file_names dict also check if at least inputcard and potential are given """ has_input_files = False if input_file_names is not None: has_input_files = True if input_file_names.get('input_file') is not None: self._INPUT_FILE_NAME = input_file_names.get('input_file') else:'KKRimporter: input_file not given!') has_input_files = False if input_file_names.get('potential_file') is not None: self._POTENTIAL = input_file_names.get('potential_file') else:'KKRimporter: potential_file not given!') has_input_files = False if input_file_names.get('shapefun_file') is not None: self._SHAPEFUN = input_file_names.get('shapefun_file') else: self._SHAPEFUN = KkrCalculation()._SHAPEFUN if not has_input_files: raise InputValidationError( 'The input file_names has not been specified correctly.\n' 'Please specify it using one of the following...\n ' '(a) pass as a keyword argument to create_input_nodes\n' ' [create_input_nodes(input_file_names=your_file_names_dictionary)]\n' '(b) pass as a keyword argument when instantiating\n ' ' [calc = KkrImporterCalculation(input_file_names={"input_file":"inputcard", "potential_file":"potential", ...}]\n' '(c) use the set_input_file_names method\n' ' [calc.set_input_file_name(your_file_names)]' ) def _set_filenames_out(self, output_file_names): """ helper function that sets the output file names from the output_file_names dictionary """ if output_file_names is not None and output_file_names.get('out_potential_file') is not None: self._OUT_POTENTIAL = output_file_names.get('out_potential_file') else: self._OUT_POTENTIAL = self._POTENTIAL #raise InputValidationError('test: {}'.format(self._OUT_POTENTIAL)) if output_file_names is not None: if output_file_names.get('out_file') is not None: self._DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE = output_file_names.get('out_file') else: self._DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE = KkrCalculation()._DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE if output_file_names.get('out_nonco_angles_file') is not None: self._NONCO_ANGLES_OUT = output_file_names.get('out_nonco_angles_file') else: self._NONCO_ANGLES_OUT = KkrCalculation()._NONCO_ANGLES_OUT if output_file_names.get('output_0_file') is not None: self._OUTPUT_0_INIT = output_file_names.get('output_0_file') else: self._OUTPUT_0_INIT = KkrCalculation()._OUTPUT_0_INIT if output_file_names.get('output_000_file') is not None: self._OUTPUT_000 = output_file_names.get('output_000_file') else: self._OUTPUT_000 = KkrCalculation()._OUTPUT_000 if output_file_names.get('output_2_file') is not None: self._OUTPUT_2 = output_file_names.get('output_2_file') else: self._OUTPUT_2 = KkrCalculation()._OUTPUT_2 if output_file_names.get('timing_file') is not None: self._OUT_TIMING_000 = output_file_names.get('timing_file') else: self._OUT_TIMING_000 = KkrCalculation()._OUT_TIMING_000 # These value are set as class attributes in the parent class, # BasePwInputGenerator, but they will be different for a job that wasn't # run using aiida, and they will likely vary from job to job. Therefore, # we override the parent class's attributes using properties, whose # setter methods store the values as db attributes, and whose getter # methods retrieve the stored values from the db. @property def _INPUT_FILE_NAMES(self): return self.get_attr('input_file_names', None) @_INPUT_FILE_NAMES.setter def _INPUT_FILE_NAMES(self, value): self._set_attr('input_file_names', value) @property def _OUTPUT_FILE_NAMES(self): return self.get_attr('output_file_names', None) @_OUTPUT_FILE_NAMES.setter def _OUTPUT_FILE_NAMES(self, value): self._set_attr('output_file_names', value) '''