Source code for aiida_kkr.workflows.jijs

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
This module contains the workflow that can be used to calculate the exchange coupling constants

import numpy as np
from aiida.engine import WorkChain, ToContext, calcfunction
from aiida.orm import Dict, RemoteData, StructureData, ArrayData, CalcJobNode, Code
from import get_calc_from_remote, find_parent_structure
from import parse_jij_calc, get_sites
from import test_and_get_codenode, get_parent_paranode, update_params_wf, get_inputs_kkr
from aiida_kkr.calculations.kkr import KkrCalculation
from import create_out_dict_node
from import get_alat_from_bravais
from import kkrparams
from masci_tools.util.constants import BOHR_A

__copyright__ = (u'Copyright (c), 2022, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, '
                 'IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany. All rights reserved.')
__license__ = 'MIT license, see LICENSE.txt file'
__version__ = '0.1.2'
__contributors__ = (u'Philipp Rüßmann')

[docs] class kkr_jij_wc(WorkChain): """ Workchain for calculation of exchange coupling constants Jij and Dij if parent calculation used the SOC solver. inputs:: :param wf_parameters: optional Dict node of workchain specifications, contains settings like Jij radius cutoff, selection of sites for i and j and numerical cutoffs. None values in the accuracy sub-dict means that values from parent calculation are coptied. :param remote_data: mandatory RemoteData node of parent (i.e. converged) KkrCalculation :param kkr: optional Code for KKRhost executable (if not given the same as in the parent calculation is used) :param options: optional Dict computer options like scheduler command or parallelization returns:: :return jij_data: ArrayData with the arrays 'Jij_expanded' (Table of all Jij and Dij pairs) and 'positions_expanded' (positions of all ij pairs) :return structure_jij_sites: StructureData """ _wf_version = __version__ _wf_default = { 'jijrad_ang': 5.0, # default cutoff radius 'jijsite_i': None, # use all sites by default 'jijsite_j': None, # use all sites by default 'accuracy': { # accuracy settings, typically set to larger values than in scf run 'NATOMIMPD': 500, 'NSHELD': 2000, 'TEMPR': None, 'RCLUSTZ': None, 'kmesh': None, }, } _options_default = { 'max_wallclock_seconds': 36000, 'resources': { 'num_machines': 1 }, 'withmpi': True, 'queue_name': '' }
[docs] @classmethod def get_wf_defaults(self, silent=False): """ Return the default values of the workflow parameters (wf_parameters input node) """ if not silent: print(f'Version of the kkr_jij_wc workflow: {self._wf_version}') return self._wf_default.copy()
[docs] @classmethod def define(cls, spec): """ Layout of the workflow, defines the input nodes and the outline of the workchain """ super(kkr_jij_wc, cls).define(spec) # here inputs are defined spec.input( 'wf_parameters', valid_type=Dict, required=False, default=lambda: Dict(dict=cls._wf_default), help='Parameters of the bandstructure workflow (see output of kkr_bs_wc.get_wf_default() for more details).' ) spec.input( 'options', valid_type=Dict, required=False, default=lambda: Dict(dict=cls._options_default), help= 'Computer options (walltime etc.) passed onto KkrCalculation, fall back to settings from parent calculation if not given' ) spec.input( 'remote_data', valid_type=RemoteData, required=True, help='Parent folder of previously converged KkrCalculation' ) spec.input('kkr', valid_type=Code, required=True, help='KKRhost code, needed to run the Jij KkrCalculation') spec.input( 'params_kkr_overwrite', valid_type=Dict, required=False, help='Overwrite some input parameters of the parent KKR calculation.' ) # Here outputs are defined spec.output('results_wf', valid_type=Dict, required=True) spec.output('jij_data', valid_type=ArrayData, required=True) spec.output('structure_jij_sites', valid_type=StructureData, required=True) # Here outlines are being specified spec.outline( # For initialiging workflow cls.start, cls.validate_input, cls.set_jij_params, cls.submit_Jij_calcs, cls.return_results ) # definition of exit code in case something goes wrong in this workflow spec.exit_code( 160, 'ERROR_KKRCODE_NOT_CORRECT', 'The code you provided for kkr does not use the plugin kkr.kkr' ) spec.exit_code(161, 'ERROR_INVALID_PARENT', 'Parent calculation is not valid') spec.exit_code(162, 'ERROR_CALC_FAILED', 'KKR Band Structure calculation failed') spec.exit_code(163, 'ERROR_PARSING_FAILED', 'Parsing of Jij calculations failed')
[docs] def start(self): """ set up context of the workflow """'INFO: started KKR Jij workflow version {self._wf_version}') if 'wf_parameters' in self.inputs: wf_dict = self.inputs.wf_parameters.get_dict() else: wf_dict = {} # add missing default valuesi for key, val in self._wf_default.items(): if ((key not in wf_dict.keys()) and (key.swapcase() not in wf_dict.keys()) and (val is not None)):'INFO: Using default wf parameter {key}: {val}') wf_dict[key] = val if 'options' in self.inputs: options_dict = self.inputs.options.get_dict() else: options_dict = self._options_default self.ctx.options = options_dict self.ctx.withmpi = options_dict.get('withmpi', self._options_default['withmpi']) self.ctx.resources = options_dict.get('resources', self._options_default['resources']) self.ctx.max_wallclock_seconds = options_dict.get( 'max_wallclock_seconds', self._options_default['max_wallclock_seconds'] ) self.ctx.queue = options_dict.get('queue_name', self._options_default['queue_name']) self.ctx.custom_scheduler_commands = options_dict.get('custom_scheduler_commands', '') self.ctx.wf_dict = wf_dict 'INFO: use the following parameter:\n' 'withmpi: {}\n' 'Resources: {}\n' 'Walltime (s): {}\n' 'queue name: {}\n' 'scheduler command: {}\n' 'Workflow parameters: {}\n'.format( self.ctx.withmpi, self.ctx.resources, self.ctx.max_wallclock_seconds, self.ctx.queue, self.ctx.custom_scheduler_commands, wf_dict ) )
[docs] def validate_input(self): """ validate inputs """ # save parent calculation input_remote = self.inputs.remote_data parents = input_remote.get_incoming(node_class=CalcJobNode).all() if len(parents) != 1: # check if parent is unique return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_PARENT # pylint: disable=no-member self.ctx.parent_calc = get_calc_from_remote(input_remote) # validate for kkrcode try: test_and_get_codenode(self.inputs.kkr, 'kkr.kkr', use_exceptions=True) except ValueError: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_KKRCODE_NOT_CORRECT # pylint: disable=no-member # get parent input parameter self.ctx.input_params_KKR = get_parent_paranode(self.inputs.remote_data)
[docs] def set_jij_params(self): """ set kkr parameters for the Jij calculation """ # input parameters from parent params = self.ctx.input_params_KKR # maybe overwrite some inputs if 'params_kkr_overwrite' in self.inputs:'found params_kkr_overwrite: {self.inputs.params_kkr_overwrite.get_dict()}') updatenode = self.inputs.params_kkr_overwrite updatenode.label = 'params overwrite' params = update_params_wf(params, updatenode) # set Jij parameters para_jij, runopts = self._get_para_jij(params) updatenode = Dict(para_jij.get_dict()) updatenode.label = 'Jij params' paranode_jij = update_params_wf(params, updatenode) self.ctx.jij_params = paranode_jij # find out if we have a calculation with or without SOC (then no DMI is calculated) self.ctx.noSOC = True if 'NEWSOSOL' in runopts or para_jij.get_value('<USE_CHEBYCHEV_SOLVER>'): self.ctx.noSOC = False
[docs] def submit_Jij_calcs(self): """ submit the KkrCalcultion with the Jij settings """ # get inputs for band structure calculation inputs = get_inputs_kkr( self.inputs.kkr, self.inputs.remote_data, self.ctx.options, label='Jij_calc', description='', parameters=self.ctx.jij_params, serial=(not self.ctx.withmpi) ) # noSOC, only m||z if self.ctx.noSOC: inputs.metadata.label = 'jij_calc_z' # pylint: disable=no-member jij_calc_z = self.submit(KkrCalculation, **inputs) self.ctx.jij_calc_z = jij_calc_z self.ctx.jij_calc_x = None self.ctx.jij_calc_y = None else: # create nonco angles for the three calculations nonco_angles = _make_nonco_angles(parent_remote=self.inputs.remote_data) init_angles_x, init_angles_y, init_angles_z = nonco_angles['init_angles_x'], nonco_angles[ 'init_angles_y'], nonco_angles['init_angles_z'] # submit m||z calculation inputs.initial_noco_angles = init_angles_z inputs.metadata.label = 'jij_calc_z' # pylint: disable=no-member jij_calc_z = self.submit(KkrCalculation, **inputs) self.ctx.jij_calc_z = jij_calc_z # submit m||x calculation inputs.initial_noco_angles = init_angles_x inputs.metadata.label = 'jij_calc_x' # pylint: disable=no-member jij_calc_x = self.submit(KkrCalculation, **inputs) self.ctx.jij_calc_x = jij_calc_x # submit m||y calculation inputs.initial_noco_angles = init_angles_y inputs.metadata.label = 'jij_calc_y' # pylint: disable=no-member jij_calc_y = self.submit(KkrCalculation, **inputs) self.ctx.jij_calc_y = jij_calc_y # add to context (needed to tell aiida to wait for processes to finish) futures = {'jij_calc_z': self.ctx.jij_calc_z} if self.ctx.jij_calc_x is not None: futures['jij_calc_x'] = self.ctx.jij_calc_x if self.ctx.jij_calc_y is not None: futures['jij_calc_y'] = self.ctx.jij_calc_y return ToContext(**futures)
[docs] def return_results(self): """ Collect results, parse Jij output and link output nodes to workflow node """ # check if calculations finished ok success = True if self.ctx.jij_calc_z is not None and not self.ctx.jij_calc_z.is_finished_ok: success = False if self.ctx.jij_calc_x is not None and not self.ctx.jij_calc_x.is_finished_ok: success = False if self.ctx.jij_calc_y is not None and not self.ctx.jij_calc_y.is_finished_ok: success = False if not success: self.ctx.successful = False error = f'ERROR Jij calculation failed somehow it is in state {self.ctx.jij_calc_z.process_state}' if self.ctx.jij_calc_x is not None: error += f'; {self.ctx.jij_calc_x.process_state} (x)' if self.ctx.jij_calc_y is not None: error += f'; {self.ctx.jij_calc_y.process_state} (y)' return self.exit_codes.ERROR_CALC_FAILED # pylint: disable=no-member # now parse calculation output try: jij_data, structure_jij_sites = parse_jij_calc( self.ctx.jij_calc_z, jij_calc_x=self.ctx.jij_calc_x, jij_calc_y=self.ctx.jij_calc_y, verbose=False ) except Exception as err:'Caught error when trying to parse Jij output:{err}') return self.exit_codes.ERROR_PARSING_FAILED # pylint: disable=no-member # collect output nodes outdict = {'jij_data': jij_data, 'structure_jij_sites': structure_jij_sites} # create dict to store results of workflow output outputnode_dict = {} outputnode_dict['workflow_name'] = self.__class__.__name__ outputnode_dict['workflow_version'] = self._wf_version outputnode_dict['successful'] = success # create output node with data-provenance outputnode = Dict(outputnode_dict) # link to the output nodes link_nodes = outdict.copy() outdict['results_wf'] = create_out_dict_node(outputnode, **link_nodes) # create links to output nodes for link_name, node in outdict.items(): self.out(link_name, node)'INFO: done with Jij workflow!')
# Helper functions
[docs] def _get_para_jij(self, params): """ Set the Jij parameters from the input. Returns a kkrparams instance with the set values """ # get input parameters input_dict = params.get_dict() para_jij = kkrparams(**input_dict) # set Jij parameters # add 'XCPL' runopt to list of runopts (activates Jij calculation) runopts = input_dict.get('RUNOPT') if runopts is None: runopts = [] runopts.append('XCPL ') para_jij.set_value('RUNOPT', runopts) para_jij.set_value('NSTEPS', 1) # one-shot run # accuracy settings tempr = self.ctx.wf_dict.get('accuracy', {}).get('TEMPR') if tempr is not None: para_jij.set_value('TEMPR', tempr) # slightly reduce temperature rclustz = self.ctx.wf_dict.get('accuracy', {}).get('RCLUSTZ') if rclustz is not None: para_jij.set_value('RCLUSTZ', rclustz) # increase cluster radius kmesh = self.ctx.wf_dict.get('accuracy', {}).get('kmesh') if kmesh is not None: para_jij.set_value('BZDIVIDE', kmesh) # increase k-points para_jij.set_value('KPOIBZ', np.product(kmesh)) # array dimension # array dimensions NATOMIMPD = self.ctx.wf_dict.get('accuracy', {}).get('NATOMIMPD') if NATOMIMPD is not None: para_jij.set_value('NATOMIMPD', NATOMIMPD) # array dimension NSHELD = self.ctx.wf_dict.get('accuracy', {}).get('NSHELD') if NSHELD is not None: para_jij.set_value('NSHELD', NSHELD) # array dimension # Jij settings jijrad = self._get_jijrad() if jijrad is not None: para_jij.set_value('JIJRAD', jijrad) # radius in lattice constants up to which the Jijs are calculated # set optional Jij parameters # i and j index for Jij calculation in internal units # uses site index (i.e. needs to be <=10) JIJSITEI = self.ctx.wf_dict.get('jijsite_i') JIJSITEJ = self.ctx.wf_dict.get('jijsite_j') if JIJSITEI is not None: if JIJSITEJ is None: JIJSITEJ = JIJSITEI para_jij.set_value('JIJSITEI', [len(JIJSITEI)] + [i + 1 for i in JIJSITEI]) if JIJSITEJ is not None: para_jij.set_value('JIJSITEJ', [len(JIJSITEJ)] + [i + 1 for i in JIJSITEJ]) return para_jij, runopts
[docs] def _get_jijrad(self): """ get Jij radius convert from Ang to internal alat units """ # Jij radius in Ang. jijrad_ang = self.ctx.wf_dict.get('jijrad_ang') # find structure from calculation struc, _ = find_parent_structure(self.ctx.parent_calc) self.ctx.structure = struc # get alat from structure alat_ang = get_alat_from_bravais(np.array(struc.cell), struc.pbc[2]) # maybe use value provided in input instead para = {k.lower(): v for k, v in self.ctx.parent_calc.inputs.parameters.get_dict().items() if v is not None} if para.get('use_alat_input', False) or para.get('use_input_alat', False): alat_ang = para.get('alatbasis') * BOHR_A # now have Jij radius in alat units jijrad = jijrad_ang / alat_ang return jijrad
[docs] @calcfunction def _make_nonco_angles(parent_remote): """ Create nonco angles for the 3 directions (x y, z) """ # find structure to count number of sites structure = find_parent_structure(parent_remote)[0] Nsites = len(get_sites(structure)) # create nonco angles for m||z init_angles_z = Dict({ 'fix_dir': [True for i in range(Nsites)], 'theta': [0.0 for i in range(Nsites)], 'phi': [0.0 for i in range(Nsites)], }) # create nonco angles for m||x init_angles_x = Dict({ 'fix_dir': [True for i in range(Nsites)], 'theta': [90.0 for i in range(Nsites)], 'phi': [0.0 for i in range(Nsites)], }) # create nonco angles for m||y init_angles_y = Dict({ 'fix_dir': [True for i in range(Nsites)], 'theta': [90.0 for i in range(Nsites)], 'phi': [90.0 for i in range(Nsites)], }) return {'init_angles_x': init_angles_x, 'init_angles_y': init_angles_y, 'init_angles_z': init_angles_z}