Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
This module contains the band structure workflow for KKR which is done by calculating the k-resolved spectral density
also known as Bloch spectral function.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from aiida.orm import Code, Dict, RemoteData, StructureData, Float, Str, WorkChainNode, load_node, CalcJobNode, ArrayData, KpointsData
from aiida.engine import WorkChain, ToContext, calcfunction
from import get_explicit_kpoints_path
from import test_and_get_codenode, get_parent_paranode, update_params_wf, get_inputs_kkr
from aiida_kkr.calculations.kkr import KkrCalculation
from aiida_kkr.calculations.voro import VoronoiCalculation
from import create_out_dict_node
from import extract_noco_angles
from import kkrparams
from import get_Ry2eV
import numpy as np
from six.moves import range

__copyright__ = (u'Copyright (c), 2020, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, '
                 'IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany. All rights reserved.')
__license__ = 'MIT license, see LICENSE.txt file'
__version__ = '0.1.5'
__contributors__ = (u'Rubel Mozumder', u'Philipp Rüßmann')

[docs]class kkr_bs_wc(WorkChain): """ Workchain for BandStructure calculation, starting from RemoteFolderData of the previous converged KKR calculation remote folder data inputs: :param wf_parameters: (Dict), (optional); Workchain Specifications, contains nepts, tempr, emin (in eV relative to EF), emax (in eV), and RCLUSTZ (can be used to increase the screening cluster radius) keys. :param options: (Dict), (optional); Computer Specifications, scheduler command, parallel or serial :param kpoints: (KpointsData),(optional); Kpoints data type from the structure, but not mendatory as it can be extracted from structure internaly from the remote data :param remote_data: (RemoteData)(mendaory); From the previous kkr-converged calculation. :param kkr: (Code)(mendaory); KKR code specifiaction :param label: (Str) (optional) ; label for WC but will be found in the 'result_wf' output Dict as 'BS_wf_label' key :param description: (Str) (optional) : description for WC but will be found in the 'result_wf' output Dict as 'BS_wf_description' key returns: :out BS_Data : (ArrayData) ; Consist of BlochSpectralFunction, k_points (list), energy_points (list), special_kpoints(dict) :out result_wf: (Dict); work_chain_specifications node, BS_data node, remote_folder node """ _wf_version = __version__ _wf_label = 'kkr_BandStructure_wc' _wf_description = """Workflow for a bandstructure calculation starting eithe from a structure with automatic voronoi' calculation or a valid RemoteData of a previous calculation.""" _wf_default = { 'emin': -10.0, # start of the energy range in eV, relative to the Fermi energy 'emax': 5.0, # end of the energy range in eV, relative to the Fermi energy 'nepts': 96, # number of energy points 'RCLUSTZ': None, # can be used to increase the cluster radius if a value is set here 'tempr': 50., # smearing temperature in K 'kmesh': None, # k-point integration mesh, only useful for CPA calculation } _options_default = { 'max_wallclock_seconds': 36000, 'resources': { 'num_machines': 1 }, 'withmpi': True, 'queue_name': '', 'prepend_text': '', 'append_text': '', 'additional_retrieve_list': None }
[docs] @classmethod def get_wf_defaults(self, silent=False): """ Return the default values of the workflow parameters (wf_parameters input node) """ if not silent: print(f'Version of the kkr_bs_wc workflow: {self._wf_version}') return self._wf_default.copy()
[docs] @classmethod def define(cls, spec): """ Layout of the workflow, defines the input nodes and the outline of the workchain """ super(kkr_bs_wc, cls).define(spec) # here inputs are defined spec.input( 'wf_parameters', valid_type=Dict, required=False, default=lambda: Dict(dict=cls._wf_default), help='Parameters of the bandstructure workflow (see output of kkr_bs_wc.get_wf_default() for more details).' ) spec.input( 'options', valid_type=Dict, required=False, default=lambda: Dict(dict=cls._options_default), help='Computer options (walltime etc.) passed onto KkrCalculation' ) spec.input( 'remote_data', valid_type=RemoteData, required=True, help='Parent folder of previoously converged KkrCalculation' ) spec.input('kkr', valid_type=Code, required=True, help='KKRhost code, needed to run the qdos KkrCalculation') spec.input( 'kpoints', valid_type=KpointsData, required=False, help= 'K-points data for the calculation. If not given the seekpath library is used to find the irreducable k-points of a structure.' ) spec.input('label', valid_type=Str, required=False, help='label for the workflow') spec.input('description', valid_type=Str, required=False, help='description for the workflow') spec.input( 'initial_noco_angles', valid_type=Dict, required=False, help="""Initial non-collinear angles for the magnetic moments. See KkrCalculation for details. If this is found in the input potentially extracted nonco angles from the parent calulation are overwritten!""" ) # maybe overwrite some settings from the KKRhost convergence run spec.input( 'params_kkr_overwrite', valid_type=Dict, required=False, help='Overwrite some input parameters of the parent KKR calculation.' ) # Here outputs are defined spec.output('results_wf', valid_type=Dict, required=True) spec.output('BS_Data', valid_type=ArrayData, required=True) # Here outlines are being specified spec.outline( # For initialiging workflow cls.start, cls.validate_input, cls.set_params_BS, cls.get_BS, cls.return_results ) # definition of exit code in case something goes wrong in this workflow spec.exit_code(161, 'ERROR_NO_INPUT_REMOTE_DATA', 'No remote_data was provided as Input') spec.exit_code( 162, 'ERROR_KKRCODE_NOT_CORRECT', 'The code you provided for kkr does not use the plugin kkr.kkr' ) spec.exit_code( 163, 'ERROR_CALC_PARAMETERS_INVALID', 'calc_parameters given are not consistent! Hint: did you give an unknown keyword?' ) spec.exit_code(164, 'ERROR_CALC_PARAMETERS_INCOMPLETE', 'calc_parameters not complete') spec.exit_code(165, 'ERROR_BS_CALC_FAILED', 'KKR Band Structure calculation failed') spec.exit_code(166, 'ERROR_NO_KPOINTS_EXTRACTED', 'No K-POINTS can be extracted from the structure data') spec.exit_code( 167, 'ERROR_INCORRECT_KPOINTS_EXTRACTED', 'No K-POINTS can be extracted from the primtive structure data rather conventional structure data' ) spec.exit_code( 168, 'ERROR_INVALID_REMOTE_DATA_TPYE', 'Input remote_data node neither output of a KKR/voronoi calculation nor of kkr_scf_wc workflow' )
[docs] def start(self): """ set up context of the workflow """'INFO: started KKR Band Structure workflow version {self._wf_version}') wf_dict = self.inputs.wf_parameters.get_dict() # Count energy points only once if 'NPT2' in wf_dict.keys(): npt2 = wf_dict.pop('NPT2', None) wf_dict['nepts'] = npt2 # add missing default valuesi for key, val in self._wf_default.items(): if ((key not in wf_dict.keys()) and (key.swapcase() not in wf_dict.keys()) and (val is not None)):'INFO: Using default wf parameter {key}: {val}') wf_dict[key] = val options_dict = self.inputs.options.get_dict() if options_dict == {}:'INFO: Using default wf Options') options_dict = self._options_default self.ctx.append_text = options_dict.get('append_text', self._options_default['append_text']) self.ctx.prepend_text = options_dict.get('prepend_text', self._options_default['prepend_text']) self.ctx.additional_retrieve_list = options_dict.get( 'additional_retrieve_list', self._options_default['additional_retrieve_list'] ) self.ctx.withmpi = options_dict.get('withmpi', self._options_default['withmpi']) self.ctx.resources = options_dict.get('resources', self._options_default['resources']) self.ctx.max_wallclock_seconds = options_dict.get( 'max_wallclock_seconds', self._options_default['max_wallclock_seconds'] ) self.ctx.queue = options_dict.get('queue_name', self._options_default['queue_name']) self.ctx.custom_scheduler_commands = options_dict.get('custom_scheduler_commands', '') self.ctx.BS_params_dict = wf_dict self.ctx.BS_kkrparams = None # is set in set_params_BS self.ctx.BS_kpoints = None self.ctx.description_wf = self.inputs.get('description', self._wf_description) self.ctx.label_wf = self.inputs.get('label', self._wf_label) 'INFO: use the following parameter:\n' 'withmpi: {}\n' 'Resources: {}\n' 'Walltime (s): {}\n' 'queue name: {}\n' 'scheduler command: {}\n' 'description_wf: {}\n' 'label_wf: {}\n' 'BS_params: {}\n'.format( self.ctx.withmpi, self.ctx.resources, self.ctx.max_wallclock_seconds, self.ctx.queue, self.ctx.custom_scheduler_commands, self.ctx.description_wf, self.ctx.label_wf, self.ctx.BS_params_dict ) ) self.ctx.successful = True self.ctx.errors = []
[docs] def validate_input(self): """ validate input and find out which path ( converged kkr calc or wf ) to take return True means run voronoi if false run kkr directly """ inputs = self.inputs if 'remote_data' in inputs: input_ok = True else: input_ok = False return self.exit_codes.ERROR_NO_INPUT_REMOTE_DATA # pylint: disable=no-member input_remote = self.inputs.remote_data parents = input_remote.get_incoming(node_class=CalcJobNode) nparents = len(parents.all_link_labels()) if nparents != 1: # extract parent workflow and get uuid of last calc from output node parent_workflow = input_remote.inputs.last_RemoteData if not isinstance(parent_workflow, WorkChainNode): return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_REMOTE_DATA_TPYE # pylint: disable=no-member parent_workflow_out = parent_workflow.outputs.output_kkr_scf_wc_ParameterResults uuid_last_calc = parent_workflow_out.get_dict().get('last_calc_nodeinfo').get('uuid') last_calc = load_node(uuid_last_calc) if not isinstance(last_calc, KkrCalculation) and not isinstance(last_calc, VoronoiCalculation): return self.exit_code.ERROR_INVALID_REMOTE_DATA_TPYE # overwrite remote_data node with extracted remote folder output_remote = last_calc.outputs.remote_folder self.inputs.remote_data = output_remote # extract structure struc_kkr, _ = VoronoiCalculation.find_parent_structure(self.inputs.remote_data) # save if structure is an alloy self.ctx.struc_is_alloy = struc_kkr.is_alloy # To validate for kpoints if 'kpoints' in inputs: self.ctx.BS_kpoints = inputs.kpoints input_ok = True self.ctx.structure_data = 'None (kpoints taken from input)' else: #create an auxiliary structure with unique kind_names, this leads to using the input structure in the seekpath method instead of finding the primitive one cell = np.array(struc_kkr.cell) if not struc_kkr.pbc[2]: # 2D structure, make sure the third bravais vector points along z cell[2] = np.cross(cell[0], cell[1]) saux = StructureData(cell=cell) for isite, site in enumerate(struc_kkr.sites): kind = struc_kkr.get_kind(site.kind_name) saux.append_atom( name='atom' + str(isite) + ':' + site.kind_name, symbols=kind.symbols, weights=kind.weights, position=site.position ) # use auxiliary structure inside k-point generator output = get_explicit_kpoints_path(saux) primitive_struc = output['primitive_structure'] conventional_struc = output['conv_structure'] kpoints_ok = True #check if primitive_structure and input structure are identical: maxdiff_cell = sum(abs(np.array(primitive_struc.cell) - np.array(saux.cell))).max() if maxdiff_cell > 3 * 10**-9:'Error in cell : {maxdiff_cell}') 'WARNING : The structure data from the voronoi calc is not the primitive structure type and in come cases it is medatory' )'prim: {primitive_struc.cell} {primitive_struc.sites}')'conv: {conventional_struc.cell} {conventional_struc.sites}') self.ctx.structure_data = 'conventional_unit_cell ' else: self.ctx.structure_data = 'primitive_unit_cell' if not kpoints_ok: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INCORRECT_KPOINTS_EXTRACTED # pylint: disable=no-member else: kpts = output['explicit_kpoints'] self.ctx.BS_kpoints = kpts if isinstance(KpointsData(), type(kpts)): input_ok = True else: input_ok = False return self.exit_codes.ERROR_NO_KPOINTS_EXTRACTED # pylint: disable=no-member # To validate for kkr if 'kkr' in inputs: try: test_and_get_codenode(inputs.kkr, 'kkr.kkr', use_exceptions=True) except ValueError: input_ok = False return self.exit_codes.ERROR_KKRCODE_NOT_CORRECT # pylint: disable=no-member # set self.ctx.input_params_KKR self.ctx.input_params_KKR = get_parent_paranode(self.inputs.remote_data)'The validation input_ok {input_ok}')
[docs] def set_params_BS(self): """ set kkr parameters for the bandstructure (i.e. qdos) calculation """ params = self.ctx.input_params_KKR # maybe overwrite some inputs if 'params_kkr_overwrite' in self.inputs:'found params_kkr_overwrite: {self.inputs.params_kkr_overwrite.get_dict()}') updatenode = self.inputs.params_kkr_overwrite updatenode.label = 'params overwrite' params = update_params_wf(params, updatenode) input_dict = params.get_dict() para_check = kkrparams() try: for key, val in input_dict.items(): para_check.set_value(key, val, silent=True) except: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_CALC_PARAMETERS_INVALID # pylint: disable=no-member label = '' descr = f'(pk - {}, and uuid - {self.inputs.remote_data.uuid})' missing_list = para_check.get_missing_keys(use_aiida=True) if missing_list != []: kkrdefaults = kkrparams.get_KKRcalc_parameter_defaults()[0] kkrdefaults_updated = [] for key_default, val_default in list(kkrdefaults.items()): if key_default in missing_list: para_check.set_value(key_default, val_default) kkrdefaults_updated.append(key_default) missing_list.remove(key_default) if len(missing_list) > 0:'ERROR: calc_parameters misses keys: {missing_list}') return self.exit_codes.ERROR_CALC_PARAMETERS_INCOMPLETE # pylint: disable=no-member else:'updated KKR parameter node with default values: {kkrdefaults_updated}') label = 'add_defaults_' descr = 'added missing default keys, ' ##+++ Starts to add the NTP2, EMAX and EMIN from the econt_new = self.ctx.BS_params_dict if self.ctx.struc_is_alloy: if econt_new['kmesh'] is None: econt_new['kmesh'] = [1, 1, 1] # overwrite kmesh since the kpoints are used from the input kkr_calc = self.inputs.remote_data.get_incoming(node_class=KkrCalculation).first().node ef = kkr_calc.outputs.output_parameters.get_dict()['fermi_energy'] # unit in Ry self.ctx.fermi_energy = ef ## in Ry unit # Set BS params try: para_check = set_energy_params(econt_new, ef, para_check) except: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_CALC_PARAMETERS_INVALID # pylint: disable=no-member para_check.set_multiple_values( NPT1=0, NPT3=0, NPOL=0, ) updatenode = Dict(dict=para_check.get_dict()) updatenode.label = label + 'KKRparam_BS' updatenode.description = 'KKR parameter node extracted from remote_folder' + descr + ' as well as wf_parameter input node.' paranode_BS = update_params_wf(self.ctx.input_params_KKR, updatenode) self.ctx.BS_kkrparams = paranode_BS
[docs] def get_BS(self): """ submit the KkrCalcultion with the qdos settings for a bandstructure calculation """ label = 'KKR BS calc.' BS_dict = self.ctx.BS_params_dict key_list = list(BS_dict) description = 'User defined BandStructure parameters ' for key in key_list: description += f'{key}= {BS_dict[key]} ,' code = self.inputs.kkr remote = self.inputs.remote_data params = self.ctx.BS_kkrparams kpoints = self.ctx.BS_kpoints options = { 'max_wallclock_seconds': self.ctx.max_wallclock_seconds, 'resources': self.ctx.resources, 'queue_name': self.ctx.queue, } if self.ctx.custom_scheduler_commands: options['custom_scheduler_commands'] = self.ctx.custom_scheduler_commands if self.ctx.append_text: options['append_text'] = self.ctx.append_text if self.ctx.prepend_text: options['prepend_text'] = self.ctx.prepend_text if self.ctx.additional_retrieve_list: options['additional_retrieve_list'] = self.ctx.additional_retrieve_list # get inputs for band structure calculation inputs = get_inputs_kkr( code, remote, options, label, description, parameters=params, serial=(not self.ctx.withmpi) ) inputs.kpoints = kpoints # add nonco angles if found in the parent calculation or in the input if 'initial_noco_angles' in self.inputs: # overwrite nonco_angles from the input if given inputs['initial_noco_angles'] = self.inputs.initial_noco_angles'used nonco angles from input to workflow') else: # extract from the parent calculation parent_calc = remote.get_incoming(node_class=KkrCalculation).first().node if 'initial_noco_angles' in parent_calc.inputs: noco_angles = extract_noco_angles( fix_dir_threshold=Float(1e-6), # make small enough old_noco_angles=parent_calc.inputs.initial_noco_angles, last_retrieved=parent_calc.outputs.retrieved ) # set nonco angles (either from input or from output if it was updated) if noco_angles == {}: noco_angles = parent_calc.inputs.initial_noco_angles'extract nonco angles and use from parent ({noco_angles})') BS_run = self.submit(KkrCalculation, **inputs) self.ctx.last_calc = BS_run return ToContext(BS_run=BS_run)
[docs] def return_results(self): """ Collect results, parse BS_calc output and link output nodes to workflow node """ caching_info = f'INFO: cache_source of BS calc node: {self.ctx.BS_run.get_cache_source}' if not self.ctx.BS_run.is_finished_ok: self.ctx.successful = False error = f'ERROR BS calculation failed somehow it is in state {self.ctx.BS_run.process_state}' self.ctx.errors.append(error) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_BS_CALC_FAILED # pylint: disable=no-member # create dict to store results of workflow output outputnode_dict = {} outputnode_dict['workflow_name'] = self.__class__.__name__ outputnode_dict['workflow_version'] = self._wf_version outputnode_dict['withmpi'] = self.ctx.withmpi outputnode_dict['resources'] = self.ctx.resources outputnode_dict['max_wallclock_seconds'] = self.ctx.max_wallclock_seconds outputnode_dict['queue_name'] = self.ctx.queue outputnode_dict['custom_scheduler_commands'] = self.ctx.custom_scheduler_commands outputnode_dict['BS_params'] = self.ctx.BS_params_dict if 'kpoints' not in self.inputs: outputnode_dict['structure_type'] = self.ctx.structure_data outputnode_dict['BS_wf_description'] = self.ctx.description_wf outputnode_dict['BS_wf_label'] = self.ctx.label_wf try: outputnode_dict['nspin'] = self.ctx.BS_run.res.nspin except: error = 'ERROR: nspin not extracted' self.ctx.successful = False self.ctx.errors.append(error) outputnode_dict['successful'] = self.ctx.successful outputnode_dict['list_of_errors'] = self.ctx.errors # create output node with data-provenance outputnode = Dict(dict=outputnode_dict) outputnode.label = 'kkr_BS_wc_results' outputnode.description = 'Contains the info of the WC''INFO: create Banstructure results nodes') try: f'INFO: create Bandstructure results nodes. BS calc retrieved node={self.ctx.BS_run.outputs.retrieved}' ) has_BS_run = True except AttributeError as e:'ERROR: No Bandstructure calc retrieved node found')'Caught AttributeError {e}') return self.exit_codes.ERROR_BS_CALC_FAILED # pylint: disable=no-member if has_BS_run: BS_retrieved = self.ctx.BS_run.outputs.retrieved ef = self.ctx.fermi_energy # in Ry unit kpoints = self.ctx.BS_kpoints # Here outdict dictionary has been created to set the Dict result_wf, BS_data # to the output(spec.output) of the wf outdict = {} if has_BS_run: ArraData = parse_BS_data(BS_retrieved, Float(ef), kpoints) outdict['BS_Data'] = ArraData['BS_Data'] # link to the BS output nodes link_nodes = outdict.copy() outdict['results_wf'] = create_out_dict_node(outputnode, **link_nodes) # create links to output nodes for link_name, node in outdict.items(): self.out(link_name, node)'INFO: done with BS_workflow!\n')
[docs]def set_energy_params(econt_new, ef, para_check): """ set energy contour values to para_check internally convert from relative eV units to absolute Ry units """ evscal = get_Ry2eV() for key, val in econt_new.items(): if key in ['kmesh', 'BZDIVIDE', 'KMESH', 'bzdivide']: key = 'BZDIVIDE' elif key in ['nepts', 'NPT2']: key = 'NPT2' # also add IEMXD which has to be big enough para_check.set_value('IEMXD', val, silent=True) elif key in ['emin', 'EMIN']: key = 'EMIN' val = (ef + val / evscal) # converting the Energy value to Ry while the fermi_energy in Ry elif key in ['emax', 'EMAX']: key = 'EMAX' val = (ef + val / evscal) # Converting to the Ry (unit of the energy) elif key in ['tempr', 'TEMPR']: key = 'TEMPR' elif key in ['RCLUSTZ', 'rclustz']: key = 'RCLUSTZ' para_check.set_value(key, val, silent=True) # set the rest of the DOS contour para_check.set_multiple_values( NPT1=0, NPT3=0, NPOL=0, use_semi_circle_contour=False, # this is needed to get a DOS contour ) # set KPOIBZ to match BZDIVIDE setting # this is only done if 'KPOIBZ' is not given already in the input bzdiv = para_check.get_value('BZDIVIDE') if bzdiv is not None and 'KPOIBZ' not in econt_new: para_check.set_value('KPOIBZ',, silent=True) # we need to make sure to deactivate the semi-circle contour, otherwise DOS contour is not used para_check.set_value('<USE_SEMI_CIRCLE_CONTOUR>', False, silent=True) return para_check
[docs]@calcfunction def parse_BS_data(retrieved_folder, fermi_level, kpoints): """ parse the qdos files from the retreived folderand save as ArrayData """ # conversion factor from Ry to eV eVscale = get_Ry2eV() retrieved_list = retrieved_folder.list_object_names() qdos_file_list = [i for i in retrieved_list if 'qdos.' in i] q_vec_file = 'qvec.dat' if q_vec_file in retrieved_list: file_opened = q_vec = np.loadtxt(file_opened, skiprows=1) no_q_vec = len(q_vec[:, 0]) num_qdos_files = len(qdos_file_list) with[0]) as f: total_qdos = np.loadtxt(f) for i in qdos_file_list[1:]: with as f: loaded_file = np.loadtxt(f) total_qdos[:, 5:] += loaded_file[:, 5:] ef = fermi_level.value # in Ry unit total_qdos[:, 0] = (total_qdos[:, 0] - ef) * eVscale eng_points = set(total_qdos[:, 0]) eng_points = np.sort(list(eng_points)) no_eng_points = len(eng_points) qdos_intensity = np.ndarray(shape=(no_eng_points, no_q_vec)) for ne in range(np.shape(qdos_intensity)[0]): nk = np.shape(qdos_intensity)[1] # sum up all l-channels (5 is only the s-channel!) qdos_intensity[ne, :] = np.sum(total_qdos[ne * nk:(ne + 1) * nk, 5:], axis=1) / eVscale qdos_intensity = qdos_intensity.T # setting eng-kpts corresponds to x-y asix q_vec = np.asarray(q_vec) # converting q_vec into array eng_points = (np.asarray(eng_points)) # converting eng_popints into array in Ry unit # To save into the ArrayData array = ArrayData() array.set_array('BlochSpectralFunction', qdos_intensity) array.set_array('Kpts', q_vec) array.set_array('energy_points', eng_points) if kpoints.labels is not None: klbl_dict = dict(kpoints.labels) # Special k-points array.extras['k-labels'] = klbl_dict return {'BS_Data': array}