Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
This module contains the band structure workflow for KKR which is done by calculating the k-resolved spectral density
also known as Bloch spectral function.

from aiida.orm import Code, Dict, RemoteData, StructureData, Float, Str, WorkChainNode, load_node, CalcJobNode, ArrayData, KpointsData
from aiida.engine import WorkChain, ToContext, calcfunction
from import get_explicit_kpoints_path
from import test_and_get_codenode, get_parent_paranode, update_params_wf, get_inputs_kkr
from aiida_kkr.calculations.kkr import KkrCalculation
from aiida_kkr.calculations.voro import VoronoiCalculation
from import create_out_dict_node
from import extract_noco_angles
from import kkrparams
from import get_Ry2eV
import numpy as np

__copyright__ = (u'Copyright (c), 2020, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, '
                 'IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany. All rights reserved.')
__license__ = 'MIT license, see LICENSE.txt file'
__version__ = '0.1.8'
__contributors__ = (u'Rubel Mozumder', u'Philipp Rüßmann')

[docs] class kkr_bs_wc(WorkChain): """ Workchain for BandStructure calculation, starting from RemoteFolderData of the previous converged KKR calculation remote folder data inputs: :param wf_parameters: (Dict), (optional); Workchain Specifications, contains nepts, tempr, emin (in eV relative to EF), emax (in eV), and RCLUSTZ (can be used to increase the screening cluster radius) keys. :param options: (Dict), (optional); Computer Specifications, scheduler command, parallel or serial :param kpoints: (KpointsData),(optional); Kpoints data type from the structure, but not mendatory as it can be extracted from structure internaly from the remote data :param remote_data: (RemoteData)(mendaory); From the previous kkr-converged calculation. :param kkr: (Code)(mendaory); KKR code specifiaction :param label: (Str) (optional) ; label for WC but will be found in the 'result_wf' output Dict as 'BS_wf_label' key :param description: (Str) (optional) : description for WC but will be found in the 'result_wf' output Dict as 'BS_wf_description' key returns: :out BS_Data : (ArrayData) ; Consist of BlochSpectralFunction, k_points (list), energy_points (list), special_kpoints(dict) :out result_wf: (Dict); work_chain_specifications node, BS_data node, remote_folder node """ _wf_version = __version__ _wf_label = 'kkr_BandStructure_wc' _wf_description = """Workflow for a bandstructure calculation starting eithe from a structure with automatic voronoi' calculation or a valid RemoteData of a previous calculation.""" _wf_default = { 'emin': -10.0, # start of the energy range in eV, relative to the Fermi energy 'emax': 5.0, # end of the energy range in eV, relative to the Fermi energy 'nepts': 96, # number of energy points 'RCLUSTZ': None, # can be used to increase the cluster radius if a value is set here 'tempr': 50., # smearing temperature in K 'kmesh': None, # k-point integration mesh, only useful for CPA calculation } _options_default = { 'max_wallclock_seconds': 36000, 'resources': { 'num_machines': 1 }, 'withmpi': True, 'queue_name': '', 'prepend_text': '', 'append_text': '', 'additional_retrieve_list': None }
[docs] @classmethod def get_wf_defaults(self, silent=False): """ Return the default values of the workflow parameters (wf_parameters input node) """ if not silent: print(f'Version of the kkr_bs_wc workflow: {self._wf_version}') return self._wf_default.copy()
[docs] @classmethod def define(cls, spec): """ Layout of the workflow, defines the input nodes and the outline of the workchain """ super(kkr_bs_wc, cls).define(spec) # here inputs are defined spec.input( 'wf_parameters', valid_type=Dict, required=False, default=lambda: Dict(dict=cls._wf_default), help='Parameters of the bandstructure workflow (see output of kkr_bs_wc.get_wf_default() for more details).' ) spec.input( 'options', valid_type=Dict, required=False, default=lambda: Dict(dict=cls._options_default), help='Computer options (walltime etc.) passed onto KkrCalculation' ) spec.input( 'remote_data', valid_type=RemoteData, required=True, help='Parent folder of previously converged KkrCalculation' ) spec.input('kkr', valid_type=Code, required=True, help='KKRhost code, needed to run the qdos KkrCalculation') spec.input( 'kpoints', valid_type=KpointsData, required=False, help= 'K-points data for the calculation. If not given the seekpath library is used to find the irreducable k-points of a structure.' ) spec.input('label', valid_type=Str, required=False, help='label for the workflow') spec.input('description', valid_type=Str, required=False, help='description for the workflow') spec.input( 'initial_noco_angles', valid_type=Dict, required=False, help="""Initial non-collinear angles for the magnetic moments. See KkrCalculation for details. If this is found in the input potentially extracted nonco angles from the parent calulation are overwritten!""" ) # maybe overwrite some settings from the KKRhost convergence run spec.input( 'params_kkr_overwrite', valid_type=Dict, required=False, help='Overwrite some input parameters of the parent KKR calculation.' ) # expose LDAU input node spec.input( 'settings_LDAU', valid_type=Dict, required=False, help=""" Settings for running a LDA+U calculation. The Dict node should be of the form settings_LDAU = Dict(dict={'iatom=0':{ 'L': 3, # l-block which gets U correction (1: p, 2: d, 3: f-electrons) 'U': 7., # U value in eV 'J': 0.75, # J value in eV 'Eref_EF': 0., # reference energy in eV relative to the Fermi energy. This is the energy where the projector wavefunctions are calculated (should be close in energy where the states that are shifted lie (e.g. for Eu use the Fermi energy)) }}) Note: you can add multiple entries like the one for iatom==0 in this example. The atom index refers to the corresponding atom in the impurity cluster. """ ) # Here outputs are defined spec.output('results_wf', valid_type=Dict, required=True) spec.output('BS_Data', valid_type=ArrayData, required=True) # Here outlines are being specified spec.outline( # For initialiging workflow cls.start, cls.validate_input, cls.set_params_BS, cls.get_BS, cls.return_results ) # definition of exit code in case something goes wrong in this workflow spec.exit_code(161, 'ERROR_NO_INPUT_REMOTE_DATA', 'No remote_data was provided as Input') spec.exit_code( 162, 'ERROR_KKRCODE_NOT_CORRECT', 'The code you provided for kkr does not use the plugin kkr.kkr' ) spec.exit_code( 163, 'ERROR_CALC_PARAMETERS_INVALID', 'calc_parameters given are not consistent! Hint: did you give an unknown keyword?' ) spec.exit_code(164, 'ERROR_CALC_PARAMETERS_INCOMPLETE', 'calc_parameters not complete') spec.exit_code(165, 'ERROR_BS_CALC_FAILED', 'KKR Band Structure calculation failed') spec.exit_code(166, 'ERROR_NO_KPOINTS_EXTRACTED', 'No K-POINTS can be extracted from the structure data') spec.exit_code( 167, 'ERROR_INCORRECT_KPOINTS_EXTRACTED', 'No K-POINTS can be extracted from the primtive structure data rather conventional structure data' ) spec.exit_code( 168, 'ERROR_INVALID_REMOTE_DATA_TPYE', 'Input remote_data node neither output of a KKR/voronoi calculation nor of kkr_scf_wc workflow' )
[docs] def start(self): """ set up context of the workflow """'INFO: started KKR Band Structure workflow version {self._wf_version}') wf_dict = self.inputs.wf_parameters.get_dict() # Count energy points only once if 'NPT2' in wf_dict.keys(): npt2 = wf_dict.pop('NPT2', None) wf_dict['nepts'] = npt2 # add missing default values for key, val in self._wf_default.items(): if ((key not in wf_dict.keys()) and (key.swapcase() not in wf_dict.keys()) and (val is not None)):'INFO: Using default wf parameter {key}: {val}') wf_dict[key] = val options_dict = self.inputs.options.get_dict() if options_dict == {}:'INFO: Using default wf Options') options_dict = self._options_default self.ctx.append_text = options_dict.get('append_text', self._options_default['append_text']) self.ctx.prepend_text = options_dict.get('prepend_text', self._options_default['prepend_text']) self.ctx.additional_retrieve_list = options_dict.get( 'additional_retrieve_list', self._options_default['additional_retrieve_list'] ) self.ctx.withmpi = options_dict.get('withmpi', self._options_default['withmpi']) self.ctx.resources = options_dict.get('resources', self._options_default['resources']) self.ctx.max_wallclock_seconds = options_dict.get( 'max_wallclock_seconds', self._options_default['max_wallclock_seconds'] ) self.ctx.queue = options_dict.get('queue_name', self._options_default['queue_name']) self.ctx.custom_scheduler_commands = options_dict.get('custom_scheduler_commands', '') self.ctx.BS_params_dict = wf_dict self.ctx.BS_kkrparams = None # is set in set_params_BS self.ctx.BS_kpoints = None self.ctx.description_wf = self.inputs.get('description', self._wf_description) self.ctx.label_wf = self.inputs.get('label', self._wf_label) 'INFO: use the following parameter:\n' 'withmpi: {}\n' 'Resources: {}\n' 'Walltime (s): {}\n' 'queue name: {}\n' 'scheduler command: {}\n' 'description_wf: {}\n' 'label_wf: {}\n' 'BS_params: {}\n'.format( self.ctx.withmpi, self.ctx.resources, self.ctx.max_wallclock_seconds, self.ctx.queue, self.ctx.custom_scheduler_commands, self.ctx.description_wf, self.ctx.label_wf, self.ctx.BS_params_dict ) ) self.ctx.successful = True self.ctx.errors = []
[docs] def validate_input(self): """ validate input and find out which path ( converged kkr calc or wf ) to take return True means run voronoi if false run kkr directly """ inputs = self.inputs if 'remote_data' in inputs: input_ok = True else: input_ok = False return self.exit_codes.ERROR_NO_INPUT_REMOTE_DATA # pylint: disable=no-member input_remote = self.inputs.remote_data parents = input_remote.get_incoming(node_class=CalcJobNode) nparents = len(parents.all_link_labels()) if nparents != 1: # extract parent workflow and get uuid of last calc from output node parent_workflow = input_remote.inputs.last_RemoteData if not isinstance(parent_workflow, WorkChainNode): return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_REMOTE_DATA_TPYE # pylint: disable=no-member parent_workflow_out = parent_workflow.outputs.output_kkr_scf_wc_ParameterResults uuid_last_calc = parent_workflow_out.get_dict().get('last_calc_nodeinfo').get('uuid') last_calc = load_node(uuid_last_calc) if not isinstance(last_calc, KkrCalculation) and not isinstance(last_calc, VoronoiCalculation): return self.exit_code.ERROR_INVALID_REMOTE_DATA_TPYE # overwrite remote_data node with extracted remote folder output_remote = last_calc.outputs.remote_folder self.inputs.remote_data = output_remote # extract structure struc_kkr, _ = VoronoiCalculation.find_parent_structure(self.inputs.remote_data) # save if structure is an alloy self.ctx.struc_is_alloy = struc_kkr.is_alloy # To validate for kpoints if 'kpoints' in inputs: self.ctx.BS_kpoints = inputs.kpoints input_ok = True self.ctx.structure_data = 'None (kpoints taken from input)' else: #create an auxiliary structure with unique kind_names, this leads to using the input structure in the seekpath method instead of finding the primitive one cell = np.array(struc_kkr.cell) if not struc_kkr.pbc[2]: # 2D structure, make sure the third bravais vector points along z cell[2] = np.cross(cell[0], cell[1]) saux = StructureData(cell=cell) for isite, site in enumerate(struc_kkr.sites): kind = struc_kkr.get_kind(site.kind_name) symbols = kind.symbols weights = kind.weights # replace old way of empty site with new 'X' kind if site.kind_name == 'HX' and kind.weights[0] < 1e-8: symbols = 'X' weights = 1.0 saux.append_atom( name='atom' + str(isite) + ':' + site.kind_name, symbols=symbols, weights=weights, position=site.position ) # use auxiliary structure inside k-point generator output = get_explicit_kpoints_path(saux) primitive_struc = output['primitive_structure'] conventional_struc = output['conv_structure'] kpoints_ok = True #check if primitive_structure and input structure are identical: maxdiff_cell = sum(abs(np.array(primitive_struc.cell) - np.array(saux.cell))).max() if maxdiff_cell > 3 * 10**-9:'Error in cell : {maxdiff_cell}') 'WARNING : The structure data from the voronoi calc is not the primitive structure type and in come cases it is medatory' )'prim: {primitive_struc.cell} {primitive_struc.sites}')'conv: {conventional_struc.cell} {conventional_struc.sites}') self.ctx.structure_data = 'conventional_unit_cell ' else: self.ctx.structure_data = 'primitive_unit_cell' if not kpoints_ok: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INCORRECT_KPOINTS_EXTRACTED # pylint: disable=no-member else: kpts = output['explicit_kpoints'] self.ctx.BS_kpoints = kpts if isinstance(KpointsData(), type(kpts)): input_ok = True else: input_ok = False return self.exit_codes.ERROR_NO_KPOINTS_EXTRACTED # pylint: disable=no-member # To validate for kkr if 'kkr' in inputs: try: test_and_get_codenode(inputs.kkr, 'kkr.kkr', use_exceptions=True) except ValueError: input_ok = False return self.exit_codes.ERROR_KKRCODE_NOT_CORRECT # pylint: disable=no-member # set self.ctx.input_params_KKR self.ctx.input_params_KKR = get_parent_paranode(self.inputs.remote_data)'The validation input_ok {input_ok}')
[docs] def set_params_BS(self): """ set kkr parameters for the bandstructure (i.e. qdos) calculation """ params = self.ctx.input_params_KKR # maybe overwrite some inputs if 'params_kkr_overwrite' in self.inputs:'found params_kkr_overwrite: {self.inputs.params_kkr_overwrite.get_dict()}') updatenode = self.inputs.params_kkr_overwrite updatenode.label = 'params overwrite' params = update_params_wf(params, updatenode) input_dict = params.get_dict() para_check = kkrparams() try: for key, val in input_dict.items(): para_check.set_value(key, val, silent=True) except: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_CALC_PARAMETERS_INVALID # pylint: disable=no-member label = '' descr = f'(pk - {}, and uuid - {self.inputs.remote_data.uuid})' missing_list = para_check.get_missing_keys(use_aiida=True) if missing_list != []: kkrdefaults = kkrparams.get_KKRcalc_parameter_defaults()[0] kkrdefaults_updated = [] for key_default, val_default in list(kkrdefaults.items()): if key_default in missing_list: para_check.set_value(key_default, val_default) kkrdefaults_updated.append(key_default) missing_list.remove(key_default) if len(missing_list) > 0:'ERROR: calc_parameters misses keys: {missing_list}') return self.exit_codes.ERROR_CALC_PARAMETERS_INCOMPLETE # pylint: disable=no-member else:'updated KKR parameter node with default values: {kkrdefaults_updated}') label = 'add_defaults_' descr = 'added missing default keys, ' ##+++ Starts to add the NTP2, EMAX and EMIN from the econt_new = self.ctx.BS_params_dict if self.ctx.struc_is_alloy: if econt_new.get('kmesh', None) is None: econt_new['kmesh'] = [1, 1, 1] # overwrite kmesh since the kpoints are used from the input kkr_calc = self.inputs.remote_data.get_incoming(node_class=KkrCalculation).first().node ef = kkr_calc.outputs.output_parameters.get_dict()['fermi_energy'] # unit in Ry self.ctx.fermi_energy = ef ## in Ry unit # Set BS params try: para_check = set_energy_params(econt_new, ef, para_check) except: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_CALC_PARAMETERS_INVALID # pylint: disable=no-member para_check.set_multiple_values( NPT1=0, NPT3=0, NPOL=0, ) updatenode = Dict(para_check.get_dict()) updatenode.label = label + 'KKRparam_BS' updatenode.description = 'KKR parameter node extracted from remote_folder' + descr + ' as well as wf_parameter input node.' paranode_BS = update_params_wf(self.ctx.input_params_KKR, updatenode) self.ctx.BS_kkrparams = paranode_BS
[docs] def get_BS(self): """ submit the KkrCalcultion with the qdos settings for a bandstructure calculation """ label = 'KKR BS calc.' BS_dict = self.ctx.BS_params_dict key_list = list(BS_dict) description = 'User defined BandStructure parameters ' for key in key_list: description += f'{key}= {BS_dict[key]} ,' code = self.inputs.kkr remote = self.inputs.remote_data params = self.ctx.BS_kkrparams kpoints = self.ctx.BS_kpoints options = { 'max_wallclock_seconds': self.ctx.max_wallclock_seconds, 'resources': self.ctx.resources, 'queue_name': self.ctx.queue, } if self.ctx.custom_scheduler_commands: options['custom_scheduler_commands'] = self.ctx.custom_scheduler_commands if self.ctx.append_text: options['append_text'] = self.ctx.append_text if self.ctx.prepend_text: options['prepend_text'] = self.ctx.prepend_text if self.ctx.additional_retrieve_list: options['additional_retrieve_list'] = self.ctx.additional_retrieve_list # get inputs for band structure calculation inputs = get_inputs_kkr( code, remote, options, label, description, parameters=params, serial=(not self.ctx.withmpi) ) inputs.kpoints = kpoints # add nonco angles if found in the parent calculation or in the input if 'initial_noco_angles' in self.inputs: # overwrite nonco_angles from the input if given inputs['initial_noco_angles'] = self.inputs.initial_noco_angles'used nonco angles from input to workflow') else: # extract from the parent calculation parent_calc = remote.get_incoming(node_class=KkrCalculation).first().node if 'initial_noco_angles' in parent_calc.inputs: noco_angles = extract_noco_angles( fix_dir_threshold=Float(1e-6), # make small enough old_noco_angles=parent_calc.inputs.initial_noco_angles, last_retrieved=parent_calc.outputs.retrieved ) # set nonco angles (either from input or from output if it was updated) if noco_angles == {}: noco_angles = parent_calc.inputs.initial_noco_angles'extract nonco angles and use from parent ({noco_angles})') # LDA+U settings if 'settings_LDAU' in self.inputs:'Add settings_LDAU input node') inputs.settings_LDAU = self.inputs.settings_LDAU BS_run = self.submit(KkrCalculation, **inputs) self.ctx.last_calc = BS_run return ToContext(BS_run=BS_run)
[docs] def return_results(self): """ Collect results, parse BS_calc output and link output nodes to workflow node """ caching_info = f'INFO: cache_source of BS calc node: {self.ctx.BS_run.get_cache_source}' if not self.ctx.BS_run.is_finished_ok: self.ctx.successful = False error = f'ERROR BS calculation failed somehow it is in state {self.ctx.BS_run.process_state}' self.ctx.errors.append(error) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_BS_CALC_FAILED # pylint: disable=no-member # create dict to store results of workflow output outputnode_dict = {} outputnode_dict['workflow_name'] = self.__class__.__name__ outputnode_dict['workflow_version'] = self._wf_version outputnode_dict['withmpi'] = self.ctx.withmpi outputnode_dict['resources'] = self.ctx.resources outputnode_dict['max_wallclock_seconds'] = self.ctx.max_wallclock_seconds outputnode_dict['queue_name'] = self.ctx.queue outputnode_dict['custom_scheduler_commands'] = self.ctx.custom_scheduler_commands outputnode_dict['BS_params'] = self.ctx.BS_params_dict if 'kpoints' not in self.inputs: outputnode_dict['structure_type'] = self.ctx.structure_data outputnode_dict['BS_wf_description'] = self.ctx.description_wf outputnode_dict['BS_wf_label'] = self.ctx.label_wf try: outputnode_dict['nspin'] = self.ctx.BS_run.res.nspin except: error = 'ERROR: nspin not extracted' self.ctx.successful = False self.ctx.errors.append(error) outputnode_dict['successful'] = self.ctx.successful outputnode_dict['list_of_errors'] = self.ctx.errors # create output node with data-provenance outputnode = Dict(outputnode_dict) outputnode.label = 'kkr_BS_wc_results' outputnode.description = 'Contains the info of the WC''INFO: create Banstructure results nodes') try: f'INFO: create Bandstructure results nodes. BS calc retrieved node={self.ctx.BS_run.outputs.retrieved}' ) has_BS_run = True except AttributeError as e:'ERROR: No Bandstructure calc retrieved node found')'Caught AttributeError {e}') return self.exit_codes.ERROR_BS_CALC_FAILED # pylint: disable=no-member if has_BS_run: BS_retrieved = self.ctx.BS_run.outputs.retrieved ef = self.ctx.fermi_energy # in Ry unit kpoints = self.ctx.BS_kpoints # Here outdict dictionary has been created to set the Dict result_wf, BS_data # to the output(spec.output) of the wf outdict = {} if has_BS_run: ArraData = parse_BS_data(BS_retrieved, Float(ef), kpoints) outdict['BS_Data'] = ArraData['BS_Data'] # link to the BS output nodes link_nodes = outdict.copy() outdict['results_wf'] = create_out_dict_node(outputnode, **link_nodes) # create links to output nodes for link_name, node in outdict.items(): self.out(link_name, node)'INFO: done with BS_workflow!\n')
[docs] def set_energy_params(econt_new, ef, para_check): """ set energy contour values to para_check internally convert from relative eV units to absolute Ry units """ evscal = get_Ry2eV() for key, val in econt_new.items(): if key in ['kmesh', 'BZDIVIDE', 'KMESH', 'bzdivide']: key = 'BZDIVIDE' elif key in ['nepts', 'NPT2']: key = 'NPT2' # also add IEMXD which has to be big enough para_check.set_value('IEMXD', val, silent=True) elif key in ['emin', 'EMIN']: key = 'EMIN' val = (ef + val / evscal) # converting the Energy value to Ry while the fermi_energy in Ry elif key in ['emax', 'EMAX']: key = 'EMAX' val = (ef + val / evscal) # Converting to the Ry (unit of the energy) elif key in ['tempr', 'TEMPR']: key = 'TEMPR' elif key in ['RCLUSTZ', 'rclustz']: key = 'RCLUSTZ' para_check.set_value(key, val, silent=True) # set the rest of the DOS contour para_check.set_multiple_values( NPT1=0, NPT3=0, NPOL=0, use_semi_circle_contour=False, # this is needed to get a DOS contour ) # set KPOIBZ to match BZDIVIDE setting # this is only done if 'KPOIBZ' is not given already in the input bzdiv = para_check.get_value('BZDIVIDE') if bzdiv is not None and 'KPOIBZ' not in econt_new: para_check.set_value('KPOIBZ',, silent=True) # we need to make sure to deactivate the semi-circle contour, otherwise DOS contour is not used para_check.set_value('<USE_SEMI_CIRCLE_CONTOUR>', False, silent=True) return para_check
[docs] @calcfunction def parse_BS_data(retrieved_folder, fermi_level, kpoints): """ parse the qdos files from the retreived folderand save as ArrayData """ # conversion factor from Ry to eV eVscale = get_Ry2eV() retrieved_list = retrieved_folder.list_object_names() qdos_file_list = [i for i in retrieved_list if 'qdos.' in i] q_vec_file = 'qvec.dat' if q_vec_file in retrieved_list: with as file_opened: q_vec = np.loadtxt(file_opened, skiprows=1) for icount, fname in enumerate(qdos_file_list): with as _f: loaded_file = np.loadtxt(_f) if icount == 0: total_qdos = loaded_file else: total_qdos[:, 5:] += loaded_file[:, 5:] ef = fermi_level.value # in Ry unit total_qdos[:, 0] = (total_qdos[:, 0] - ef) * eVscale eng_points = set(total_qdos[:, 0]) eng_points = np.sort(list(eng_points)) no_eng_points = len(eng_points) qdos_intensity = np.ndarray(shape=(no_eng_points, len(q_vec))) for ne in range(np.shape(qdos_intensity)[0]): nk = np.shape(qdos_intensity)[1] # sum up all l-channels (5 is only the s-channel!) qdos_intensity[ne, :] = np.sum(total_qdos[ne * nk:(ne + 1) * nk, 5:], axis=1) / eVscale qdos_intensity = qdos_intensity.T # setting eng-kpts corresponds to x-y asix q_vec = np.asarray(q_vec) # converting q_vec into array eng_points = (np.asarray(eng_points)) # converting eng_popints into array in Ry unit # To save into the ArrayData array = ArrayData() array.set_array('BlochSpectralFunction', qdos_intensity) array.set_array('Kpts', q_vec) array.set_array('energy_points', eng_points) if kpoints.labels is not None: klbl_dict = dict(kpoints.labels) # Special k-points array.extras['k-labels'] = klbl_dict return {'BS_Data': array}