Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
contains plot_kkr class for node visualization
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from builtins import object, str
from six.moves import range
from import get_natyp
from import search_string
import numpy as np

__copyright__ = (u'Copyright (c), 2018, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, '
                 'IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany. All rights reserved.')
__license__ = 'MIT license, see LICENSE.txt file'
__version__ = '0.7.1'
__contributors__ = ('Philipp Rüßmann')

def remove_empty_atoms(show_empty_atoms, structure, silent=False):
    # check if empty sphere need to be removed for plotting (ase structgure cannot be constructed for alloys or vacancies)
    #print('in remove empty atoms:', structure.has_vacancies, ('X' in [i.kind_name for i in structure.sites]) )
    if structure.has_vacancies or ('X' in [i.kind_name for i in structure.sites]):
        #print("structure has vacancies, need to remove empty sites for plotting")
        from aiida.orm import StructureData
        stmp = StructureData(cell=structure.cell)
        for site in structure.sites:
            k = structure.get_kind(site.kind_name)
            pos = site.position
            if not (k.has_vacancies or 'X' in site.kind_name):
                stmp.append_atom(position=pos, symbols=k.symbol)
            elif show_empty_atoms:
                stmp.append_atom(position=pos, symbols='X')
            elif not silent:
                print('removing atom', site)
        structure = stmp
    return structure

[docs]def _in_notebook(): """ Helper function to check if code is executed from within a jupyter notebook this is used to change to a different default visualization """ try: from IPython import get_ipython if get_ipython() is None: return False if 'IPKernelApp' not in get_ipython().config: # pragma: no cover return False except ImportError: return False return True
[docs]def _has_ase_notebook(): """ Helper function to check if ase_notebook is installed """ try: import ase_notebook except ImportError: return False return True
[docs]def _check_tk_gui(static): """ check if tk gui can be openen, otherwise reset static to False this is only needed if we are not inside a notebook """ if not _in_notebook() and not static: try: import tkinter as tk window = tk.Tk() window.quit() except: print('cannot open tk gui, fall back to static image') static = True return static
[docs]def save_fig_to_file(kwargs, filename0='plot_kkr_out.png'): """ save the figure as a png file look for filename and static in kwargs save only if static is True after _check_tk_gui check to make it work in the command line script """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if not _in_notebook(): # check if static needs to be enforced static = kwargs.get('static', False) static = _check_tk_gui(static) if static: filename = kwargs.get('filename', filename0) print('saved static plot to ', filename) plt.savefig(filename)
[docs]def strucplot_ase_notebook(struc, **kwargs): """ plotting function for aiida structure using ase_notebook visulaization """ from ase_notebook import ViewConfig, AseView # pylint: disable=import-error # extract some setting if given as kwargs repeat_uc = kwargs.get('repeat_uc', (1, 1, 1)) canvas_size = kwargs.get('canvas_size', (300, 300)) zoom = kwargs.get('zoom', 1.0) atom_opacity = kwargs.get('atom_opacity', 0.95) static = kwargs.get('static', False) rotations = kwargs.get('rotations', '-80x,-20y,-5z') if 'show_empty_atoms' in kwargs: show_empty_atoms = kwargs.pop('show_empty_atoms') else: show_empty_atoms = False struc = remove_empty_atoms(show_empty_atoms, struc, kwargs.get('silent', False)) # check if static needs to be enforced static = _check_tk_gui(static) # set up structure viewer from ase_notebook config_dict = { 'atom_show_label': True, 'rotations': rotations, 'show_uc_repeats': True, 'show_bonds': False, 'show_unit_cell': True, 'canvas_size': canvas_size, 'zoom': zoom, 'show_axes': True, 'canvas_background_opacity': 1.00, 'canvas_color_background': 'white', 'axes_length': 30, 'atom_opacity': atom_opacity } config = ViewConfig(**config_dict) ase_view = AseView(config) # create ase atoms object from structure ase_atoms = struc.get_ase() # now create plot strucview = None if not static and _in_notebook(): # render view in notebook strucview = ase_view.make_render( ase_atoms, center_in_uc=True, create_gui=True, repeat_uc=repeat_uc, use_atom_arrays=True, ) elif _in_notebook(): # static plot in notebook (svg) strucview = ase_view.make_svg( ase_atoms, center_in_uc=True, repeat_uc=repeat_uc, ) elif static: strucview = ase_view.make_svg( ase_atoms, center_in_uc=True, repeat_uc=repeat_uc, ) filename = kwargs.get('filename', 'plot_kkr_out_struc.svg') print('saved static plot in svg format to ', filename) strucview.saveas(filename) else: # open gui window ase_view.make_gui( ase_atoms, center_in_uc=True, repeat_uc=repeat_uc, ) return strucview
[docs]def plot_imp_cluster(kkrimp_calc_node, **kwargs): """ Plot impurity cluster from KkrimpCalculation node These kwargs can be used to control the behavior of the plotting tool: kwargs = { static = False, # make gui or static (svg) images canvas_size = (300, 300), # size of the canvas zoom = 1.0, # zoom, set to >1 (<1) to zoom in (out) atom_opacity = 0.95, # set opacity level of the atoms, useful for overlapping atoms rotations = "-80x,-20y,-5z", # rotation in degrees around x,y,z axes show_unit_cell = True, # show the unit cell of the host filename = 'plot_kkr_out_impstruc.svg' # filename used for the export of a static svg image } """ from aiida.orm import StructureData from aiida.common.constants import elements from ase_notebook import ViewConfig, AseView # pylint: disable=import-error from aiida_kkr.calculations import VoronoiCalculation from import create_scoef_array from import get_alat_from_bravais imp_info = kkrimp_calc_node.inputs.impurity_info.get_dict() structure0, _ = VoronoiCalculation.find_parent_structure(kkrimp_calc_node.inputs.host_Greenfunction_folder) # needed to transform from internal to Angstroem units alat = get_alat_from_bravais(np.array(structure0.cell), structure0.pbc[2]) # extract infos from impurity info node rimp_rel = np.array(imp_info.get('Rimp_rel', [[0, 0, 0]])) zimp = imp_info.get('Zimp') if not (isinstance(zimp, list) or isinstance(zimp, np.ndarray)): zimp = [zimp] if 'Rimp_rel' in imp_info and 'imp_cls' in imp_info: imp_cls = np.array(imp_info['imp_cls']) else: ilayer = imp_info.get('ilayer_center', 0) radius = imp_info['Rcut'] h = imp_info.get('hcut', -1.) vector = imp_info.get('cylinder_orient', [0., 0., 1.]) i = imp_info.get('ilayer_center', 0) imp_cls = np.array(create_scoef_array(structure0, radius, h, vector, i)) # adapt imp_cls from zimp+rimp_rel and find ghost atoms ghost_map = [] for isite, site in enumerate(imp_cls): pos = site[:3] dmin = 1e9 i0 = -1 for iimp, z in enumerate(zimp): dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((rimp_rel[iimp] - pos)**2)) if dist < dmin: dmin = dist i0 = iimp if dmin < 1e-5: ghost_map.append(False) imp_cls[isite, 4] = zimp[i0] else: ghost_map.append(True) # position to convert to Ang. units imp_cls[isite, :3] *= alat ghost_map = np.array(ghost_map) # create auxiliary structure struc_aux = StructureData(cell=structure0.cell) for site in imp_cls: struc_aux.append_atom(position=site[:3], symbols=elements[int(site[4])]['symbol']) # extract settings from kwargs canvas_size = kwargs.get('canvas_size', (300, 300)) zoom = kwargs.get('zoom', 1.0) atom_opacity = kwargs.get('atom_opacity', 0.95) static = kwargs.get('static', False) rotations = kwargs.get('rotations', '-80x,-20y,-5z') show_unit_cell = kwargs.get('show_unit_cell', True) # check if static needs to be enforced static = _check_tk_gui(static) # set up structure viewer from ase_notebook config_dict = { 'atom_show_label': True, 'rotations': rotations, 'show_uc_repeats': True, 'show_bonds': False, 'show_unit_cell': show_unit_cell, 'canvas_size': canvas_size, 'zoom': zoom, 'show_axes': True, 'canvas_background_opacity': 0.00, 'canvas_color_background': 'white', 'axes_length': 30, 'atom_opacity': atom_opacity } config = ViewConfig(**config_dict) ase_view_imp = AseView(config) # create ase atoms object from auxiliary structure with ghost atoms mapping ase_atoms_impcls = struc_aux.get_ase() ase_atoms_impcls.set_array('ghost', ghost_map) # create plot strucview_imp = None if not static and _in_notebook(): strucview_imp = ase_view_imp.make_render( ase_atoms_impcls, center_in_uc=True, create_gui=True, use_atom_arrays=True, ) elif _in_notebook(): strucview_imp = ase_view_imp.make_svg( ase_atoms_impcls, center_in_uc=True, ) elif static: strucview_imp = ase_view_imp.make_svg( ase_atoms_impcls, center_in_uc=True, ) filename = kwargs.get('filename', 'plot_kkr_out_impstruc.svg') print('saved static plot in svg format to ', filename) strucview_imp.saveas(filename) else: ase_view_imp.make_gui( # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg ase_atoms_impcls, center_in_uc=True, ) return strucview_imp
[docs]class plot_kkr(object): """ Class grouping all functionality to plot typical nodes (calculations, workflows, ...) of the aiida-kkr plugin. :param nodes: node identifier which is to be visualized optional arguments: :param silent: print information about input node including inputs and outputs (default: False) :type silent: bool :param strucplot: plot structure using ase’s view function (default: False) :type strucplot: bool :param interpol: use interpolated data for DOS plots (default: True) :type interpol: bool :param all_atoms: plot all atoms in DOS plots (default: False, i.e. plot total DOS only) :type all_atoms: bool :param l_channels: plot l-channels in addition to total DOS (default: True, i.e. plot all l-channels) :type l_channels: bool :param sum_spins: sum up both spin channels or plot both? (default: False, i.e. plot both spin channels) :type sum_spins: bool :param logscale: plot rms and charge neutrality curves on a log-scale (default: True) :type locscale: bool :param switch_xy: (default: False) :type switch_xy: bool :param iatom: list of atom indices which are supposed to be plotted (default: [], i.e. show all atoms) :type iatom: list additional keyword arguments are passed onto the plotting function which allows, for example, to change the markers used in a DOS plot to crosses via `marker='x'` :usage: plot_kkr(nodes, **kwargs) where nodes is a node identifier (the node itself, it's pk or uuid) or a list of node identifiers. :note: If nodes is a list of nodes then the plots are grouped together if possible. """
[docs] def __init__(self, nodes=None, **kwargs): # load database if not done already from aiida import load_profile load_profile() self.sview = None groupmode = False if type(nodes) == list: if len(nodes) > 1: groupmode = True else: nodes = nodes[0] if groupmode: from matplotlib.pyplot import show node_groups = self.group_nodes(nodes) for groupname in list(node_groups.keys()): print('\n==================================================================') print(f'Group of nodes: {groupname}\n') # some settings for groups if 'noshow' in list(kwargs.keys()): _ = kwargs.pop('noshow') # this is now removed from kwargs if 'only' in list(kwargs.keys()): _ = kwargs.pop('only') # this is now removed from kwargs if 'nofig' in list(kwargs.keys()): _ = kwargs.pop('nofig') # To revoke the 'nofig' kwarg from the list # now plot groups one after the other self.plot_group(groupname, node_groups, noshow=True, nofig=True, **kwargs) # finally show all plots show() elif nodes is not None: self.plot_kkr_single_node(nodes, **kwargs) display = kwargs.get('display', True) if display and self.sview is not None: #self.classify_and_plot_node(nodes, return_name_only=True)=='struc': from IPython.display import display display(self.sview)
### main wrapper functions ###
[docs] def group_nodes(self, nodes): """Go through list of nodes and group them together.""" groups_dict = {} for node in nodes: node = get_node(node) nodeclass = self.classify_and_plot_node(node, return_name_only=True) if nodeclass not in list(groups_dict.keys()): groups_dict[nodeclass] = [] groups_dict[nodeclass].append(node) return groups_dict
[docs] def plot_group(self, groupname, nodesgroups, **kwargs): """Visualize all nodes of one group.""" from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, subplot, title, xlabel, legend, title nodeslist = nodesgroups[groupname] # take out label from kwargs since it is overwritten if 'label' in list(kwargs.keys()): label = kwargs.pop('label') nolegend = False if 'nolegend' in list(kwargs.keys()): nolegend = kwargs.pop('nolegend') # open a single new figure for each plot here if groupname in ['kkr', 'scf']: figure() for node in nodeslist: node = get_node(node) print(groupname) # open new figure for each plot in these groups if groupname in ['eos', 'dos', 'startpot']: figure() if groupname in ['kkr', 'scf']: subplot(2, 1, 1) self.plot_kkr_single_node(node, only='rms', label=f'pk= {}', **kwargs) xlabel('') # remove overlapping x label in upper plot if not nolegend: legend(fontsize='x-small') title('') subplot(2, 1, 2) self.plot_kkr_single_node(node, only='neutr', label=f'pk= {}', **kwargs) title('') # remove duplicated plot title of lower plot if not nolegend: legend(fontsize='x-small') else: self.plot_kkr_single_node(node, **kwargs) print('\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n')
[docs] def plot_kkr_single_node(self, node, **kwargs): """ TODO docstring""" # determine if some output is printed to stdout silent = False if 'silent' in list(kwargs.keys()): silent = kwargs.pop('silent') # this is now removed from kwargs noshow = False if 'noshow' in list(kwargs.keys()): noshow = kwargs.pop('noshow') # this is now removed from kwargs node = get_node(node) # print input and output nodes if not silent: self.print_clean_inouts(node) # classify node and call plotting function self.classify_and_plot_node(node, silent=silent, **kwargs) if not noshow: from matplotlib.pyplot import show show()
[docs] def classify_and_plot_node(self, node, return_name_only=False, **kwargs): """Find class of the node and call plotting function.""" # import things from pprint import pprint from aiida.plugins import DataFactory from aiida.orm import CalculationNode node = get_node(node) # basic aiida nodes if isinstance(node, DataFactory('structure')): if return_name_only: return 'struc' self.plot_struc(node, **kwargs) elif isinstance(node, DataFactory('dict')): if return_name_only: return 'para' print('node dict:') pprint(node.get_dict()) elif isinstance(node, DataFactory('remote')): if return_name_only: return 'remote' print('computer name:', node.get_computer_name()) print('remote path:', node.get_remote_path()) elif isinstance(node, DataFactory('folder')): if return_name_only: return 'folder' print('abs path:') pprint(node.get_abs_path()) print('folder content:') pprint(node.get_folder_list()) # workflows elif node.process_label == u'kkr_dos_wc': if return_name_only: return 'dos' self.plot_kkr_dos(node, **kwargs) elif node.process_label == u'kkr_bs_wc': if return_name_only: return 'bs' self.plot_kkr_bs(node, **kwargs) elif node.process_label == u'kkr_startpot_wc': if return_name_only: return 'startpot' self.plot_kkr_startpot(node, **kwargs) elif node.process_label == u'kkr_scf_wc': if return_name_only: return 'scf' self.plot_kkr_scf(node, **kwargs) elif node.process_label == u'kkr_eos_wc': if return_name_only: return 'eos' self.plot_kkr_eos(node, **kwargs) elif node.process_label == u'kkr_imp_dos_wc': if return_name_only: return 'impdos' self.plot_kkrimp_dos_wc(node, **kwargs) elif node.process_label == u'kkr_imp_wc': if return_name_only: return 'imp' self.plot_kkrimp_wc(node, **kwargs) elif node.process_label == u'kkr_imp_sub_wc': if return_name_only: return 'impsub' self.plot_kkrimp_sub_wc(node, **kwargs) # calculations elif node.process_type == u'aiida.calculations:kkr.kkr': if return_name_only: return 'kkr' self.plot_kkr_calc(node, **kwargs) elif node.process_type == u'aiida.calculations:kkr.voro': if return_name_only: return 'voro' self.plot_voro_calc(node, **kwargs) elif node.process_type == u'aiida.calculations:kkr.kkrimp': if return_name_only: return 'kkrimp' self.plot_kkrimp_calc(node, **kwargs) elif node.process_type == 'aiida_kkr.workflows._combine_imps.combine_imps_wc': if return_name_only: return 'combine_imps' # extract kkr_imp_sub and plot it self.plot_kkrimp_wc(node, **kwargs) elif node.process_label == 'KKRnanoCalculation': raise TypeError(f'KKRnano input not implemented, yet: {type(node)} {node}') else: raise TypeError( f'input node neither a `Calculation` nor a `WorkChainNode` (i.e. workflow): {type(node)} {node}' )
### helper functions (structure plot, rms plot, dos plot, data extraction ...) ###
[docs] def print_clean_inouts(self, node): """print inputs and outputs of nodes without showing 'CALL' and 'CREATE' links in workflows.""" from pprint import pprint # extract inputs and outputs inputs = node.get_incoming().all_nodes() outputs = node.get_outgoing() """ all_out_labels = outputs.all_link_labels() for label in list(all_out_labels): try: int(label.split('_')[-1]) has_id = True except: has_id = False # remove 'CALL' and 'CREATE' links if 'CALL' in label or 'CREATE' in label or has_id: outputs.pop(label) """ outputs = outputs.all_nodes() # now print information about node print(f'pk, uuid: {} {node.uuid}') print('type:', type(node)) print('label:', node.label) print('description:', node.description) try: print('process type:', node.process_type) print('state:', node.process_state) except: print('nodes does not have the `process_state` attribute') print('\ninputs:') pprint(inputs) print('\noutputs:') pprint(outputs) try: print(f'\nexit status: {node.exit_status} ({node.exit_message})') except: pass print() # empty line at the end
[docs] def plot_struc(self, node, **kwargs): """visualize structure using ase's `view` function""" from ase.visualize import view from aiida_kkr.calculations.voro import VoronoiCalculation from aiida.orm import StructureData if not isinstance(node, StructureData): structure, voro_parent = VoronoiCalculation.find_parent_structure(node) else: structure = node if 'show_empty_atoms' in kwargs: show_empty_atoms = kwargs.pop('show_empty_atoms') else: show_empty_atoms = False structure = remove_empty_atoms(show_empty_atoms, structure, kwargs.get('silent', False)) if _has_ase_notebook() and 'viewer' not in kwargs: # by default use ase_notebook if it is available self.sview = strucplot_ase_notebook(structure, show_empty_atoms=show_empty_atoms, **kwargs) else: # use ase's view function instead # now construct ase object and use ase's viewer ase_atoms = structure.get_ase() if 'silent' in kwargs: silent = kwargs.pop('silent') # remove things that are not understood bt ase's view for key in [ 'nofig', 'interpol', 'all_atoms', 'l_channels', 'sum_spins', 'logscale', 'switch_xy', 'iatom', 'label' ]: if key in kwargs: _ = kwargs.pop(key) print(f"plotting structure using ase's `view` with kwargs={kwargs}") self.sview = view(ase_atoms, **kwargs)
[docs] def dosplot(self, d, natoms, nofig, all_atoms, l_channels, sum_spins, switch_xy, switch_sign_spin2, **kwargs): """plot dos from xydata node""" from numpy import array, sum, arange from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, xlabel, ylabel, gca, figure, legend, fill_between import matplotlib as mpl from cycler import cycler # remove things that will not work for plotting if 'silent' in list(kwargs.keys()): silent = kwargs.pop('silent') if 'filled' in list(kwargs.keys()): filled = kwargs.pop('filled') else: filled = False # plot only some atoms if 'iatom' is found in input show_atoms = [] if 'iatom' in kwargs: show_atoms = kwargs.pop('iatom') if type(show_atoms) != list: show_atoms = [show_atoms] all_atoms = True # need to set all_atoms to true # open new figure if not nofig: figure() x_all = d.get_x() y_all = d.get_y() # scale factor for x and/or y if 'xscale' in kwargs: xscale = kwargs.pop('xscale') else: xscale = 1. if 'yscale' in kwargs: yscale = kwargs.pop('yscale') else: yscale = 1. if 'xshift' in kwargs: xshift = kwargs.pop('xshift') else: xshift = 0. nspin = len(y_all[0][1]) // natoms nspin2 = len(y_all[0][1]) // natoms # copy of nspin becaus nspin is reset to 1 if sum_spins is set to True if sum_spins: nspin = 1 xlbl = x_all[0] + ' (' + x_all[2] + ')' #tot only: if not l_channels: lmax = 1 else: lmax = len(y_all) pcycle_default = mpl.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] # change color cycler to match spin up/down colors if nspin == 2 and (not all_atoms or show_atoms != []): pcycle_values = pcycle_default.by_key()['color'] if switch_sign_spin2: # needed for impurity DOS n0 = len(show_atoms) if n0 == 0: n0 = natoms #pcycle_values = array([j for i in range(n0) for j in pcycle_values]).reshape(-1) #pcycle_values = list(pcycle_values[:n0]) + list(pcycle_values[:n0]) pcycle_values = array([[i, i] for i in pcycle_values]).reshape(-1) else: pcycle_values = array([[i, i] for i in pcycle_values]).reshape(-1) pcycle_default = cycler('color', pcycle_values) gca().set_prop_cycle(pcycle_default) if 'label' in kwargs: labels_all = kwargs.pop('label') if type(labels_all) != list: labels_all = [labels_all for i in range(natoms)] else: labels_all = None for il in range(lmax): y2 = y_all[il] # extract label ylbl = 'DOS (' + y2[2] + ')' # take data y2 = y2[1].copy() y2 = y2.reshape(natoms, nspin2, -1) x = x_all[1].copy() + xshift for ispin in range(nspin): if not all_atoms: y = [sum(y2[:, ispin, :], axis=0)] # artificial list so that y[iatom] works later on if sum_spins and nspin2 == 2: if switch_sign_spin2: y[0] = -y[0] - sum(y2[:, 1, :], axis=0) else: y[0] = -y[0] + sum(y2[:, 1, :], axis=0) natoms2 = 1 yladd = '' else: natoms2 = natoms y = y2[:, ispin, :] if sum_spins and nspin2 == 2: if switch_sign_spin2: y = y + y2[:, 1, :] else: y = -y + y2[:, 1, :] for iatom in range(natoms2): if iatom in show_atoms or show_atoms == []: yladd = y_all[il][0].replace('dos ', '') if all_atoms: yladd += ', atom=' + str(iatom + 1) if ispin > 0: yladd = '' if labels_all is not None and ispin == 0: yladd = labels_all[iatom] xplt = x[iatom * nspin + ispin] * xscale yplt = y[iatom] * yscale if ispin > 0 and switch_sign_spin2: yplt = -yplt yplt = yplt * yscale if not switch_xy: if not filled: plot(xplt, yplt, label=yladd, **kwargs) else: fill_between(xplt, yplt, label=yladd, **kwargs) xlabel(xlbl) ylabel(ylbl) else: if not filled: plot(yplt, xplt, label=yladd, **kwargs) else: fill_between(yplt, xplt, label=yladd, **kwargs) xlabel(ylbl) ylabel(xlbl) legend(fontsize='x-small')
[docs] def rmsplot(self, rms, neutr, nofig, ptitle, logscale, only=None, rename_second=None, **kwargs): """plot rms and charge neutrality""" from numpy import array from matplotlib.pylab import figure, plot, twinx, xlabel, ylabel, legend, subplots_adjust, title, gca if not nofig: figure() # allow to overwrite name for second quantity, plotted on second y axis name_second_y = 'charge neutrality' if rename_second is not None: name_second_y = rename_second if only is None: if 'label' not in list(kwargs.keys()): label = 'rms' else: label = kwargs.pop('label') plot(rms, '-xb', label=label) ax1 = gca() ylabel('rms', color='b') xlabel('iteration') twinx() if logscale: neutr = abs(array(neutr)) if 'label' not in list(kwargs.keys()): label = name_second_y else: label = kwargs.pop('label') plot(neutr, '-or', label=label) ax2 = gca() ylabel(name_second_y, color='r') if logscale: ax1.set_yscale('log') ax2.set_yscale('log') else: # individual plots of rms or neutrality (needed for eos plot) if only == 'rms': plot(rms, **kwargs) ylabel('rms') xlabel('iteration') ax1 = gca() if logscale: ax1.set_yscale('log') elif only == 'neutr': if logscale: neutr = abs(array(neutr)) plot(neutr, **kwargs) ylabel(name_second_y) xlabel('iteration') ax1 = gca() if logscale: ax1.set_yscale('log') else: raise ValueError(f'`only` can only be `rms or `neutr` but got {only}') title(ptitle)
[docs] def get_rms_kkrcalc(self, node, title=None): """extract rms etc from kkr Calculation. Works for both finished and still running Calculations.""" from aiida.engine import ProcessState rms, neutr, etot, efermi = [], [], [], [] ptitle = '' if node.process_state == ProcessState.FINISHED: if node.is_finished_ok: o = node.outputs.output_parameters.get_dict() neutr = o['convergence_group'][u'charge_neutrality_all_iterations'] efermi = o['convergence_group'][u'fermi_energy_all_iterations'] etot = o['convergence_group'][u'total_energy_Ry_all_iterations'] rms = o['convergence_group'][u'rms_all_iterations'] ptitle = 'Time per iteration: ' + str(o['timings_group'].get('Time in Iteration')) + ' s' elif node.process_state in [ProcessState.WAITING, ProcessState.FINISHED, ProcessState.RUNNING]: rms, neutr, etot, efermi = get_rms_kkrcalc_from_remote(node) else: print('no rms extracted', node.process_state) return rms, neutr, etot, efermi, ptitle
### Calculations ###
[docs] def plot_kkr_calc(self, node, **kwargs): """plot things for a kkr Calculation node""" # extract options from kwargs nofig = False if 'nofig' in list(kwargs.keys()): nofig = kwargs.pop('nofig') strucplot = False if 'strucplot' in list(kwargs.keys()): strucplot = kwargs.pop('strucplot') logscale = True if 'logscale' in list(kwargs.keys()): logscale = kwargs.pop('logscale') only = None if 'only' in list(kwargs.keys()): only = kwargs.pop('only') silent = False if 'silent' in list(kwargs.keys()): silent = kwargs.pop('silent') #print output if not silent: from pprint import pprint print('results dict (entries with `...` have been removed for this writeout for the sake of shortness):') if 'output_parameters' in node.get_outgoing().all_link_labels(): results_dict = node.get_outgoing().get_node_by_label('output_parameters').get_dict() # remove symmetry descriptions from resuts dict before writting output if 'symmetries_group' in list(results_dict.keys()): results_dict['symmetries_group']['symmetry_description'] = '...' if 'convergence_group' in list(results_dict.keys()): results_dict['convergence_group']['charge_neutrality_all_iterations'] = '...' results_dict['convergence_group']['dos_at_fermi_energy_all_iterations'] = '...' results_dict['convergence_group']['fermi_energy_all_iterations'] = '...' results_dict['convergence_group']['rms_all_iterations'] = '...' results_dict['convergence_group']['total_energy_Ry_all_iterations'] = '...' results_dict['convergence_group']['spin_moment_per_atom_all_iterations'] = '...' results_dict['convergence_group']['orbital_moment_per_atom_all_iterations'] = '...' results_dict['convergence_group']['total_spin_moment_all_iterations'] = '...' pprint(results_dict) # plot structure if strucplot: self.plot_struc(node, **kwargs) if 'label' in list(kwargs.keys()): label = kwargs.pop('label') else: label = None try: rms, neutr, etot, efermi, ptitle = self.get_rms_kkrcalc(node) except KeyError: # this happens in case of qdos run rms = [] if len(rms) > 1: self.rmsplot(rms, neutr, nofig, ptitle, logscale, only, label=label) # maybe save as file save_fig_to_file(kwargs, 'plot_kkr_out_rms.png') # try to plot dos and qdos data if Calculation was bandstructure or DOS run from subprocess import check_output from os import listdir from numpy import loadtxt, array, where from import open_general from masci_tools.vis.kkr_plot_bandstruc_qdos import dispersionplot from masci_tools.vis.kkr_plot_FS_qdos import FSqdos2D from masci_tools.vis.kkr_plot_dos import dosplot from matplotlib.pyplot import show, figure, title, xticks, xlabel, axvline from aiida import __version__ as aiida_core_version if node.is_finished_ok: retlist = node.outputs.retrieved.list_object_names() has_dos = 'dos.atom1' in retlist has_qvec = 'qvec.dat' in retlist has_qdos = False # remove already automatically set things from kwargs if 'ptitle' in list(kwargs.keys()): ptitle = kwargs.pop('ptitle') else: ptitle = f'pk= {}' if 'newfig' in list(kwargs.keys()): kwargs.pop('newfig') # qdos if has_qvec: has_qdos = 'qdos.01.1.dat' in retlist or 'qdos.001.1.dat' in retlist if has_qdos: qdos_filenames, ne = get_qdos_filenames(node) if ne > 1 or 'as_e_dimension' in list(kwargs.keys()): a0 = get_a0_from_node(node) ef = get_ef_from_parent(node) data = get_qdos_data_from_node(node, qdos_filenames) data_all = (a0, data, None, None, ef) dispersionplot( data_all=data_all, newfig=(not nofig), ptitle=ptitle, logscale=logscale, **kwargs ) # add plot labels try: labels = node.inputs.kpoints.labels ilbl = array([int(i[0]) for i in labels]) slbl = array([i[1] for i in labels]) m_overlap = where(abs(ilbl[1:] - ilbl[:-1]) == 1) if len(m_overlap[0]) > 0: for i in m_overlap[0]: slbl[i + 1] = '\n' + slbl[i + 1] xticks(ilbl, slbl) xlabel('') [axvline(i, color='grey', ls=':') for i in ilbl] except: xlabel('id_kpt') # maybe save as file save_fig_to_file(kwargs, 'plot_kkr_out_bs.png') else: if int(aiida_core_version.split('.')[0]) < 2: ef = get_ef_from_parent(node) with'qvec.dat') as f: FSqdos2D('qvec.dat', ''), logscale=logscale, ef=ef, **kwargs) # maybe save as file save_fig_to_file(kwargs, 'plot_kkr_out_FS.png') else: raise ValueError('FS plot does not work with aiida-core>=2.0') # dos only if qdos was not plotted already if has_dos and not has_qdos: with'dos.atom1', mode='r') as f: if not nofig: figure() dosplot(f, **kwargs) title(ptitle) # maybe save as file save_fig_to_file(kwargs, 'plot_kkr_out_dos.png')
[docs] def plot_voro_calc(self, node, **kwargs): """plot things for a voro Calculation node""" strucplot = False if 'strucplot' in list(kwargs.keys()): strucplot = kwargs.pop('strucplot') # plot structure if strucplot: self.plot_struc(node, **kwargs)
# TODO maybe plot some output of voronoi #outdict = node.outputs.output_parameters.get_dict()
[docs] def plot_kkrimp_calc(self, node, return_rms=False, return_stot=False, plot_rms=True, **kwargs): """plot things from a kkrimp Calculation node""" # plot impurity cluster if kwargs.get('strucplot', True): if _has_ase_notebook(): self.sview = plot_imp_cluster(node, **kwargs) else: print('Cannot plot impurity structure because ase_notebook is not installed') # remove plotting-exclusive keys from kwargs for k in ['static', 'canvas_size', 'zoom', 'atom_opacity', 'rotations', 'show_unit_cell', 'strucplot']: if k in kwargs: kwargs.pop(k) # read data from output node rms_goal, rms = None, [] if node.is_finished_ok: out_para = node.outputs.output_parameters out_para_dict = out_para.get_dict() out_para_dict['convergence_group']['rms_all_iterations'] rms = out_para_dict['convergence_group']['rms_all_iterations'] rms_goal = out_para_dict['convergence_group']['qbound'] # extract total magnetic moment nspin = out_para_dict['nspin'] if nspin > 1: try: nat = out_para_dict['number_of_atoms_in_unit_cell'] s = np.array(out_para_dict['convergence_group']['total_spin_moment_all_iterations'][1], dtype=float) ss = np.sqrt(np.sum(s**2, axis=1)).reshape(-1, nat) stot = np.sum(ss, axis=1) except: stot = None else: stot = None else: stot = None # make rms plot if plot_rms: if 'ptitle' in list(kwargs.keys()): ptitle = kwargs.pop('ptitle') else: ptitle = f'pk= {}' self.make_kkrimp_rmsplot([rms], [stot], [0], rms_goal, ptitle, **kwargs) # now return values return_any, return_list = False, [] if return_rms: return_list += [rms, rms_goal] return_any = True if return_stot: return_list += [stot] return_any = True if return_any: return return_list
[docs] def plot_kkrimp_wc(self, node, **kwargs): """plot things from a kkrimp_wc workflow""" # call imp_sub plotting from here from aiida_kkr.workflows import kkr_imp_sub_wc sub_wf = [i.node for i in node.get_outgoing(node_class=kkr_imp_sub_wc).all()] if len(sub_wf) > 0: self.plot_kkrimp_sub_wc(sub_wf[0], **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_kkrimp_sub_wc(self, node, **kwargs): """plot things from a kkrimp_sub_wc workflow""" from aiida_kkr.calculations import KkrimpCalculation impcalcs = [i.node for i in node.get_outgoing(node_class=KkrimpCalculation).all()] # plot impurity cluster if len(impcalcs) > 0 and kwargs.get('strucplot', True): if _has_ase_notebook(): self.sview = plot_imp_cluster(impcalcs[0], **kwargs) else: print('Cannot plot impurity structure because ase_notebook is not installed') # remove plotting-exclusive keys from kwargs for k in ['static', 'canvas_size', 'zoom', 'atom_opacity', 'rotations', 'show_unit_cell', 'strucplot']: if k in kwargs: kwargs.pop(k) # extract rms from calculations rms_all, pks_all, stot_all = [], [], [] rms_goal = None for impcalc in impcalcs: pks_all.append( rms_tmp, rms_goal_tmp, stot_tmp = self.plot_kkrimp_calc( impcalc, return_rms=True, return_stot=True, plot_rms=False ) rms_all.append(rms_tmp) if rms_goal_tmp is not None: if rms_goal is not None: rms_goal = min(rms_goal, rms_goal_tmp) else: rms_goal = rms_goal_tmp stot_all.append(stot_tmp) if 'ptitle' in list(kwargs.keys()): ptitle = kwargs.pop('ptitle') else: ptitle = f'pk= {}' self.make_kkrimp_rmsplot(rms_all, stot_all, pks_all, rms_goal, ptitle, **kwargs)
[docs] def make_kkrimp_rmsplot(self, rms_all, stot_all, pks_all, rms_goal, ptitle, **kwargs): """ plot rms and total spin moment of kkrimp calculation or series of kkrimp calculations """ from numpy import array from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, subplot, axhline, axvline, gca, ylim # extract options from kwargs nofig = False if 'nofig' in list(kwargs.keys()): nofig = kwargs.pop('nofig') logscale = True if 'logscale' in list(kwargs.keys()): logscale = kwargs.pop('logscale') if 'subplot' in list(kwargs.keys()): subplots = kwargs.pop('subplot') else: subplots = None if 'label' in list(kwargs.keys()): label = kwargs.pop('label') else: label = None if 'only' in list(kwargs.keys()): only = kwargs.pop('only') else: only = None # plotting of convergence properties (rms etc.) if len(rms_all) > 0: # sort rms values and flatten array reorder_rms = array(pks_all).argsort() rms, niter_calcs, stot = [], [0], [] for i in array(rms_all)[reorder_rms]: rms += list(i) niter_calcs.append(len(i) - 0.5) for i in array(stot_all)[reorder_rms]: if i is not None: stot += list(i) # now plot if len(rms) > 0: if not nofig: figure() if subplots is not None: subplot(subplots[0], subplots[1], subplots[2]) if rms_goal is not None: axhline(rms_goal, color='grey', ls='--') self.rmsplot( rms, stot, nofig=True, ptitle=ptitle, logscale=logscale, only=only, rename_second='sum(spinmom)', label=label ) # adapt y-limits to take care of showing spin-moment on sensible scale if only is None: yl = gca().get_ylim() ylim(yl[0], max(yl[1], 0.1)) # add lines that indicate different calculations tmpsum = 1 if not nofig and len(niter_calcs) > 1: for i in niter_calcs: tmpsum += i axvline(tmpsum - 1, color='k', ls=':') # maybe save as file save_fig_to_file(kwargs, 'plot_kkr_out_rms.png')
[docs] def plot_kkrimp_dos_wc(self, node, **kwargs): """plot things from a kkrimp_dos workflow node""" # try to plot dos and qdos data if Calculation was bandstructure or DOS run from os import listdir from numpy import loadtxt, array, where from masci_tools.vis.kkr_plot_FS_qdos import FSqdos2D from masci_tools.vis.kkr_plot_dos import dosplot from matplotlib.pyplot import show, figure, title, xticks, xlabel, axvline interpol, all_atoms, l_channels, sum_spins, switch_xy = True, False, True, False, False ptitle = None if 'ptitle' in list(kwargs.keys()): ptitle = kwargs.pop('ptitle') if 'interpol' in list(kwargs.keys()): interpol = kwargs.pop('interpol') if 'all_atoms' in list(kwargs.keys()): all_atoms = kwargs.pop('all_atoms') if 'l_channels' in list(kwargs.keys()): l_channels = kwargs.pop('l_channels') if 'sum_spins' in list(kwargs.keys()): sum_spins = kwargs.pop('sum_spins') if 'switch_xy' in list(kwargs.keys()): switch_xy = kwargs.pop('switch_xy') nofig = False if 'nofig' in list(kwargs.keys()): nofig = kwargs.pop('nofig') if 'silent' in list(kwargs.keys()): silent = kwargs.pop('silent') if 'switch_sign_spin2' in list(kwargs.keys()): switch_sign_spin2 = kwargs.pop('switch_sign_spin2') else: switch_sign_spin2 = True if 'yscale' in list(kwargs.keys()): yscale = kwargs.pop('yscale') else: yscale = -1 has_dos = False if interpol and 'dos_data_interpol' in node.outputs: d = node.outputs.dos_data_interpol has_dos = True elif 'dos_data' in node.outputs: d = node.outputs.dos_data has_dos = True if has_dos: calcnode = [i for i in node.called_descendants if i.process_label == 'KkrimpCalculation'][0] # plot impurity cluster if kwargs.get('strucplot', True): self.sview = plot_imp_cluster(calcnode, **kwargs) # remove plotting-exclusive keys from kwargs for k in ['static', 'canvas_size', 'zoom', 'atom_opacity', 'rotations', 'show_unit_cell', 'strucplot']: if k in kwargs: kwargs.pop(k) if calcnode.is_finished_ok: natoms = len(calcnode.outputs.output_parameters.get_dict().get('charge_core_states_per_atom')) from import find_parent_structure natoms = get_natyp(find_parent_structure(calcnode)) self.dosplot( d, natoms, nofig, all_atoms, l_channels, sum_spins, switch_xy, switch_sign_spin2, yscale=yscale, **kwargs ) if ptitle is None: title(f'pk= {}') else: title(ptitle) # maybe save as file save_fig_to_file(kwargs, 'plot_kkr_out_dos.png')
### workflows ###
[docs] def plot_kkr_dos(self, node, **kwargs): """plot outputs of a kkr_dos_wc workflow""" from aiida_kkr.calculations.voro import VoronoiCalculation from matplotlib.pylab import title # extract all options that should not be passed on to plot function interpol, all_atoms, l_channels, sum_spins, switch_xy = True, False, True, False, False if 'interpol' in list(kwargs.keys()): interpol = kwargs.pop('interpol') if 'all_atoms' in list(kwargs.keys()): all_atoms = kwargs.pop('all_atoms') if 'l_channels' in list(kwargs.keys()): l_channels = kwargs.pop('l_channels') if 'sum_spins' in list(kwargs.keys()): sum_spins = kwargs.pop('sum_spins') if 'switch_xy' in list(kwargs.keys()): switch_xy = kwargs.pop('switch_xy') nofig = False if 'nofig' in list(kwargs.keys()): nofig = kwargs.pop('nofig') if 'strucplot' in list(kwargs.keys()): strucplot = kwargs.pop('strucplot') if 'silent' in list(kwargs.keys()): silent = kwargs.pop('silent') if node.is_finished_ok: if interpol: d = node.outputs.dos_data_interpol else: d = node.outputs.dos_data # extract structure (neede in dosplot to extract number of atoms and number of spins) struc, voro_parent = VoronoiCalculation.find_parent_structure(node.inputs.remote_data) # do dos plot after data was extracted if 'ptitle' in list(kwargs.keys()): ptitle = kwargs.pop('ptitle') else: ptitle = f'pk= {}' self.dosplot(d, get_natyp(struc), nofig, all_atoms, l_channels, sum_spins, switch_xy, False, **kwargs) title(ptitle) # maybe save as file save_fig_to_file(kwargs, 'plot_kkr_out_dos.png')
def plot_kkr_bs(self, node, **kwargs): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if node.is_finished_ok: BSF = node.outputs.BS_Data.get_array('BlochSpectralFunction') eng = node.outputs.BS_Data.get_array('energy_points') Kpts = node.outputs.BS_Data.get_array('Kpts') k_label = node.outputs.BS_Data.extras['k-labels'] ixlbl = [int(i) for i in k_label.keys()] sxlbl = [i for i in k_label.values()] j = 0 for i in ixlbl[:-1]: if (ixlbl[j + 1] - i) < 2: sxlbl[j + 1] = str(sxlbl[j]) + '|' + str(sxlbl[j + 1]) sxlbl[j] = '' j += 1 y, x = np.mgrid[slice(0, len(eng) + 1, 1), slice(0, len(Kpts[:, 0]) + 1, 1)] eng_extend = np.ones(len(eng[:]) + 1) eng = eng[::-1] eng_extend[:-1] = np.sort(eng) eng_extend[-1] = eng_extend[-2] y = np.array(y, float) for i in range(len(x[0, :])): y[:, i] = eng_extend nofig = kwargs.get('nofig', False) if not nofig: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) # maybe change the colormap cmap = kwargs.get('cmap', # pylint: disable=no-member # maybe scale and shift the x values xscale = kwargs.get('xscale', 1.0) xshift = kwargs.get('xshift', 0.0) x = (x + xshift) * xscale # maybe scale and shift the y values yscale = kwargs.get('yscale', 1.0) yshift = kwargs.get('yshift', 0.0) y = (y + yshift) * yscale # now create the plot plt.pcolormesh(x, y, np.log(abs(BSF.T)), cmap=cmap, edgecolor='face', rasterized=True) plt.ylabel('E-E_F (eV)') plt.xlabel('') # contol limits of the color scale clim = kwargs.get('clim', None) if clim is not None: plt.clim(clim[0], clim[1]) else: # fix lower bound plt.clim(-6) show_cbar = kwargs.get('show_cbar', True) if show_cbar: plt.colorbar() plt.title(f'band structure from kkr_bs_wc (pk= {})') plt.xticks(ixlbl, sxlbl) plt.axhline(0, color='red', ls=':', lw=2) # maybe save as file save_fig_to_file(kwargs, 'plot_kkr_out_bs.png')
[docs] def plot_kkr_startpot(self, node, **kwargs): """plot output of kkr_startpot_wc workflow""" from aiida_kkr.calculations.voro import VoronoiCalculation from aiida.common import exceptions from matplotlib.pyplot import axvline, legend, title from import get_Ry2eV strucplot = False if 'strucplot' in list(kwargs.keys()): strucplot = kwargs.pop('strucplot') silent = False if 'silent' in list(kwargs.keys()): silent = kwargs.pop('silent') # plot structure if strucplot: self.plot_struc(node, **kwargs) # extract structure (neede in dosplot to extract number of atoms and number of spins) struc, voro_parent = VoronoiCalculation.find_parent_structure(node) if not silent: # print results print('results:') try: res_node = node.outputs.results_vorostart_wc except exceptions.NotExistent: res_node = None if res_node is not None: self.plot_kkr_single_node(res_node, noshow=True, silent=True) # plot starting DOS # follow links until DOS data has been found d = None d_int = None for link_triple in node.get_outgoing().all(): if link_triple.link_label == 'last_doscal_dosdata': d = link_triple.node elif link_triple.link_label == 'last_doscal_dosdata_interpol': d_int = link_triple.node elif 'CALL_WORK' in link_triple.link_label: if link_triple.link_label == 'kkr_dos_wc': for link_triple2 in node.get_outgoing().all(): if link_triple2.link_label == 'dos_data': d = link_triple2.node elif link_triple2.link_label == 'dos_data_interpol': d_int = link_triple2.node # extract all options that should not be passed on to plot function interpol, all_atoms, l_channels, sum_spins, switch_xy = True, False, True, False, False if 'interpol' in list(kwargs.keys()): interpol = kwargs.pop('interpol') if 'all_atoms' in list(kwargs.keys()): all_atoms = kwargs.pop('all_atoms') if 'l_channels' in list(kwargs.keys()): l_channels = kwargs.pop('l_channels') if 'sum_spins' in list(kwargs.keys()): sum_spins = kwargs.pop('sum_spins') if 'switch_xy' in list(kwargs.keys()): switch_xy = kwargs.pop('switch_xy') nofig = False if 'nofig' in list(kwargs.keys()): nofig = kwargs.pop('nofig') if interpol: d = d_int if d is not None: # do dos plot after data was extracted self.dosplot(d, len(struc.sites), nofig, all_atoms, l_channels, sum_spins, switch_xy, False, **kwargs) # now add lines for emin, core states, EF # extract data for dos and energy contour plotting if 'last_voronoi_results' in node.get_outgoing().all_link_labels(): params_dict = node.outputs.last_voronoi_results.get_dict() else: params_dict = {} emin = params_dict.get('emin_minus_efermi', None) emin_Ry = params_dict.get('emin', None) if emin is not None and params_dict != {}: ef_Ry = emin_Ry - params_dict.get('emin_minus_efermi_Ry') else: ef_Ry = None if params_dict != {}: ecore_max = params_dict.get('core_states_group').get('energy_highest_lying_core_state_per_atom', []) if d is not None: axvline(0, color='k', ls='--', label='EF') tit_add = '' if emin is not None: axvline(emin, color='r', ls='--', label='emin') if ef_Ry is not None and len(ecore_max) > 0: if abs((ecore_max[0] - ef_Ry) * get_Ry2eV() - emin) < 20: axvline((ecore_max[0] - ef_Ry) * get_Ry2eV(), color='b', ls='--', label='ecore_max') else: tit_add = f'; E_core<={(ecore_max[0] - ef_Ry) * get_Ry2eV():.2f}eV' if len(ecore_max) > 1: [ axvline((i - ef_Ry) * get_Ry2eV(), color='b', ls='--') for i in ecore_max[1:] if abs((i - ef_Ry) * get_Ry2eV() - emin) < 20 ] if emin is not None: legend(loc=3, fontsize='x-small') title(struc.get_formula() + ', starting potential' + tit_add)
[docs] def plot_kkr_scf(self, node, **kwargs): """plot outputs of a kkr_scf_wc workflow""" from aiida.orm import CalcJobNode, load_node from aiida_kkr.calculations.kkr import KkrCalculation from numpy import sort from matplotlib.pyplot import axvline, axhline, subplot, figure, title # structure plot only if structure is in inputs if 'structure' in node.inputs: struc = node.inputs.structure else: from import find_parent_structure struc = find_parent_structure(node.inputs.remote_data) try: ptitle = struc.get_formula() except: ptitle = '' strucplot = False if 'strucplot' in list(kwargs.keys()): strucplot = kwargs.pop('strucplot') # plot structure if strucplot: self.plot_struc(struc, **kwargs) # next extract information from outputs niter_calcs = [0] try: out_dict = node.outputs.output_kkr_scf_wc_ParameterResults.get_dict() neutr = out_dict['charge_neutrality_all_steps'] rms = out_dict['convergence_values_all_steps'] rms_goal = node.inputs.wf_parameters.get_dict().get('convergence_criterion') except: rms_goal = None # deal with unfinished workflow rms, neutr, etot, efermi = [], [], [], [] outdict = node.get_outgoing(node_class=CalcJobNode) pks_calcs = sort([ for i in outdict.all()]) for pk in pks_calcs: node = load_node(pk) if node.process_label == u'KkrCalculation': kkrcalc = node rms_tmp, neutr_tmp, etot_tmp, efermi_tmp, ptitle_tmp = self.get_rms_kkrcalc(kkrcalc) if len(rms_tmp) > 0: niter_calcs.append(len(rms_tmp)) rms += rms_tmp neutr += neutr_tmp # extract options from kwargs nofig = False if 'nofig' in list(kwargs.keys()): nofig = kwargs.pop('nofig') logscale = True if 'logscale' in list(kwargs.keys()): logscale = kwargs.pop('logscale') only = None if 'only' in list(kwargs.keys()): only = kwargs.pop('only') if 'subplot' in list(kwargs.keys()): subplots = kwargs.pop('subplot') else: subplots = None if 'label' in list(kwargs.keys()): label = kwargs.pop('label') else: label = None if 'dos_only' in list(kwargs.keys()): dos_only = kwargs.pop('dos_only') else: dos_only = False # extract rms from calculations and plot if len(rms) > 0 and not dos_only: if not nofig: figure() if subplots is not None: subplot(subplots[0], subplots[1], subplots[2]) self.rmsplot(rms, neutr, True, ptitle, logscale, only, label=label) if only == 'rms' and rms_goal is not None: axhline(rms_goal, color='grey', ls='--') tmpsum = 1 if not nofig and len(niter_calcs) > 1: for i in niter_calcs: tmpsum += i axvline(tmpsum - 1, color='k', ls=':') # maybe save as file save_fig_to_file(kwargs, 'plot_kkr_out_rms.png') did_plot = True else: did_plot = False # plot DOS # follow links until DOS data has been found d = None d_int = None from aiida_kkr.workflows import kkr_dos_wc links_dos = node.get_outgoing(node_class=kkr_dos_wc).all() if len(links_dos) > 0: dosnode = links_dos[0].node if 'dos_data' in dosnode.outputs: d = dosnode.outputs.dos_data if 'dos_data_interpol' in dosnode.outputs: d_int = dosnode.outputs.dos_data_interpol # extract all options that should not be passed on to plot function interpol, all_atoms, l_channels, sum_spins, switch_xy = True, False, True, False, False if 'interpol' in list(kwargs.keys()): interpol = kwargs.pop('interpol') if 'all_atoms' in list(kwargs.keys()): all_atoms = kwargs.pop('all_atoms') if 'l_channels' in list(kwargs.keys()): l_channels = kwargs.pop('l_channels') if 'sum_spins' in list(kwargs.keys()): sum_spins = kwargs.pop('sum_spins') if 'switch_xy' in list(kwargs.keys()): switch_xy = kwargs.pop('switch_xy') nofig = False if 'nofig' in list(kwargs.keys()): nofig = kwargs.pop('nofig') if interpol: d = d_int if d is not None: # do dos plot after data was extracted if 'ptitle' in list(kwargs.keys()): ptitle = kwargs.pop('ptitle') else: ptitle = f'pk= {}' self.dosplot(d, len(struc.sites), nofig, all_atoms, l_channels, sum_spins, switch_xy, False, **kwargs) plt.title(ptitle) # maybe save as file save_fig_to_file(kwargs, 'plot_kkr_out_dos.png') return did_plot
[docs] def plot_kkr_eos(self, node, **kwargs): """plot outputs of a kkr_eos workflow""" from numpy import sort, array, where from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, title, xlabel, legend, axvline, plot, annotate from aiida.orm import load_node from aiida_kkr.workflows.voro_start import kkr_startpot_wc from ase.eos import EquationOfState strucplot = False if 'strucplot' in list(kwargs.keys()): strucplot = kwargs.pop('strucplot') # plot structure if strucplot: self.plot_struc(node, **kwargs) # remove unused things from kwargs if 'label' in list(kwargs.keys()): label = kwargs.pop('label') if 'noshow' in list(kwargs.keys()): kwargs.pop('noshow') if 'only' in list(kwargs.keys()): kwargs.pop('only') if 'nofig' in list(kwargs.keys()): kwargs.pop('nofig') if 'strucplot' in list(kwargs.keys()): kwargs.pop('strucplot') silent = False if 'silent' in list(kwargs.keys()): silent = kwargs.pop('silent') nolegend = False if 'nolegend' in list(kwargs.keys()): nolegend = kwargs.pop('nolegend') # plot convergence behavior try: results = node.outputs.eos_results except: silent = True if not silent: print('results:') self.plot_kkr_single_node(results) fig_open = False plotted_kkr_scf = False plotted_kkr_start = False outdict = node.get_outgoing() for key in outdict.all(): if key.link_label != 'CALL_CALC': tmpnode = key.node try: tmplabel = tmpnode.process_label except: tmplabel = None if tmplabel == u'kkr_startpot_wc': self.plot_kkr_startpot(tmpnode, strucplot=False, silent=True, **kwargs) plotted_kkr_start = True elif tmplabel == u'kkr_scf_wc': # plot rms did_plot = self.plot_kkr_scf( tmpnode, silent=True, strucplot=False, nofig=fig_open, only='rms', noshow=True, label=f'pk={}', subplot=(2, 1, 1), **kwargs ) # scf workflow, rms only if did_plot and not fig_open: fig_open = True if did_plot: xlabel('') # remove overlapping x label in upper plot if did_plot and not nolegend: legend(loc=3, fontsize='x-small', ncol=2) # plot charge neutrality self.plot_kkr_scf( tmpnode, silent=True, strucplot=False, nofig=True, only='neutr', noshow=True, label=f'pk={}', subplot=(2, 1, 2), **kwargs ) # scf workflow, rms only if did_plot: title('') # remove overlapping title if did_plot and not nolegend: legend(loc=3, fontsize='x-small', ncol=2) plotted_kkr_scf = True if not (plotted_kkr_scf or plotted_kkr_start): print('found no startpot or kkrstart data to plot') # plot eos results try: # exctract data e = array(node.outputs.eos_results.get_dict().get('energies', [])) v = array(node.outputs.eos_results.get_dict().get('volumes', [])) fitfunc_gs = node.outputs.eos_results.get_dict().get('gs_fitfunction') # now fit and plot figure() try: eos = EquationOfState(v, e, eos=fitfunc_gs) v0, e0, B = eos.plot() axvline(v0, color='k', ls='--') except: plot(v, e, 'o') # add calculation pks to data points scalings_all = array(node.outputs.eos_results.get_dict().get('scale_factors_all')) scalings = node.outputs.eos_results.get_dict().get('scalings') names = sort([ name for name in list(node.outputs.eos_results.get_dict().get('sub_workflow_uuids').keys()) if 'kkr_scf' in name ]) pks = array([ load_node(node.outputs.eos_results.get_dict().get('sub_workflow_uuids')[name]).pk for name in names ]) mask = [] for i in range(len(pks)): s = scalings[i] m = where(scalings_all == s) pk = pks[m][0] ie = e[m][0] iv = v[m][0] if not nolegend: annotate(text=f'pk={pk}', xy=(iv, ie)) # investigate fit quality by fitting without first/last datapoint if len(e) > 4: eos = EquationOfState(v[1:-1], e[1:-1], eos=fitfunc_gs) v01, e01, B1 = # take out smallest data point eos = EquationOfState(v[1:], e[1:], eos=fitfunc_gs) v01, e01, B1 = print('# relative differences to full fit: V0, E0, B (without smallest volume)') print(f'{abs(1 - v01 / v0)} {abs(1 - e01 / e0)} {abs(1 - B1 / B)}') if len(e) > 5: # also take out largest volume eos = EquationOfState(v[1:-1], e[1:-1], eos=fitfunc_gs) v02, e02, B2 = print('\n# V0, E0, B (without smallest and largest volume)') print(f'{abs(1 - v02 / v0)} {abs(1 - e02 / e0)} {abs(1 - B2 / B)}') except: pass # do nothing if no eos data there
[docs]def get_node(node): """Get node from pk or uuid""" from aiida.orm import load_node, Node # load node if pk or uuid is given if type(node) == int: node = load_node(node) elif type(node) == type(''): node = load_node(node) elif isinstance(node, Node): pass else: raise TypeError( "input node should either be the nodes pk (int), it's uuid (str) or the node itself (aiida.orm.Node). Got type(node)={}" .format(type(node)) ) return node
[docs]def get_rms_kkrcalc_from_remote(node, **kwargs): """ connect to remote folder and extract the rms etc from the out_kkr file if kwargs are given, a dict is retuned for each of the search keys """ from aiida.common.folders import SandboxFolder from import search_string # extract info needed to open transport #c = node.inputs.code #comp = #authinfo = comp.get_authinfo(c.user) #transport = authinfo.get_transport() transport = node.get_transport() out_kkr = '' rms, neutr, etot, efermi = [], [], [], [] return_dict = {} # now get contents of out_kkr using remote call of 'cat' with SandboxFolder() as tempfolder: with'tempfile', 'w') as f: try: node.outputs.remote_folder.getfile('out_kkr', has_outfile = True except: has_outfile = False if has_outfile: with'tempfile', 'r') as f: out_kkr = f.readlines() # now extract rms, charge neutrality, total energy and value of Fermi energy if has_outfile: itmp = 0 while itmp >= 0: itmp = search_string('rms', out_kkr) if itmp >= 0: tmpline = out_kkr.pop(itmp) tmpval = float(tmpline.split('=')[1].split()[0].replace('D', 'e')) rms.append(tmpval) itmp = 0 while itmp >= 0: itmp = search_string('charge neutrality', out_kkr) if itmp >= 0: tmpline = out_kkr.pop(itmp) tmpval = float(tmpline.split('=')[1].split()[0].replace('D', 'e')) neutr.append(tmpval) itmp = 0 while itmp >= 0: itmp = search_string('TOTAL ENERGY in ryd', out_kkr) if itmp >= 0: tmpline = out_kkr.pop(itmp) tmpval = float(tmpline.split(':')[1].split()[0].replace('D', 'e')) etot.append(tmpval) itmp = 0 while itmp >= 0: itmp = search_string('E FERMI', out_kkr) if itmp >= 0: tmpline = out_kkr.pop(itmp) tmpval = float(tmpline.split('FERMI')[1].split()[0].replace('D', 'e')) efermi.append(tmpval) # search for all additinoal keys for key in kwargs: return_dict[key] = [] itmp = 0 while itmp >= 0: itmp = search_string(key, out_kkr) if itmp >= 0: tmpline = out_kkr.pop(itmp) tmpval = float(tmpline.split(key)[1]) return_dict[key].append(tmpval) if return_dict == {}: return rms, neutr, etot, efermi else: return rms, neutr, etot, efermi, return_dict
[docs]def get_ef_from_parent(node): """Extract Fermi level from parent calculation""" try: parent_calc = node.inputs.parent_folder.get_incoming().first().node try: # parent is KkrCalc ef = parent_calc.outputs.output_parameters.get_dict()['fermi_energy'] except: # parent is scf workflow ef = parent_calc.outputs.last_calc_out['fermi_energy'] except: with'output.0.txt', mode='r') as file_handle: txt = file_handle.readlines() iline = search_string('Fermi energy =', txt) if iline >= 0: ef = txt[iline].split('=')[1] ef = float(ef.split()[0]) else: ef = None if ef is None: raise ValueError('error loading Fermi energy from outfile, retry extracting from parent') return ef
[docs]def get_a0_from_node(node): """Extract factor 2pi/alat from inputcard""" with'inputcard') as _f: txt = _f.readlines() txt = [line for line in txt if 'ALATBASIS' in line] if len(txt) == 0: raise ValueError('ALATBASIS not found in inputcard') alat = float(txt[0].split('=')[1].split()[0]) a0 = 2 * np.pi / alat / 0.52918 return a0
[docs]def get_qdos_filenames(node): """get the sorted list of qdos filenames and find number of energy points""" # get qdos filenames retrieved = node.outputs.retrieved qdos_filenames = np.sort([i for i in retrieved.list_object_names() if 'qdos.' in i]) # read number of energy points with[0]) as _f: ne = len(set(np.loadtxt(_f)[:, 0])) return qdos_filenames, ne
[docs]def get_qdos_data_from_node(node, qdos_filenames): """Extract the qdos data (summed over all atoms)""" if 'saved_dispersion_data' in node.extras: # only return the existing numpy array if it exists data = np.array(node.extras['saved_dispersion_data']) else: # read qdos data and store as extra for i, fname in enumerate(qdos_filenames): # read data from qdos file with as _f: tmp = np.loadtxt(_f) # sum up all contributions if i == 0: data = tmp else: if len(fname.split('.')[1]) == 2: # old data format that also kept the imaginary part # of the energy point data[:, 5:] += tmp[:, 5:] else: # new data format data[:, 4:] += tmp[:, 4:] # now store as extra node.set_extra('saved_dispersion_data', data) return data