Source code for aiida_kkr.workflows.dos

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
In this module you find the base workflow for a dos calculation and
some helper methods to do so with AiiDA
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from six.moves import range
from aiida import orm
from import kkrparams
from aiida.engine import WorkChain, if_, ToContext
from aiida.engine import submit
from import (
from aiida_kkr.calculations.kkr import KkrCalculation
from aiida_kkr.calculations.voro import VoronoiCalculation
from aiida.common.exceptions import InputValidationError
from import parse_dosfiles
from import create_out_dict_node
from import extract_noco_angles
from import set_energy_params

__copyright__ = (u'Copyright (c), 2017, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, '
                 'IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany. All rights reserved.')
__license__ = 'MIT license, see LICENSE.txt file'
__version__ = '0.8.3'
__contributors__ = u'Philipp Rüßmann'

[docs]class kkr_dos_wc(WorkChain): """ Workchain a DOS calculation with KKR starting from the remoteData node of a previous calculation (either Voronoi or KKR). :param wf_parameters: (Dict); Workchain specifications :param options: (Dict); specifications for the computer :param remote_data: (RemoteData), mandatory; from a KKR or Vornoi calculation :param kkr: (Code), mandatory; KKR code running the dos calculation :return result_kkr_dos_wc: (Dict), Information of workflow results like Success, last result node, list with convergence behavior """ _workflowversion = __version__ _wf_label = 'kkr_dos_wc' _wf_description = 'Workflow for a KKR dos calculation starting either from a structure with automatic voronoi calculation or a valid RemoteData node of a previous calculation.' _wf_default = { 'nepts': 96, # number of points in contour 'tempr': 200., # K, smearing temperature 'emin': -10., # eV, rel to EF, start of energy contour 'emax': 5., # eV end of energy contour 'kmesh': [30, 30, 30], # kmesh for DOS calculation (typically higher than in scf contour) 'RCLUSTZ': None, # cluster radiu, only used if a value is set } _options_default = { 'queue_name': '', # Queue name to submit jobs to # resources to allowcate for the job 'resources': { 'num_machines': 1 }, # walltime after which the job gets killed (gets parsed to KKR) 'max_wallclock_seconds': 60 * 60, 'withmpi': True, # execute KKR with mpi or without 'custom_scheduler_commands': '', # some additional scheduler commands 'prepend_text': '', 'append_text': '', 'additional_retrieve_list': None } # intended to guide user interactively in setting up a valid wf_params node
[docs] @classmethod def get_wf_defaults(cls, silent=False): """ Print and return _wf_defaults dictionary. Can be used to easily create set of wf_parameters. returns _wf_defaults """ if not silent: print(f'Version of workflow: {cls._workflowversion}') return cls._wf_default.copy()
[docs] @classmethod def define(cls, spec): """ Defines the outline of the workflow. """ # Take input of the workflow or use defaults defined above super(kkr_dos_wc, cls).define(spec) spec.input( 'wf_parameters', valid_type=orm.Dict, required=False, default=lambda: orm.Dict(dict=cls._wf_default), help='Workflow parameter (see `kkr_dos_wc.get_wf_defaults()`).' ) spec.input( 'options', valid_type=orm.Dict, required=False, default=lambda: orm.Dict(dict=cls._wf_default), help='Computer options used by the workflow.' ) spec.input( 'remote_data', valid_type=orm.RemoteData, required=True, help='RemoteData node of the parent calculation.' ) spec.input('kkr', valid_type=orm.Code, required=True, help='KKRhost Code node used to run the DOS calculation.') spec.input( 'initial_noco_angles', valid_type=orm.Dict, required=False, help="""Initial non-collinear angles for the magnetic moments. See KkrCalculation for details. If this is found in the input potentially extracted nonco angles from the parent calulation are overwritten!""" ) # maybe overwrite some settings from the KKRhost convergence run spec.input( 'params_kkr_overwrite', valid_type=orm.Dict, required=False, help='Overwrite some input parameters of the parent KKR calculation.' ) # define outputs spec.output('results_wf', valid_type=orm.Dict, required=True, help='Results collected by the workflow.') spec.output('dos_data', valid_type=orm.XyData, required=False, help='XyData node of the parsed DOS output.') spec.output( 'dos_data_interpol', valid_type=orm.XyData, required=False, help='XyData node of the parsed DOS output, interpolated onto the real axis.' ) # Here the structure of the workflow is defined spec.outline( # initialize workflow cls.start, # validate input if_(cls.validate_input)( # set DOS contour in parameter node cls.set_params_dos, # calculate DOS and interpolate result # TODO: encapsulate get_dos in restarting mechanism (should be a base class of workflows that start calculations) # i.e. use base_restart_calc workchain as parent cls.get_dos ), # collect results and store DOS output as ArrayData node # (dos, lmdos, dos.interpolate, ...) cls.return_results ) # definition of exit code in case something goes wrong in this workflow spec.exit_code( 161, 'ERROR_NO_INPUT_REMOTE_DATA', 'No remote_data was provided as Input', ) spec.exit_code( 162, 'ERROR_KKRCODE_NOT_CORRECT', 'The code you provided for kkr does not use the plugin kkr.kkr', ) spec.exit_code( 163, 'ERROR_CALC_PARAMETERS_INVALID', 'calc_parameters given are not consistent! Hint: did you give an unknown keyword?', ) spec.exit_code( 164, 'ERROR_CALC_PARAMETERS_INCOMPLETE', 'calc_parameters not complete', ) spec.exit_code( 165, 'ERROR_DOS_PARAMS_INVALID', 'dos_params given in wf_params are not valid', ) spec.exit_code( 166, 'ERROR_DOS_CALC_FAILED', 'KKR dos calculation failed', )
[docs] def start(self): """ init context and some parameters """'INFO: started KKR dos workflow version {self._workflowversion}') # input para wf_dict = self.inputs.wf_parameters.get_dict() options_dict = self.inputs.options.get_dict() # TODO: check for completeness if wf_dict == {}: wf_dict = self._wf_default'INFO: using default wf parameter') if options_dict == {}: options_dict = self._options_default'INFO: using default options') self.ctx.append_text = options_dict.get('append_text', self._options_default['append_text']) self.ctx.prepend_text = options_dict.get('prepend_text', self._options_default['prepend_text']) self.ctx.additional_retrieve_list = options_dict.get( 'additional_retrieve_list', self._options_default['additional_retrieve_list'] ) # set values, or defaults self.ctx.withmpi = options_dict.get( 'withmpi', self._options_default['withmpi'], ) self.ctx.resources = options_dict.get( 'resources', self._options_default['resources'], ) self.ctx.max_wallclock_seconds = options_dict.get( 'max_wallclock_seconds', self._options_default['max_wallclock_seconds'], ) self.ctx.queue = options_dict.get( 'queue_name', self._options_default['queue_name'], ) self.ctx.custom_scheduler_commands = options_dict.get( 'custom_scheduler_commands', self._options_default['custom_scheduler_commands'], ) self.ctx.dos_params_dict = self.inputs.wf_parameters.get_dict() self.ctx.dos_kkrparams = None # is set in set_params_dos self.ctx.description_wf = self.inputs.get( 'description', self._wf_description, ) self.ctx.label_wf = self.inputs.get( 'label', self._wf_label, ) f'INFO: use the following parameter:\n' f'withmpi: {self.ctx.withmpi}\n' f'Resources: {self.ctx.resources}\n' f'Walltime (s): {self.ctx.max_wallclock_seconds}\n' f'queue name: {self.ctx.queue}\n' f'scheduler command: {self.ctx.custom_scheduler_commands}\n' f'description: {self.ctx.description_wf}\n' f'label: {self.ctx.label_wf}\n' f'dos_params: {self.ctx.dos_params_dict}\n' ) # return para/vars self.ctx.successful = True self.ctx.errors = [] self.ctx.formula = ''
[docs] def validate_input(self): """ # validate input and find out which path (1, or 2) to take # return True means run voronoi if false run kkr directly """ inputs = self.inputs if 'remote_data' in inputs: input_ok = True else: input_ok = False return self.exit_codes.ERROR_NO_INPUT_REMOTE_DATA # pylint: disable=no-member # extract correct remote folder of last calculation if input # remote_folder node is not from KkrCalculation but kkr_scf_wc workflow input_remote = self.inputs.remote_data # check if input_remote has single KkrCalculation parent parents = input_remote.get_incoming(node_class=orm.CalcJobNode) nparents = len(parents.all_link_labels()) if nparents != 1: # extract parent workflow and get uuid of last calc from output node parent_workflow = input_remote.inputs.last_RemoteData if not isinstance(parent_workflow, orm.WorkChainNode): raise InputValidationError( 'Input remote_data node neither output of a KKR/voronoi calculation nor of kkr_scf_wc workflow' ) parent_workflow_out = parent_workflow.outputs.output_kkr_scf_wc_ParameterResults uuid_last_calc = parent_workflow_out.get_dict().get('last_calc_nodeinfo').get('uuid') last_calc = orm.load_node(uuid_last_calc) if not isinstance(last_calc, KkrCalculation) and not isinstance(last_calc, VoronoiCalculation): raise InputValidationError( 'Extracted last_calc node not of type KkrCalculation: check remote_data input node' ) # overwrite remote_data node with extracted remote folder output_remote = last_calc.outputs.remote_folder self.inputs.remote_data = output_remote if 'kkr' in inputs: try: test_and_get_codenode(inputs.kkr, 'kkr.kkr', use_exceptions=True) except ValueError: input_ok = False return self.exit_codes.ERROR_KKRCODE_NOT_CORRECT # pylint: disable=no-member # set self.ctx.input_params_KKR self.ctx.input_params_KKR = get_parent_paranode(self.inputs.remote_data) return input_ok
[docs] def set_params_dos(self): """ take input parameter node and change to DOS contour according to input from wf_parameter input internally calls the update_params work function to keep track of provenance """ params = self.ctx.input_params_KKR input_dict = params.get_dict() para_check = kkrparams() # step 1 try to fill keywords try: for key, val in input_dict.items(): para_check.set_value(key, val, silent=True) except: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_CALC_PARAMETERS_INVALID # pylint: disable=no-member # step 2: check if all mandatory keys are there label = '' descr = '' missing_list = para_check.get_missing_keys(use_aiida=True) if missing_list != []: kkrdefaults = kkrparams.get_KKRcalc_parameter_defaults()[0] kkrdefaults_updated = [] for key_default, val_default in list(kkrdefaults.items()): if key_default in missing_list: para_check.set_value(key_default, kkrdefaults.get(key_default), silent=True) kkrdefaults_updated.append(key_default) missing_list.remove(key_default) if len(missing_list) > 0:'ERROR: calc_parameters misses keys: {missing_list}') return self.exit_codes.ERROR_CALC_PARAMETERS_INCOMPLETE # pylint: disable=no-member'updated KKR parameter node with default values: {kkrdefaults_updated}') label = 'add_defaults_' descr = 'added missing default keys, ' # overwrite energy contour to DOS contour no matter what is in input parameter node. # Contour parameter given as input to workflow. econt_new = self.ctx.dos_params_dict # always overwrite NPOL, N1, N3, thus add these to econt_new econt_new['NPOL'] = 0 econt_new['NPT1'] = 0 econt_new['NPT3'] = 0 parent_calc = self.inputs.remote_data.get_incoming(node_class=orm.CalcJobNode).first().node if parent_calc.process_label == 'VoronoiCalculation': # for the voronoi calculation we need to calculate the Fermi level since it is not in the output parameters directly voro_out_para = parent_calc.outputs.output_parameters.get_dict() ef = voro_out_para['emin'] - voro_out_para['emin_minus_efermi_Ry'] else: ef = parent_calc.outputs.output_parameters.get_dict()['fermi_energy'] # unit in Ry try: para_check = set_energy_params(econt_new, ef, para_check) except: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_DOS_PARAMS_INVALID # pylint: disable=no-member updatenode = orm.Dict(dict=para_check.get_dict()) updatenode.label = label + 'KKRparam_DOS' updatenode.description = descr + \ 'KKR parameter node extracted from parent parameters and wf_parameter input node.' paranode_dos = update_params_wf(self.ctx.input_params_KKR, updatenode) # maybe overwrite some inputs if 'params_kkr_overwrite' in self.inputs:'found params_kkr_overwrite: {self.inputs.params_kkr_overwrite.get_dict()}') updatenode = self.inputs.params_kkr_overwrite updatenode.label = 'params overwrite' paranode_dos = update_params_wf(paranode_dos, updatenode) self.ctx.dos_kkrparams = paranode_dos
[docs] def get_dos(self): """ submit a dos calculation and interpolate result if returns complete """ label = 'KKR DOS calc.' dosdict = self.ctx.dos_params_dict description = 'dos calc: emin= {}, emax= {}, nepts= {}, tempr={}, kmesh={}'.format( dosdict['emin'], dosdict['emax'], dosdict['nepts'], dosdict['tempr'], dosdict['kmesh'] ) code = self.inputs.kkr remote = self.inputs.remote_data params = self.ctx.dos_kkrparams options = { 'max_wallclock_seconds': self.ctx.max_wallclock_seconds, 'resources': self.ctx.resources, 'queue_name': self.ctx.queue } if self.ctx.custom_scheduler_commands: options['custom_scheduler_commands'] = self.ctx.custom_scheduler_commands if self.ctx.append_text: options['append_text'] = self.ctx.append_text if self.ctx.prepend_text: options['prepend_text'] = self.ctx.prepend_text if self.ctx.additional_retrieve_list: options['additional_retrieve_list'] = self.ctx.additional_retrieve_list inputs = get_inputs_kkr( code, remote, options, label, description, parameters=params, serial=(not self.ctx.withmpi) ) # add nonco angles if found in the parent calculation or in the input if 'initial_noco_angles' in self.inputs: # overwrite nonco_angles from the input if given inputs['initial_noco_angles'] = self.inputs.initial_noco_angles'used nonco angles from input to workflow') else: # extract from the parent calculation parent_calc = remote.get_incoming(node_class=orm.CalcJobNode).first().node if 'initial_noco_angles' in parent_calc.inputs: noco_angles = extract_noco_angles( fix_dir_threshold=orm.Float(1e-6), # make small enough old_noco_angles=parent_calc.inputs.initial_noco_angles, last_retrieved=parent_calc.outputs.retrieved ) # set nonco angles (either from input or from output if it was updated) if noco_angles == {}: noco_angles = parent_calc.inputs.initial_noco_angles inputs['initial_noco_angles'] = noco_angles'extract nonco angles and use from parent ({noco_angles})') # run the DOS calculation'INFO: doing calculation') dosrun = self.submit(KkrCalculation, **inputs) # for restart workflow: self.ctx.last_calc = dosrun return ToContext(dosrun=dosrun)
[docs] def return_results(self): """ Collect results, parse DOS output and link output nodes to workflow node """ # check wether or not calculation was taken from cached node caching_info = f'INFO: cache_source of dos calc node: {self.ctx.dosrun.get_cache_source()}' print(caching_info) # capture error of unsuccessful DOS run if not self.ctx.dosrun.is_finished_ok: self.ctx.successful = False error = (f'ERROR: DOS calculation failed somehow it is in state {self.ctx.dosrun.process_state}') print(error) from pprint import pprint pprint(self.ctx.dosrun.attributes) print('stdout', self.ctx.dosrun.get_scheduler_stdout()) print('stderr', self.ctx.dosrun.get_scheduler_stderr()) self.ctx.errors.append(error) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_DOS_CALC_FAILED # pylint: disable=no-member # create dict to store results of workflow output outputnode_dict = {} outputnode_dict['workflow_name'] = self.__class__.__name__ outputnode_dict['workflow_version'] = self._workflowversion outputnode_dict['withmpi'] = self.ctx.withmpi outputnode_dict['resources'] = self.ctx.resources outputnode_dict['max_wallclock_seconds'] = self.ctx.max_wallclock_seconds outputnode_dict['queue_name'] = self.ctx.queue outputnode_dict['custom_scheduler_commands'] = self.ctx.custom_scheduler_commands outputnode_dict['dos_params'] = self.ctx.dos_params_dict try: outputnode_dict['nspin'] = self.ctx.dosrun.res.nspin except: error = 'ERROR: nspin not extracted' self.ctx.successful = False self.ctx.errors.append(error) outputnode_dict['successful'] = self.ctx.successful outputnode_dict['list_of_errors'] = self.ctx.errors # create output node with data-provenance outputnode = orm.Dict(dict=outputnode_dict) outputnode.label = 'kkr_scf_wc_results' outputnode.description = '''INFO: create dos results nodes') try:'INFO: create dos results nodes. dos calc retrieved node={self.ctx.dosrun.outputs.retrieved}') has_dosrun = True except AttributeError as _error:'ERROR: no dos calc retrieved node found')'Caught AttributeError {_error}') has_dosrun = False # interpol dos file and store to XyData nodes if has_dosrun: dos_retrieved = self.ctx.dosrun.outputs.retrieved if 'complex.dos' in dos_retrieved.list_object_names(): dosXyDatas = parse_dosfiles(dos_retrieved) # collect output nodes with link labels outdict = {} if has_dosrun: outdict['dos_data'] = dosXyDatas['dos_data'] outdict['dos_data_interpol'] = dosXyDatas['dos_data_interpol'] # create data provenance of results node link_nodes = outdict.copy() # link also dos output nodes if has_dosrun: link_nodes['doscalc_remote'] = self.ctx.dosrun.outputs.remote_folder outdict['results_wf'] = create_out_dict_node(outputnode, **link_nodes) # create links to output nodes for link_name, node in outdict.items(): self.out(link_name, node)'INFO: done with DOS workflow!\n')