This section describes the aiida-kkr workflows.
Generate KKR start potential
In this module you find the base workflow for a dos calculation and some helper methods to do so with AiiDA
- class aiida_kkr.workflows.voro_start.kkr_startpot_wc(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]
Workchain create starting potential for a KKR calculation by running voronoi and getting the starting DOS for first checks on the validity of the input setting. Starts from a structure together with a KKR parameter node.
- Parameters:
wf_parameters – (Dict), Workchain specifications
options – (Dict), specifications for the computer
structure – (StructureData), aiida structure node to begin calculation from (needs to contain vacancies, if KKR needs empty spheres)
kkr – (Code)
voronoi – (Code)
calc_parameters – (Dict), KKR parameter set, passed on to voronoi run.
- Return result_kkr_startpot_wc:
(Dict), Information of workflow results like Success, last result node, dos array data
- check_voronoi()[source]
Check voronoi output.
return True/False if voronoi output is ok/problematic if output is problematic try to increase some parameters (e.g. cluster radius) and rerun up tp N_rerun_max times initializes with returning True
- find_cluster_radius_alat()[source]
Find an estimate for the cluster radius.
The radius is chosen such that it comes close to having nclsmin atoms in the cluster.
- classmethod get_wf_defaults(silent=False)[source]
Print and return _wf_defaults dictionary.
Can be used to easily create set of wf_parameters. returns _wf_defaults
KKR scf cycle
In this module you find the base workflow for converging a kkr calculation and some helper methods to do so with AiiDA
- aiida_kkr.workflows.kkr_scf.create_scf_result_node(**kwargs)[source]
This is a pseudo wf, to create the right graph structure of AiiDA.
This workfunction will create the output node in the database. It also connects the output_node to all nodes the information commes from. So far it is just also parsed in as argument, because so far we are to lazy to put most of the code overworked from return_results in here.
- aiida_kkr.workflows.kkr_scf.get_site_symbols(structure)[source]
extract the site number taking into account a possible CPA structure
- class aiida_kkr.workflows.kkr_scf.kkr_scf_wc(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]
Workchain for converging a KKR calculation (SCF).
It converges the charge potential. Two paths are possible:
(1) Start from a structure and run a voronoi calculation first, optional with calc_parameters (2) Start from an existing Voronoi or KKR calculation, with a remoteData
- Parameters:
wf_parameters – (Dict), Workchain Specifications
options – (Dict); specifications for the computer
structure – (StructureData), Crystal structure
calc_parameters – (Dict), Voronoi/Kkr Parameters
remote_data – (RemoteData), from a KKR, or Voronoi calculation
voronoi – (Code)
kkr – (Code)
- Return output_kkr_scf_wc_para:
(Dict), Information of workflow results like Success, last result node, list with convergence behavior
minimum input example: 1. Code1, Code2, Structure, (Parameters), (wf_parameters) 2. Code2, remote_data, (Parameters), (wf_parameters)
maximum input example: 1. Code1, Code2, Structure, Parameters
- wf_parameters: {‘queue_name’String,
‘resources’ : dict({“num_machines”: int, “num_mpiprocs_per_machine” : int}) ‘walltime’ : int}
Code2, (remote-data), wf_parameters as in 1.
Hints: 1. This workflow does not work with local codes!
- _get_new_noco_angles()[source]
Extract nonco angles from output of calculation.
If fix_dir is True we skip this and leave the initial angles unchanged Here we update self.ctx.initial_noco_angles with the new values
- change_conv_para(new_params, para_check, initial_settings, decrease_mixing_fac, switch_agressive_mixing, switch_higher_accuracy, label, description)[source]
Adapt the kkr parameters to change the convergence settings and the mixing
- check_input_params(params, is_voronoi=False)[source]
Check the input parameter consistency and aborts wf if check fails.
- check_voronoi()[source]
Check output of kkr_startpot_wc workflow.
It checks the starting potential, shapefun etc.
- convergence_on_track()[source]
Check if convergence behavior of the last calculation is on track.
(i.e. going down)
- classmethod get_wf_defaults(silent=False)[source]
Print and return _wf_default dictionary.
Can be used to easily create set of wf_parameters. returns _wf_default, _options_default
- return_results()[source]
Return the results of the calculations.
This should run through and produce output nodes even if everything failed, therefore it only uses results from context.
Density of states
In this module you find the base workflow for a dos calculation and some helper methods to do so with AiiDA
- class aiida_kkr.workflows.dos.kkr_dos_wc(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]
Workchain a DOS calculation with KKR starting from the remoteData node of a previous calculation (either Voronoi or KKR).
- Parameters:
wf_parameters – (Dict); Workchain specifications
options – (Dict); specifications for the computer
remote_data – (RemoteData), mandatory; from a KKR or Vornoi calculation
kkr – (Code), mandatory; KKR code running the dos calculation
- Return result_kkr_dos_wc:
(Dict), Information of workflow results like Success, last result node, list with convergence behavior
- classmethod get_wf_defaults(silent=False)[source]
Print and return _wf_defaults dictionary.
Can be used to easily create set of wf_parameters. returns _wf_defaults
This module contains the band structure workflow for KKR which is done by calculating the k-resolved spectral density also known as Bloch spectral function.
- class*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]
Workchain for BandStructure calculation, starting from RemoteFolderData of the previous converged KKR calculation remote folder data
inputs: :param wf_parameters: (Dict), (optional); Workchain Specifications, contains nepts, tempr, emin (in eV relative to EF), emax (in eV),
and RCLUSTZ (can be used to increase the screening cluster radius) keys.
- Parameters:
options – (Dict), (optional); Computer Specifications, scheduler command, parallel or serial
kpoints – (KpointsData),(optional); Kpoints data type from the structure, but not mendatory as it can be extracted from structure internaly from the remote data
remote_data – (RemoteData)(mendaory); From the previous kkr-converged calculation.
kkr – (Code)(mendaory); KKR code specifiaction
label – (Str) (optional) ; label for WC but will be found in the ‘result_wf’ output Dict as ‘BS_wf_label’ key
description – (Str) (optional) : description for WC but will be found in the ‘result_wf’ output Dict as ‘BS_wf_description’ key
returns: :out BS_Data : (ArrayData) ; Consist of BlochSpectralFunction, k_points (list), energy_points (list), special_kpoints(dict) :out result_wf: (Dict); work_chain_specifications node, BS_data node, remote_folder node
- classmethod define(spec)[source]
Layout of the workflow, defines the input nodes and the outline of the workchain
- classmethod get_wf_defaults(silent=False)[source]
Return the default values of the workflow parameters (wf_parameters input node)
Equation of states
In this module you find the base workflow for a EOS calculation and some helper methods to do so with AiiDA
- aiida_kkr.workflows.eos.get_primitive_structure(structure, return_all)[source]
calls get_explicit_kpoints_path which gives primitive structure auxiliary workfunction to keep provenance
- class aiida_kkr.workflows.eos.kkr_eos_wc(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]
Workchain of an equation of states calculation with KKR.
- Layout of the workflow:
determine V0, scale_range, etc. from input
- run voro_start for V0 and smallest volume
2.1 get minimum for RMTCORE (needs to be fixed for all calculations to be able to compare total energies
submit kkr_scf calculations for all volumes using RMTCORE setting determined in step 2
collect results
- check_voro_out()[source]
Check output of the vorostart workflow.
The outputs are then used to create inputs for the next set of calculations (rmtcore setting etc.)
- classmethod get_wf_defaults(silent=False)[source]
Print and return _wf_defaults dictionary.
Can be used to easily create set of wf_parameters. returns _wf_defaults, _options_default
- prepare_strucs()[source]
Create new set of scaled structures for the E-V curve.
The structures are generated using the ‘rescale’ workfunction (see end of the workflow)
- run_kkr_steps()[source]
Submit KKR calculations for all structures.
This will skip the vorostart step for smallest structure.
- aiida_kkr.workflows.eos.rescale(inp_structure, scale)[source]
Rescales a crystal structure. Keeps the provenance in the database.
:param inp_structure, a StructureData node (pk, or uuid) :param scale, float scaling factor for the cell
- Returns:
New StructureData node with rescalled structure, which is linked to input Structure and None if inp_structure was not a StructureData
copied and modified from
- aiida_kkr.workflows.eos.rescale_no_wf(structure, scale) StructureData [source]
Rescales a crystal structure. DOES NOT keep the provenance in the database.
:param structure, a StructureData node (pk, or uuid) :param scale, float scaling factor for the cell
- Returns:
New StructureData node with rescalled structure, which is linked to input Structure and None if inp_structure was not a StructureData
copied and modified from
Find Green Function writeout for KKRimp
In this module you find the base workflow for writing out the kkr_flexfiles and some helper methods to do so with AiiDA
- class aiida_kkr.workflows.gf_writeout.kkr_flex_wc(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]
Workchain of a kkr_flex calculation to calculate the Green function with KKR starting from the RemoteData node of a previous calculation (either Voronoi or KKR).
- Parameters:
options – (Dict), Workchain specifications
wf_parameters – (Dict), Workflow parameters that deviate from previous KKR RemoteData
remote_data – (RemoteData), mandatory; from a converged KKR calculation
kkr – (Code), mandatory; KKR code running the flexfile writeout
impurity_info – Dict, mandatory: node specifying information of the impurities in the system
- Return workflow_info:
(Dict), Information of workflow results like success, last result node, list with convergence behavior
- Return GF_host_remote:
(RemoteData), host GF of the system
- classmethod get_wf_defaults()[source]
Print and return _wf_defaults dictionary. Can be used to easily create set of wf_parameters. returns _wf_defaults
- move_kkrflex_files()[source]
Move the kkrflex files from the remote folder to KkrimpCalculation._DIRNAME_GF_UPLOAD on the remote computer’s working dir. This skips retrieval to the file repository and reduces cluttering the database.
- return_results()[source]
Return the results of the KKRFLEX calculation. This should run through and produce output nodes even if everything failed, therefore it only uses results from context.
KKRhost Jij calculation
This module contains the workflow that can be used to calculate the exchange coupling constants
- aiida_kkr.workflows.jijs._make_nonco_angles(parent_remote)[source]
Create nonco angles for the 3 directions (x y, z)
- class aiida_kkr.workflows.jijs.kkr_jij_wc(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]
Workchain for calculation of exchange coupling constants Jij and Dij if parent calculation used the SOC solver.
:param wf_parameters: optional Dict node of workchain specifications, contains settings like Jij radius cutoff, selection of sites for i and j and numerical cutoffs. None values in the accuracy sub-dict means that values from parent calculation are coptied. :param remote_data: mandatory RemoteData node of parent (i.e. converged) KkrCalculation :param kkr: optional Code for KKRhost executable (if not given the same as in the parent calculation is used) :param options: optional Dict computer options like scheduler command or parallelization
:return jij_data: ArrayData with the arrays 'Jij_expanded' (Table of all Jij and Dij pairs) and 'positions_expanded' (positions of all ij pairs) :return structure_jij_sites: StructureData
- _get_para_jij(params)[source]
Set the Jij parameters from the input. Returns a kkrparams instance with the set values
- classmethod define(spec)[source]
Layout of the workflow, defines the input nodes and the outline of the workchain
KKRhost semi-finite (decimation) calculation
In this module you find the workflow that does a decimation calculation for half-infinite crystals
- aiida_kkr.workflows._decimation._adapt_array_sizes(params_dict, pick_layers)[source]
Check the params dict for array entries which should be changed to the correct size.
This is needed because the decimation region is smaller than the parent slab structure and the substrate only uses a part from the middle of the arrays.
- aiida_kkr.workflows._decimation._make_d_deci(d, struc_deci, params_overwrite, slab_alat, use_left=True)[source]
Create the input parameters for the substrate calculation
- aiida_kkr.workflows._decimation._make_d_substrate(d, params_overwrite, slab_alat, nkz)[source]
Create the input parameters for the substrate calculation
- aiida_kkr.workflows._decimation.get_deci_structure(nprinc, nplayer, slab_calc, use_left=True)[source]
calcfunction that creates the decimation structure
- aiida_kkr.workflows._decimation.get_noco_angles_deci(init_noco_slab, struc_decimation, struc_substrate, use_left=True)[source]
create noco angles for substrate and decimation regions from initial angles of slab calc
- aiida_kkr.workflows._decimation.get_substrate_structure(nprinc, nplayer, slab_calc, use_left=True)[source]
calcfunction that creates the decimation structure
- class aiida_kkr.workflows._decimation.kkr_decimation_wc(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]
Workchain a decimation calculation with KKR starting from a thick slab (center potential should be bulk-like).
- The workchain
creates the structure nodes of the substrate and decimation region from thick slab structure
creates starting potentials of the slab structure
runs auxiliary voronoi steps to get starting setup correctly for the KKR calculations
runs the deci-out step in serial
runs the decimation step
The workflow starts either from a converged thick film of from a previous decimation calculation (skips the structure and starting potential setup and the voronoi steps).
- The workflow parameters input can be:
- {‘nkz’30, # number of k-points in z-direction for substrate
‘nprinc’: 4, # number of layer in principle layer ‘nplayer’: 4, # number of principle layers (naez deci: nprinc*nplayer) ‘dosmode’: False, # run DOS calculation ‘dos_params’: {‘emin_EF’: -5.0, # EMIN-EF in eV
‘emax_EF’: 3.0, # EMAX-EF in eV ‘nepts’: 96, # number of points in contour ‘tempr’: 100, # smearing temperature ‘kmesh’: [50, 50, 50]}, # k-mesh used in dos calculation
- Parameters:
wf_parameters – Dict node with workchain parameters (see kkr_decimation_wc.get_wf_defaults())
options – Dict node with specifications for the computer (used in decimation step only)
remote_data – mandatory RemoteData node of either a parent slab or previous decimation calculation
kkr – mandatory Code node with KKR code for running deci-out and decimation steps
voronoi – Code node that is mandatory if starting from slab calculation. Is the voronoi code for auxiliary calculations
kpoints – KpointsData node that triggers a band structure calculation. The kpoints specify the k-point path along which the bandstructure is computed with the qdos mode of KKRhost.
calc_parameters – Dict node that contains KKR parameters which overwrites settings from the slab parent.
- Returns structure_decimate:
StructureData node of the structure of the decimation region.
- Returns structure_substrate:
StructureData node of the structure of thesubstrate lattice continuation.
- Returns out_params_calc_deci_out:
Dict node of the output parameters of the deci-out calculation.
- Returns out_params_calc_decimate:
Dict node of the output parameters of the decimation calculation.
- Returns out_remote_calc_decimate:
RemoteData node of the decimation calculation.
- Returns out_retrieved_calc_decimate:
retrieved FolderData node of the decimation calculation.
- Returns dos_data:
XyData node with the DOS data at finite imaginary part in the energy contour. Only present in DOS mode.
- Returns dos_data_interpol:
XyData node with the interpolated DOS data onto the real axis. Only present in DOS mode.
- _create_structures()[source]
create substrate and slab structures for deci-out and decimation steps
- _get_adens_decimate()[source]
Extract the correct anomalous density which is used for the decimation region
- _get_adens_substrate()[source]
Extract the correct anomalous density which is used for the substrate
- classmethod get_wf_defaults(silent=False)[source]
Print and return _wf_defaults dictionary. Can be used to easily create set of wf_parameters. returns _wf_defaults
KKRimp self-consistency
In this module you find the sub workflow for the kkrimp self consistency cycle and some helper methods to do so with AiiDA
- aiida_kkr.workflows.kkr_imp_sub.extract_imp_pot_sfd(retrieved_folder)[source]
Extract potential file from retrieved folder and save as SingleFileData
- class aiida_kkr.workflows.kkr_imp_sub.kkr_imp_sub_wc(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]
Workchain of a kkrimp self consistency calculation starting from the host-impurity potential of the system. (Not the entire kkr_imp workflow!)
- Parameters:
options – (Dict), Workchain specifications
wf_parameters – (Dict), specifications for the calculation
host_imp_startpot – (RemoteData), mandatory; input host-impurity potential
kkrimp – (Code), mandatory; KKRimp code converging the host-imp-potential
remote_data – (RemoteData), mandatory; remote folder of a previous kkrflex calculation containing the flexfiles …
kkrimp_remote – (RemoteData), remote folder of a previous kkrimp calculation
impurity_info – (Dict), Parameter node with information about the impurity cluster
- Return workflow_info:
(Dict), Information of workflow results like success, last result node, list with convergence behavior
- Return host_imp_pot:
(SinglefileData), output potential of the sytem
- _overwrite_parameters_from_input(new_params)[source]
Overwrite input parameters for KKRimpCalculation if found in input
- convergence_on_track()[source]
Check if convergence behavior of the last calculation is on track (i.e. going down)
- classmethod get_wf_defaults(silent=False)[source]
Print and return _wf_defaults dictionary. Can be used to easily create set of wf_parameters.
returns _wf_defaults
- inspect_kkrimp()[source]
check for convergence and store some of the results of the last calculation to context
- return_results()[source]
Return the results of the calculations This should run through and produce output nodes even if everything failed, therefore it only uses results from context.
KKRimp complete calculation
In this module you find the total workflow for a kkr impurity calculation and some helper methods to do so with AiiDA
- class aiida_kkr.workflows.kkr_imp.kkr_imp_wc(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]
Workchain of a kkrimp calculation starting either from scratch (with a structure and impurity_info node), or with a converged host potential and impurity startpotentials, … to calculate the converged host-impurity potential of the system.
- Parameters:
options – (Dict), Workchain specifications
wf_parameters – (Dict), specifications for the kkr impurity workflow
voro_aux_parameters – (Dict), specification for the auxiliary voronoi calculation for the impurity
kkrimp – (Code), mandatory: KKRimp code converging the host-imp-potential
kkr – (Code), mandatory: KKR code for calculation the host potential
voronoi – (Code), mandatory: Voronoi code to generate the impurity startpot
remote_data_gf – (RemoteData): remote folder of a previous kkrflex calculation containing the flexfiles …
remote_data_host – (RemoteData): remote folder of a converged KKR host calculation
- Return workflow_info:
(Dict), Information of workflow results
- Return last_calc_output_parameters:
(Dict), output parameters of the last called calculation
- Return last_calc_info:
(Dict), information of the last called calculation
- construct_startpot()[source]
Take the output of GF writeout and the converged host potential as well as the auxiliary startpotentials for the impurity to construct the startpotential for the KKR impurity sub workflow
- classmethod get_wf_defaults(silent=False)[source]
Print and return _wf_defaults dictionary. Can be used to easily create set of wf_parameters.
returns _wf_defaults
- has_starting_potential_input()[source]
check whether or not a starting potential needs to be created
- run_gf_writeout()[source]
Run the gf_writeout workflow to calculate the host Green’s function and the KKR flexfiles using the converged host remote folder and the impurity info node
- run_kkrimp_scf()[source]
Uses both the previously generated host-impurity startpotential and the output from the GF writeout workflow as inputs to run the kkrimp_sub workflow in order to converge the host-impurity potential
KKRimp combine impurities to larger imp. cluster
This module contains the workflow which combines pre-converged two single-impurity calculations to a larger impurity calculation
- class aiida_kkr.workflows._combine_imps.combine_imps_wc(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]
Workchain that combines 2 converged single-impurity calculations to a bigger impurity, reusing the preconverged potentials. This is useful, for example, to study co-doping.
- Inputs:
- :param impurity1_output_node:(Dict), required, output node from singel impurity wc, and should be one of the
following: * for kkr_imp_wc: single_imp_worlfow.outputs.workflow_info * for kkr_imp_sub_wc: single_imp_worlfow.outputs.workflow_info * for KkrimpCalculation: single_imp_worlfow.outputs.output_parameters
- :param impurity2_output_node:(Dict), required, output node from second singel impurity wc, and should be one of
the following: * for kkr_imp_wc: single_imp_worlfow.outputs.workflow_info * for kkr_imp_sub_wc: single_imp_worlfow.outputs.workflow_info * for KkrimpCalculation: single_imp_worlfow.outputs.output_parameters
- :offset_imp2:(Dict), required, offset of the second impurity with respect to the first impurity position.
- e.g. {‘index:0 or 1}, the replacement by the second impurity will take place at the same cell
or at the next nearest cell respectively.
- param scf.kkrimp:
(Code), mandatory, KKRimp code needed to submit kkr_imp_wc
- param scf.wf_parameters:
(Dict), optional, KKRimp code needed to submit kkr_imp_sub_wc
- param scf.options:
(Dict), optional, computer options for kkr_imp_sub_wc
- param host_gf.kkr:
(Code), optional, KKR code for submit kkr_flex_wc, needed if remote_data_gf is not given
- param host_gf.options:
(Dict), optional, computer options for kkr_flex_wc
- param host_gf.params_kkr_overwrite:
(Dict), optional, needed for kkr calculation for GF writeout
- param wf_parameters_overwrite:
(Dict), optional, specifications for wf_parameters of kkr_imp_sub_wc as well as well as wf_parameters of kkr_flex_wc.
- param gf_host_remote:
(RemoteData), optional, remote folder of a previous kkrflex writeout step calculations containing the flexfiles and will be used for combine host GF.
- Returns:
- return workflow_info:
(Dict), Information of workflow results
- return last_calc_output_parameters:
(Dict), link to output parameters of the last called calculation of the scf kkr_imp_sub_wc.
- return last_potential:
(SingleFileData) link to last output potential of scf kkr_imp_sub_wc step.
- return last_calc_remote:
(RemoteData) link to remote data of last called calculation of the scf step.
- return remote_data_gf:
(RemoteData) link to GF_host_remote of outputs of kkr_flex_wc e.g. gf_writeou step (only present of host GF was generated here).
- return JijData:
(ArrayData) Consists magnetic interaction data among the magnetic impurity atoms, such as vector distance(rx, ry, rz) between atoms, spin interaction magnetude J, Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya vector magnitude, and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya vector component(Dx, Dy, Dz)
:return JijInfo :(Dict) Consists description about the JijData.
- _check_input_imp(imp_calc_or_wf)[source]
check if input calculation is of the right process_class and if it did converge
- combine_single_single()[source]
This function checks whether the impurity1_output_node and the impurity2_output_node are from (kkr_imp_wc, kkr_imp_wc) or (combine_imps_wc, kkr_imp_wc), and always keeps the combine_imps_wc as the first impurity node for combine cluster.
- extract_imps_info_exact_cluster()[source]
This method collects the all exist impurity info as in the exact crystal rather than in the crystal centering the first impurity at (0,0,0) position. Returns the imps_info_in_exact_cluster dict.
- get_and_check_zimp_list(impurity_info)[source]
extract zimp from impurity_info node and check if it is consistent (needs to be single impurity calculation)
- get_imp_node_from_input(impurity_output_node=None, iimp=1)[source]
extract impurty calculation from impurity_output_node as inputs
- get_impinfo_from_hostGF(imp_calc)[source]
Extract impurity infor node from the incoming host GF folder
- get_ldau_combined()[source]
check if impurity input calculations have LDA+U settings in input and add this here if needed
- classmethod get_wf_defaults(silent=False)[source]
Print and return _wf_defaults dictionary. Can be used to easily create set of wf_parameters_overwrite. returns _wf_defaults
- imps_info_exact_cluster_2imps(single_imp1_wc, single_imp2_wc, offset_imp2)[source]
This construct a python dict keeping info about two single inpurities with respect to the original host structure e.i. before transforming the center to the first impurity position.
- need_gf_run()[source]
check if GF was given in input and can be reused (then return Falser which means no gf needs to be calculated)
STM scan around impurities
- class aiida_kkr.workflows.kkr_STM.kkr_STM_wc(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]
Workchain for the Simulation of a (superconducting) STM tip around a magnetic impurity. The workchain uses the (converged) impurity calculation of a host system and combines them with vacuum sites in positions
- inputs::
- param options:
(Dict), computer options
- param tip_position:
(Dict), specify the position of the STM tip
- param impurity_info:
(Dict), information about the impurity cluster
- param host_calc:
(RemoteData), information about the host structure of the sample
- param wf_parameters:
(Dict), parameters that are used to run the workflow
- param kkr:
(Code), KKR host code for the writing out kkrflex files
- param kkrimp:
(Code), KKR impurity code for the normal state impurity scf and BdG impurity DOS calculation
:param gf_writeout.params_kkr_overwrite (Dict), overwrite parameters for the GF calculation :param kkr_imp_sub.params_overwrite (Dict), overwrite parameters for the impurity calculation
:return workflow_info: (Dict), Information of workflow results like success, last result node, list with convergence behavior :return STM_dos_data: (XYData), Returns the plot of the lmDOS of the calculation :retrun STM_lmdos_data: (XYData), Returns the interpolated lmDOS of the calculation
- STM_lmdos_run()[source]
In this part of the worflow we want to simulate the lmdos which a STM is able to measure
- classmethod define(spec)[source]
Layout of the workflow, defines the input nodes and the outline of the workchain
- get_scanning_positions(host_remote)[source]
Extract scanning positions either from input ‘scan_positions’ or from ‘nx’, ‘ny’ + symmetry analysis
If ‘scan_positions’ is found in ‘tip_position’ input dict we use these positions which should be 2D array of integers with the positions in units of the structure’s in-plane Bravais matrix.
Otherwise we use the ‘nx’, ‘ny’ input to define a scanning region where an automated symmetry analysis is done to reduce the scanning area to the irreducible part.
- classmethod get_wf_defaults(silent=False)[source]
Print and return _wf_default dictionary.
Can be used to easily create set of wf_parameters. returns _wf_default, _options_default
Impurity embedding + calculation of YSR states in superconductors
- class aiida_kkr.workflows.imp_BdG.kkrimp_BdG_wc(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]
Workchain for one-shot BdG impurity DOS calculation from a converged normal state host calculation. 1) Normal state impurity potential scf 2) One-shot BdG DOS calcluation
Writing out of the BdG kkrflex DOS files
One-shot BdG impurity DOS
The intermediate steps (1 & 2a) can be skipped by providing the corresponding nodes as inputs to the workflow.
- inputs::
- param options:
(Dict), computer options
- param impurity_info:
(Dict), information about the impurity cluster
- param voronoi:
(Code), Voronoi code for creating the impurity starting potential
- param kkr:
(Code), KKR host code for the writing out kkrflex files
- param kkrimp:
(Code), KKR impurity code for the normal state impurity scf and BdG impurity DOS calculation
- param BdG_settings:
(Dict), set BdG parameters
- param imp_scf.startpot:
(SinglefileData), pre-converged impurity potential used to start the impurity scf calculation
- param imp_scf.converged_potential:
(SinglefileData), converged impurity potential, skips the impurity scf calculation if provided
- param imp_scf.wf_parameters:
(Dict), parameters for the kkr impurity scf
- param imp_scf.gf_writeout.params_kkr_overwrite:
(Dict), set some input parameters of the KKR calculation for the GF writeout step of impurity scf workchain
- param imp_scf.gf_writeout.options:
(Dict), computer settings
- param imp_scf.scf.params_overwrite:
(Dict), set some input parameters of the KKR impurity scf
- param imp_scf.options:
(Dict), computer settings
- param imp_scf.remote_data_host:
(RemoteData), parent folder of converged host normal state KkrCalculation
- param dos.wf_parameters:
(Dict), parameters for the DOS calculation
- param dos.gf_dos_remote:
(RemoteData), node of precomputed host GF for DOS energy contour
- param dos.gf_writeout.params_kkr_overwrite:
(Dict), set some input parameters of the KKR calculation for the GF writeout step of imßpurity dos workchain
- param dos.gf_writeout.host_remote:
(RemoteData), parent folder of kkrflex writeout step for DOS calculation
- param dos.gf_writeout.kkr:
(Code), KKR code for writing out of kkrflex files for impurity DOS calculation
- param dos.gf_writeout.options:
(Dict), computer settings
- param dos.options:
(Dict), computer settings
- returns::
- return workflow_info:
(Dict), Information on workflow results
- return output_parameters:
(Dict), output parameters of the workflow
- return dos_data:
(XyData), impurity DOS data output node
- return dos_data_interpol:
(XyData), interpolated DOS data output node
- return impurity_potential:
(SinglefileData), converged normal state impurity potential node
- return gf_host_BdG:
(RemoteData), kkrflex writeout step files of DOS calculation
- classmethod define(spec)[source]
Layout of the workflow, defines the input nodes and the outline of the workchain
- do_BdG_scf()[source]
run BdG scf step only if BdG impurity potential not provided and DOS calculation is not planned